Document Audience:INTERNAL
Document ID:A0205-1
Title:Idle Sun Blade 100 systems may experience unscheduled reboots.
Copyright Notice:Copyright © 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Update Date:Mon Dec 23 00:00:00 MST 2002

             - Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only -

                             FIELD CHANGE ORDER
            (For Authorized Distribution by Enterprise Services)
FCO #: A0205-1
Status: inactive
Synopsis: Idle Sun Blade 100 systems may experience unscheduled reboots.
Date: Dec/23/2002
SunAlert: Yes
Top FIN/FCO Report: No
Products Reference: Sun Blade 100
Product Category: DeskTop / System Component
Product Affected: 
Systems Affected:

Mkt_ID   Platform   Model   Description      Serial Number
------   --------   -----   -----------      -------------
  -        A36       ALL    Sun Blade 100          -

X-Options  Affected:

Mkt_ID   Platform       Model    Description        Serial Number
------   --------       -----    -----------        -------------
X6993A   Sun Blade 100    -      512MB SDRAM Xoption      -
Parts Affected: 
Part Number     Description                   Model
-----------     -----------		      -----     
370-4151-01     512MB SDRAM DIMM PC133          -
BugID: 4709661
  ESC: 539545
  ESC: 539566
  DPCO: 332
  SunAlert: 47042
  URL: http://sdpsweb.central/FIN_FCO/FCO/FCO_A0205-1_Dir/C-die_dimm-4.jpg
Issue Description: 
Idle Sun Blade 100 systems may experience unscheduled reboots with
Power Management enabled.  Sun Blade 100 systems are shipped with
Power Management enabled as the default setting.  System will report
an uncorrectable memory error, experience a system panic, then
automatically reboot.  The time to failure while idle is unknown.

Affected systems will have Samsung 512MB "c-die" DIMMs installed.
Reference Sun Alert 47042 for more detail on error messages which
will be logged into "var/log/syslog" file.

Sun Blade 100 systems running Solaris 8 and 9 are impacted.  Systems
running Solaris 7 or below are not affected.

The affected DIMMs can be identified by visual inspection only.  The
suspect Samsung 512MB DIMMs will have a white Samsung label with the
identifier "M374S6453CTS-C7A", and the number "K4S560832C-TC75" will
be stamped across each chip.  The first "C", immediately before the
dash, identifies the DIMM as affected.  For instance, the below number
stamped across each chip is an example of a c-die DIMM and is affected;

   Identifies this as a "c-die" DIMM.

Reference the Corrective Action section of this FCO for pictures
of a "c-die" versus a "b-die" DIMM.

Potential of experiencing this failure is considered low, as only
1600 of these "c-die" DIMMs shipped in systems or xoptions between
February and August of 2002, which affects less than 4% of the
Sun Blade 100 systems shipped during that period.

Root cause determined that while this reboot issue only occurs when
the affected SDRAM is in self-refresh.  This problem have been isolated
to the Samsung 512MB c-die SDRAM with date code 0218.

Corrective action was made available in manufacturing by purging all
affected DIMMs as of August 30, 2002.  Corrective action was made
available in Sun Services via DPCO# 332 on September 11, 2002 which
allowed for the purge and return of all Samsung c-die DIMMs.
Parts Affected: 
End of Service Life (EOSL)
|   |   MANDATORY (Fully Pro-Active)

|   |   CONTROLLED PRO-ACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan)

Replacement Time Estimate: 
0.5 hours
Special Considerations: 
The workaround listed in the Corrective Action section should be
attempted before replacing any hardware.
Corrective Action: 
Upon failure follow the below procedures.

I. Before replacing any hardware, the first step to resolve this issue
   should be to disable Power Management as follows;

  A. For CDE:

   1. right click on the work space to bring up the "Workspace Menu"
   2. choose "Applications/Application Manager/Desktop Control/Power Management"
   3. select "Disabled"

  B. For OpenWindows:

   1. right click on the work space to bring up the menu
   2. choose "Power Management"
   3. select "Disabled"

II. If the system contains Samsung 512MB M37S6453CTS-C7A ("C"-die) DIMMs
    and disabling power management is unacceptable to the customer, replace
    all 370-4151-01 c-die DIMMs with 370-4151-01 (or above).  These DIMMs
    are to be returned as a repairable part...DO NOT SCRAP!

    It is estimated that an average of two affected DIMMs will be in
    a system experiencing this issue.

Identification of Suspect Part
Reference the below picture to help identify suspect DIMMs.


In contrast, the below picture shows an example of an unaffected
Samsung 512MB DIMM;

Billing Type: 
Warranty: Sun will provide parts at no charge under Warranty
           Service. On-Site Labor Rates are based on how the
           system was initially installed.

 Contract: Sun will provide parts at no charge. On-Site Labor Rates
           are based on the type of service contract.

 Non Contract: Sun will provide parts at no charge. Installation by
               Sun is available based on the On-Site Labor Rates
               defined in the Price List.

Implementation Footnote: 

i)   In case of Mandatory FCOs, Sun Services will attempt to contact
      all known customers to recommend the part upgrade.

ii)  For controlled proactive swap FCOs, Sun Services mission critical
     support teams will initiate proactive swap efforts for their respective
     accounts, as required.

iii) For Replace upon Failure FCOs, Sun Services partners will implement
     the necessary corrective actions as and when they are required.


All released FINs and FCOs can be accessed using your favorite network
browser as follows:

SunWeb Access:

* Access the top level URL of http://sdpsweb.Central/FIN_FCO/

* From there, select the appropriate link to query or browse the FIN and
  FCO Homepage collections.

SunSolve Online Access:

* Access the SunSolve Online URL at http://sunsolve.Central/

* From there, select the appropriate link to browse the FIN or FCO index.

Internet Access:

* Access the top level URL of


Send questions or comments to finfco-manager@Sun.COM
