Document Audience:INTERNAL
Document ID:A0251-2
Title:Sun Blade 1500 (Red) workstation's power supply units (PSU) might experience a thermal event if the PSU fails.
Copyright Notice:Copyright © 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Update Date:Fri Sep 30 00:00:00 MDT 2005


- Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only -
                     FIELD CHANGE ORDER 
      (For Authorized Distribution by Enterprise Services)
FCO #: A0251-2
Status: active
Synopsis: Sun Blade 1500 (Red) workstation's power supply units (PSU) might experience a thermal event if the PSU fails.
Date: Sep/30/2005
SunAlert: 101592 (formerly 57672)
Top FIN/FCO Report: Yes
Products Reference: Sun Blade 1500 (Red)
Product Category: Server/Power
Product Affected: 
Systems Affected: 
Mkt_ID   Platform 
------   --------     
 A43	 Sun Blade 1500 Workstation (Red)
X-Options Affected: 
Mkt_ID      Platform    Model    Description       
------      --------    -----    -----------	
Parts Affected: 
Part Number	           Description 
-----------	           -----------	
300-1583-01 	           PWR SUPPLY 360W A43 	
300-1583-02	           PWR SUPPLY 360W A43
FIN:       I1118-1
   Sun Alert: 57672
   ESC:       1-2999026	
   BugID:     6186802
   ECO:       WO_31046	
   GSAP:      3095.C
   Manual: 816-7564-11	Sun Blade 1500 Service Manual
   URL: http://sro/prcp/gsaps/3095.C
Issue Description: 
In the event of a PSU failure, some power supply units (PSUs) in the "Red"
Sun Blade 1500 workstations might experience overheating, which can result
in system shutdowns.  "Red" refers to the front bezel color.  The "Silver"
Sun Blade 1500 workstation is not affected.
The symptoms for this issue are overheating, a "thermal event", system shutdown,
a burning smell, or, in some cases, smoke.
This issue can occur on the following platform:  
     Sun Blade 1500 Workstation (Red) 
To assist the field in a communication of this issue to customers, a Customer
Letter is provided via the below "Internal Only" URL; 
Root Cause 
There are two possible failure modes which can result in a thermal event.
The first failure mode is due to quality issues surrounding the manufacture
of the inductors.  The second failure mode is due to core loss thermal aging.
Typically power supplies in maximum configurations with lower line currents
(e.g running at 110V) are most at risk in the second failure mode.
Corrective action was made available by Sun manufacturing via ECO# WO_31046
as of May 26, 2005.
Parts Affected: 
January 31, 2007
| X |   MANDATORY (Fully Pro-Active) 
|   |   CONTROLLED PRO-ACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan) 
Replacement Time Estimate: 
.25 hours
Special Considerations: 
Corrective Action: 
Proactively perform the following.  Please prioritize based on the 
"Prioritization for Remediation" section below.
   - replace part 300-1583-01 and 300-1583-02 with part 300-1666-01 (or above) 
All Sun Blade 1500 (Red) workstations manufactured prior to 26-May-2005 are
This means that any Sun Blade 1500 (Red) workstation with a system serial
number (SN) of xT52170000 or lower is affected. 
To decode the affected serial number: 
The first two characters, "xT", will be ST or MT or UT.
The third character "5" is for the year 2005.
The forth and fifth characters "21" represent the week in the year.
So any SN with the 3rd, 4th and 5th characters of "521" and lower is affected.
	S, M, U : SEC GCC Location (S: Suwon, M: Samex, U: Telford) 
	T       : Taco product (not Taco+ which is a "U") 
	y       : Last digit of the year 
	ww      : week number 
	d       : day of the week (Monday:1 ~ Sunday: 7) 
	xxxx    : Serial Number assigned to the system 
To proactively find affected customers, use the two customer lists provided
For systems with part 300-1583-01: 
For systems with part 300-1583-02: 
The same customer list for part 300-1583-02 above has been improved and 
is organized by GEO, added on October 10, 2005: 
A third customer list, added April of 2006, with additional impacted systems: 
NOTE: There may be other affected systems that are not on the above customer
lists.  Please make sure to remediate these systems also per the above date
code criteria.
IMPORTANT: If a replacement PSU appears to be Dead-On-Arrival (DOA), please
           review FIN I1118-1 for relevance BEFORE trying a different PSU. 
Prioritization for Remediation 
Priority 1:  Sun Blade 1500 (Red) workstations that are in the original
FCO A0251-1 date code range (Nov 28, 2003, to Dec 8, 2003) that have not
yet been remediated using replacement PSU PN 300-1666-01.
Priority 2:  Sun Blade 1500 (Red) workstations that are in critical environments 
(for example, hospital life-support, transportation, and so on) and customers 
who have had multiple thermal events.
Priority 3:  Sun Blade 1500 (Red) workstations that run on 110V.
Priority 4:  Sun Blade 1500 (Red) workstations that run on 220V.
Remediation Suggestions 
   - Contact customers with affected systems to 
     explain the FCO, and schedule the service call(s):
   - Use the customer letter included in the FCO.
   - Explain that the workstation will have to be powered down and
     opened up for parts replacement.
   - As needed, schedule a service call for verification.
   - Set the customer's expectation that receipt of the replacement
     part might take several weeks as Sun works to position
     inventory worldwide.
A customer letter is available at: 
Return Procedures (modified on Nov/28/2005) 
Engineering no longer needs to review all replaced PSUs. 
Both PSU part numbers have now been reverted back from repairable to
GSAP# 3095 is available at: 
Please reference the following URL for additional details: 
Additional Notes 
Sun Blade 1500 "Silver" workstations already use part 300-1666-01.
Even though the PSU is a customer-replaceable unit (CRU), due to the nature
of this issue, FCO A0251-2 makes provisions for a Sun support specialist to
perform the PSU assessment and replacement regardless of contract and/or
warranty status.
Complete instructions for specific components mentioned can be found in the
Sun Blade 1500 Service, Diagnostics, and Troubleshooting Manual, part number
816-7564-11, available online at:
Questions can be emailed to "".
Additional information including a slide presentation field briefing 
is available at: 
NOTE: the above have not been updated as of Sep 30, 2005.  New updated
version will be forthcoming.
A general FAQ regarding thermal events is available at: 
    Change FCO revision to A0251-2 and re-release
    Updated AFFECTED PARTS with new part
    Updated ISSUE DESCRIPTION with expanded date code range,
    new Customer List and new root cause.  
    Updated SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS for EMEA and "Return
    Updated CORRECTIVE ACTIONS decoding information
    Updated CORRECTIVE ACTIONS with *significant* changes
    Updated the "Return Procedures" in Corrective Actions
     Added third Improved Customer List to Corrective Acions
     Return process removed from the CORRECTIVE ACTION section as both
     PSU part numbers are again consummable.
     Moved Change History from the ISSUE DESCRIPTION section to below
     the COMMENTS section.
     Added a sentence in the ISSUE DESCRIPTION section what "Red" meant,
     and that the "Silver" version of this product is not affected.
     Clarified assessment and replacement statement under the
     Additional Notes section.
     Added FIN I1118-1 in REFERENCES and CORRECTIVE ACTION sections
     to address any apparent DOA replacement PSUs.
     Changed GSAP number in REFERENCES section from 3095 to 3095.C which
     changed the part from repairable to consummable.  Also added a link
     to the updated GSAP in this same section.
     to January 31, 2007 as additional affected systems have been found.
     Added third customer list showing the additional impacted systems.
     Added "(or above)" immediately after the replacement part number
     300-1666-01 in the CORRECTIVE ACTION section.

NOTE: FCO Tracking Instructions for Radiance/SPWeb:

If a Radiance case involves the application of an FCO to solve a customer
issue, please complete the following steps in Radiance/SPWeb prior to
closing the case:
    o Select "Field Change Order" in the REFERENCE TYPE field.

    o Enter FCO ID number in the REFERENCE ID field.
      For example; A0222-1.

If possible, include additional details in the REFERENCE SUMMARY field
(ie. Upgrade complete, customer declined, etc.)

Implementation Notes

In case of "Mandatory" FCOs, Sun Services will attempt to contact
all known customers to recommend proactive implementation.

For "Controlled Proactive" FCOs, Sun Services mission critical
support teams will initiate proactive implementation efforts for
their respective accounts, as required.

For "Upon Failure" FCOs, Sun Services and partners will implement
the necessary corrective actions as the need arises.

The CIC process must be used for proactive hardware replacement
requests when an FCO is classified as "Upon Failure".

Billing Information

Warranty: Sun will provide parts at no charge under Warranty
          Service.  On-Site Labor Rates are based on specified
          Warranty deliverables for the affected product.

Contract: Sun will provide parts at no charge.  On-Site Labor Rates
          are based on the type of service contract.

Non Contract: Sun will provide parts at no charge.  Installation by
              Sun is available based on the On-Site Labor Rates
              defined in the Price List.


All FCO documents are accessible via Internal SunSolve.  Type "sunsolve"
in a browser and follow the prompts to Search Collections.

For questions on this document, please email:

The FIN and FCO homepage is available at:


For more information on how to submit a FCO, go to:


To access the Service Partner Exchange, use:
