Document Audience:INTERNAL
Document ID:A0178-1
Title:Audio Noise from Sunblade 100 system speakers.
Copyright Notice:Copyright © 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Update Date:Mon Aug 27 00:00:00 MDT 2001

- Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only -
                               FIELD CHANGE ORDER
                  (For Authorized Distribution by SunService)

FCO #: A0178-1
Status: inactive
Synopsis: Audio Noise from Sunblade 100 system speakers.
Date: Aug/27/2001

Audio noise from SunBlade 100 system speakers

SunAlert: N
Top FIN/FCO Report: No
Products Reference: Sunblade 100
Product Category: DeskTop / System Board
Product Affected: 
Mkt_ID  Platform  Model  Description   Serial Number
------  --------  -----  -----------   -------------
Systems Affected:
------- --------
  -       A36       -    SunBlade 100  xT109xxxxx - xT122xxxxx

X-Options Affected
--------- -------
Parts Affected: 
Part Number            Description                     Model
-----------            -----------                     -----
375-0096-05(Or Less)   System Board 0MB w/o UltraSPA     -

(SCSI Devices)
Type    Vendor    Model     SerialNumber(Min)    SerialNumber(Max)    Firmware
----    ------    -------   ------------------   ------------------   --------
BugID: 4450970                        
  ESC: 530299                         
  ECO: WO_21029                        
  LEAP: 1525                            
  LEAP: 1523                           
  ECO: WO_21023
Issue Description: 
Sun Blade 100 systems can produce a quiet, but noticeable noise from
the internal speaker.  The pitch or volume of this noise will change
depending on what is displayed.  There is no operational impact to the

The Sun Blade 100 ships in 8 bit mode, but if the customer uses
m64config to switch to 24 bit mode, they will experience this problem
depending on what application is displayed.  There are no error
messages.  The problem is more commonly seen when a Netscape screen is
opened with a white background.  This may also happen with any other
application displayed in a full screen.

A limited number of Sun Blade 100 systems shipped between February
26th, 2001 and April 19th, 2001 are affected.  These systems will have
serial numbers between xT109xxxxx and xT122xxxxx.

The root cause determined was that the Motherboard used in Sun Blade
100 systems did not have adequate audio ground and was not properly
isolated from SGRAM switching noise.  The audio noise is caused by
graphics SGRAM activity dumping current and influencing the audio
analog ground.

Corrective action was implemented at the vendor by adding Ferrite Beads
to the system board as documented in ECO# WO_20840.  Corrective action
was put in place in Manufacturing by releasing the 375-0096-07 and
375-3061-01 via ECO WO_21029 on June 6, 2001.  Corrective action was
put in place in Enterprise Services via LEAP# 1523 on June 4, 2001 and
LEAP# 1525 on June 6, 2001.
|   |   MANDATORY (Fully Pro-Active)

|   |   CONTROLLED PRO-ACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan)

Replacement Time Estimate: 
0.5 hours
Special Considerations: 
Corrective Action: 
Upon Failure replace 375-0096-05 (or below) with 375-0096-07 (or above)
or 375-3061-01 (or above.

 Identification of Suspect Part

 1. Locate the System serial number.  If it is between xT109xxxxx and 
    xT122xxxxx the system may be affected, go to step 2.  If the System 
    serial number is outside of this range the system is not affected.

 2. Locate the System Board part number.  If it is 375-0096-05 (or below) 
    the system is affected and the board should be replaced upon failure.

For detailed System Board replacement procedures please refer to
SUN System Handbook (806-3416).  Access at the following URL;

For Instructions on Removing the System Board;

For Instructions on Replacing the System Board;
Billing Type: 
Warranty: Sun will provide parts at no charge under Warranty
           Service. On-Site Labor Rates are based on how the
           system was initially installed.

 Contract: Sun will provide parts at no charge. On-Site Labor Rates
           are based on the type of service contract.

 Non Contract: Sun will provide parts at no charge. Installation by
               Sun is available based on the On-Site Labor Rates
               defined in the Price List.

Implementation Footnote: 

i)   In case of Mandatory FCOs, Enterprise Services will attempt to contact
      all known customers to recommend the part upgrade.

ii)  For controlled proactive swap FCOs, Enterprise Services mission critical
     support teams will initiate proactive swap efforts for their respective
     accounts, as required.

iii) For Replace upon Failure FCOs, Enterprise Services partners will implement

     the necessary corrective actions as and when they are required.


All released FINs and FCOs can be accessed using your favorite network
browser as follows:

SunWeb Access:

* Access the top level URL of http://sdpsweb.EBay/FIN_FCO/

* From there, select the appropriate link to query or browse the FIN and
  FCO Homepage collections.

SunSolve Online Access:

* Access the SunSolve Online URL at http://sunsolve.Central/

* From there, select the appropriate link to browse the FIN or FCO index.

Supporting Documents:

Supporting documents for FIN/FCOs can be found on Edist.  Edist can be
accessed internally at the following URL: http://edist.Central/.

* From there, follow the hyperlink path of "SunService Documentation" and
  click on "FIN & FCO attachments", then choose the appropriate folder,
  FIN or FCO.  This will display supporting directories/files for FINs or

Internet Access:

* Access the top level URL of https://infoserver.Sun.COM


Send questions or comments to finfco-manager@sdpsweb.EBay
