Document Audience:INTERNAL
Document ID:A0206-4
Title:A weak fuse in the Serengeti 3800/48x0/6800 standby RTS blows when the load from the primary RTS is switched over.
Copyright Notice:Copyright © 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Update Date:Wed Feb 25 00:00:00 MST 2004

             - Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only -

                             FIELD CHANGE ORDER
            (For Authorized Distribution by Enterprise Services)
FCO #: A0206-4
Status: inactive
Synopsis: A weak fuse in the Serengeti 3800/48x0/6800 standby RTS blows when the load from the primary RTS is switched over.
Date: Feb/25/2004
SunAlert: No
Top FIN/FCO Report: Yes
Products Reference: Serengeti 3800/4800/4810/6800
Product Category: Server / Power
Product Affected: 
Systems Affected:
Mkt_ID    Platform     Model   Description       Serial Number
------    --------     -----   -----------       -------------
-         S8             -     Sun Fire 3800           -
-         S12            -     Sun Fire 4800           -
-         S12i           -     Sun Fire 4810           -
-         S24            -     Sun Fire 6800           -
-         SF-CAB         -     Sun Fire Cabinet        -
-         SF-XCAB        -     Sun Fire Cabinet        -

X-Options Affected:
Mkt_ID    Platform     Model   Description        Serial Number 
------    --------     -----   -----------        -------------
  -           -          -          -			-
Parts Affected: 
Part Number             Description		      Model
-----------             -----------		      -----                                   
300-1396-05(Or Less)    AC Redundant Transfer Switch    -
LEAP: 2151 
  BugID: 4533232
  BugID: 4741828
  ECO: WO_23761
  Manual: 805-7363-12  Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 Systems Service Manual
  Manual: 806-4716-11  Sun Fire Cabinet Redundant Transfer Switch (RTS) Installation Guide
  ESC:    539516     
  URL:    http://alert.west/smi_detail.cgi?M:736324
Issue Description: 
Change History 

Date Modified: Feb/25/04
. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Changed verbage from the RTS date code would be
  changed during rework to the RTS date code would remain the same and
  the part number dash level would be rolled to -06.


Date Modified: Aug/26/03
. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: added hot swap risk statement
. CORRECTIVE ACTION: added hot swap risk statement


Date Modified: Jun/10/03
. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Changed all references to affected RTS serial number range
  to include the addition of the affected date code of 0135 and below.
. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Changed all references to affected RTS serial number range
  to include the addition of the affected date code of 0135 and below.


 Date Modified: May/02/03
 . SYNOPSIS: Removed "ON HOLD!" from the beginning of the Synopsis.
 . Systems Affected: Added SF-CAB and SF-XCAB
 . PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Removed explaination of why this FCO was placed On Hold
   and added explaination why it was taken off hold.
   Changed affected end ship date from Sep/17/01 to Aug/31/02.  Added third
   Customer List for Sun Fire cabinets.
   Added section on how to determine if system/cabinet is affected.
   to April 30, 2004
 . SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: Added special ordering and prioritization instructions
 			   for the Americas

! NOTE: This FCO is officially taken off HOLD as the reasons for placing it
	on hold have been resolved, ie;
	1. The affected shipment end date has been confirmed, and changed from
	   September 17, 2001 to August 31, 2002.
	2. Previous Customer Lists were confirmed to be complete with the 
	   exception of missing 47 affected RTS units shipped in Sun Fire
	   Cabinets.  A third customer list has been added to show these
	   additional affected shipments.

Sun Fire 3800/4800/4810/6800 systems will not fail over.  An extended outage
may occur on Serengeti systems due to a weak fuse in the standby Redundant
Transfer Switch (RTS) that blows when the AC load from the primary RTS is
switched over.

In some cases the standby RTS is functionally dead, but the Green LED
remains "on" as a result of power supplied by the primary (live) RTS.

Many Serengeti systems shipped on or before August 31, 2002 may be affected.
Three customer lists, and a Customer Letter are provided below to aid in the
location and communication of this issue to affected customers.  These lists
only show systems and cabinet that contain affected RTS units as shipped
from Sun Manufacturing.

List of Affected Systems for month of March 2001(per manufacturing/shipping data);


List of Affected Systems for all other months (per manufacturing/shipping data);


List of Affected Sun Fire Cabinets (SF-CAB and SF-XCAB);


Customer Letter (Legal Approved) template;


Note: If you are unable to view these files, click on the URL, then save to
      your local disk using your Netscape 'file' button and select 'save as',
      then open file locally using StarOffice.

Root cause determined that the 1 amp fuse (F3) in the Redundant
Transfer Switch was of poor quality and would blow during the power
transfer step from power grid 1 to power grid 2 (common mode).  This
fuse is soldered onto the RTS module PCB, and is not replaceable in the

Corrective action was made available in Manufacturing by phasing in a 2
amp fuse in the 300-1396-05 as of September 18, 2001.  Therefore some
-05 RTS units have a 1 amp fuse and some have a 2 amp fuse.  RTS units
with a serial number of 20557 (or above) or with a date code of 0136
(or later) will have the good (2 amp) fuse.  An example of a good RTS
serial number is 000025-0135A20559.

This corrective action was officially made available via ECO# WO_23761
on October 15, 2002 by dash rolling part number 300-1396-05 to -06.
Corrective action was made available in Sun Services via LEAP 2151 on
January 8, 2003.

o To determine if a system or cabinet is affected:

There are no software commands for determining whether a system has
an affected RTS or not.

1. First refer to the above Customer Lists which contain affected system
   and cabinet serial numbers as well as affected RTS serial numbers.
2. Remove the RTS units one at a time and check part number and
   serial number.
   . If the part number is 300-1396-04 it is affected and should be replaced.
   . If the part number is 300-1396-05 it may be affected and the date code
     and serial number must be checked.  If RTS date code is 0135 or earlier
     AND the serial number is 20556 or below, the RTS is affected and should
     be replaced.  If the RTS serial number is 20557 or above it is good, and
     no replacement is necessary.
   . If the part number is 300-1396-06 or above it is not affected and
     no replacement is necessary.

How to read an RTS date code / serial number:

        \\ \\\\\\\\\\_  5 digit unique Serial Number
         \\ \\\\\______  A = Assembly Code
          \\ \\\\_______  4 digit date code yyww
           \\		 (0135 = week 35 of 2001)
            \\___________ 25 = Vendor Code

The above example is affected and should be replaced.

When the RTS is repaired, the date code and the serial number (last 5 digits)
will remain the same but the part number dash level will be rolled to -06.

Note: There is no correlation between date code and the actual
      shipment timeframe of a system.  Therefore an RTS could have
      a date code of 0132, but could have shipped in the year 2002.

The following pictures should aid in the visual inspection of RTS modules:

System Serial Number Label (close up):


System Serial Number Label (location within system):


RTS module removed from system:


RTS part number label (shows a suspect -04 unit):

Parts Affected: 
April 30, 2004
| X |   MANDATORY (Fully Pro-Active)

|   |   CONTROLLED PRO-ACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan)

Replacement Time Estimate: 
1.5 hours
Special Considerations: 
IMPORTANT: In the Americas, field personnel MUST contact their Area TPM to
           schedule and prioritize parts ordering relative to the implementation
           of this FCO.

The RTS can be hot-swapped, with no down time for customers having dual
RTS modules (or a loaner RTS) and available power.  There is a small risk
of an outage that a hot swap will fail, resulting in a system outage.
This is described further in the replacement instructions listed in the
Corrective Action section below.

The following is a replacement time estimate for systems having only
one RTS module, where no loaner RTS is available;

  10 min shutdown operating system(s)
  15 min replace RTS module
  40 min powerup and setkey on all domains (in parallel)
  15 min boot up operating system(s)
  80 minutes total
Corrective Action: 
Proactively replace all 300-1396-04 units, or any 300-1396-05 with
date code of 0135 or earlier AND serial number earlier than 20557, with
300-1396-06 (or above) in all affected systems and cabinets.

The dash level of the RTS can only be checked visually by removing
the RTS module from the system and viewing the part number label
on the side that plugs into the Redundant Transfer Unit (Ref:
MVC-005F.JPG picture link above).

The following is provided as an aid in replacing the RTS module:

 The RTS modules are most readily replaced with the system powered down,
 as described in 806-4716-11 RTS Installation Manual.

 It is possible to replace RTS modules while the system is running,
 at the risk of a system outage should one of the replacement modules
 fail upon installation.  Additionally, if RTS modules are being
 replaced in an RTU enclosure containing two RTS modules, it is possible
 that the primary RTS module will have the blown fuse that this FCO
 addresses, and that this active module will fail when the secondary
 RTS module is switched off. For RTU enclosures with two RTS modules,
 it is safer to replace the RTS modules during system down time.

 If there is only one RTS module in a Redundant Transfer Unit (RTU)
 enclosure, it is possible to install a loaner RTS module into the empty
 slot, power it up with the switch on the front of the RTS module and
 wait for the leftmost green lamp to come on.  Next, turn off the switch
 on the primary RTS module, which (with a loud snap) will then failover
 to the loaner RTS, which has become the primary module.  The primary RTS
 module is identified by two green LEDs.  The secondary RTS module has
 just the leftmost green LED lit.

 Care must be taken to ensure that any devices plugged into the unswitched
 outlets associated with a particular RTS (J11 for the left side RTS unit,
 J12 for the right side unit) have an additional power source.  The J11
 and J12 outlets are typically used to provide power to the rack fan trays.
 The rack fan trays provide power to the frame manager, which will continue
 to run so long as one of the rack fan trays is on.

 When RTU power has transferred over to the loaner RTS, the remaining RTS
 can be replaced.  When the new RTS is powered on and its leftmost LED
 is lit, the loaner RTS can be powered off and removed.

 The RTS modules are designed to favor the leftmost RTS.  When both RTS
 modules are powered on and healthy, the leftmost module will eventually
 become the primary module (the one with two green LEDs lit), with the
 rightmost RTS module supplying power to only the J12 unswitched outlet
 on the RTU.

 If both RTS modules are present, the secondary module may be switched off
 and replaced, and then the other one, as above.
Returned parts should be tagged as "FCO A0206-1" to aid in the rework process.
Billing Type: 
Warranty: Sun will provide parts at no charge under Warranty
           Service. On-Site Labor Rates are based on how the
           system was initially installed.

 Contract: Sun will provide parts at no charge. On-Site Labor Rates
           are based on the type of service contract.

 Non Contract: Sun will provide parts at no charge. Installation by
               Sun is available based on the On-Site Labor Rates
               defined in the Price List.

Implementation Footnote: 

i)   In case of Mandatory FCOs, Sun Services will attempt to contact
      all known customers to recommend the part upgrade.

ii)  For controlled proactive swap FCOs, Sun Services mission critical
     support teams will initiate proactive swap efforts for their respective
     accounts, as required.

iii) For Replace upon Failure FCOs, Sun Services partners will implement
     the necessary corrective actions as and when they are required.


All released FINs and FCOs can be accessed using your favorite network
browser as follows:

SunWeb Access:

* Access the top level URL of http://sdpsweb.Central/FIN_FCO/index.html

* From there, select the appropriate link to query or browse the FIN and
  FCO Homepage collections.

SunSolve Online Access:

* Access the SunSolve Online URL at http://sunsolve.Central/

* From there, select the appropriate link to browse the FIN or FCO index.

Internet Access:

* Access the top level URL of


Send questions or comments to finfco-manager@Sun.COM
