Document Audience:INTERNAL
Document ID:A0254-1
Title:Some Netra 1280 servers may shut down due to ESD static discharge and are not NEBs compliant.
Copyright Notice:Copyright © 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Update Date:Tue Apr 26 00:00:00 MDT 2005


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                     FIELD CHANGE ORDER    
        (For Authorized Distribution by Sun Services)
FCO #: A0254-1
Status: active
Synopsis: Some Netra 1280 servers may shut down due to ESD static discharge and are not NEBs compliant.
Date: Apr/26/2005
SunAlert: No
Top FIN/FCO Report: No
Products Reference: Netra 1280
Product Category: Server/Component
Product Affected: 
Systems Affected:

Mkt_ID   Platform       Description        
------   --------       -----------        
N40      Netra 1280     same                 

X-Options Affected:

Mkt_ID      Platform    Model    Description       
------      --------    -----    -----------	
Parts Affected: 
Part Number	           Description             	     
-----------	           -----------	

540-5565-06 (or below)     I/O Board and System Controller (IB_SSC)
LEAP: #2725  
   ECO:  WO_30350 
   StopShip/Purge Notice: 20239
Issue Description: 
| Change History:						  |
|								  |
| May/06/2005:                                                    |
|                                                                 |
|    Special Considerations: updated Timezone material readiness  |
|			     dates for EMEA and APac/Japan.       |     
|                                                                 |

The current produced by an ESD discharge (in the range of 5kv - 7kv) to the
Netra 1280 chassis creates a noise glitch in the power standby circuitry
which in turn triggers a complete power off of the system.

This issue renders the system non-NEBS compliant.  

When this issue occurs there are no logs, LEDs, or any other identifying symptoms.
The affected 332 systems noted in the customer list below, shipped prior to the
addition of the required capacitor and all are vulnerable to this issue. 

An internal only link to the customer list identifying the affected systems
can be viewed via the below "Internal Only" URL;

To assist the field in a communication of this issue to customers, a Customer
Letter is provided via the below "Internal Only" URL;


To assist our Service Partners a communication of this issue to customers,
a Customer Letter is provided via the below URL;


Root Cause

The current induced in the chassis by the ESD discharge creates an electromagnetic
field which is picked-up by the cable of the fire/temperature sensor and/or the
power standby circuitry.  The fire/temperature sensor is routed from the front to
the connector J7803 (pin1) on the I/O board (schematics - page 78).  It is routed
close to the chassis, on the front edge, over the riser card edge, down to the
board and plugs into J7803.  The cable is unshielded.  The discharge when detected
by the fire/temperature sensor triggers the sensor to power down the system.
A NEBS-Compliant system  should tolerate up to +/- 8 KV ESD charge.

The fix was in the form of adding a capacitor to the IB board.

Corrective action was made available by Sun manufacturing via ECO# WO_30350
released December 10, 2004.

Corrective action was made available by Sun Services via LEAP# 2725
released December 8, 2004.
Parts Affected: 
December 2005 (9 months)
| X |   MANDATORY (Fully Pro-Active)

|   |   CONTROLLED PRO-ACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan)

Replacement Time Estimate: 
less than 1 hour
Special Considerations: 
This FCO will have a timezone phased release based on material
readiness as follows:

   US/Canada         April 26, 2005
   Ltn America       not applicable
   EMEA              May 06, 2005
   APAC/Japan        May 06, 2005

The above dates represent when each timezone has determined
they will be materially ready to support this FCO.

For the readers convenience the number of affected systems per GEO is 
listed below:
                      Total   US/Can	LA	EMEA	Japan	 APAC
Units to be Replaced	272	191	0	35	6	 40
Corrective Action: 
After checking the Customer List for affected systems, proactively replace 
as follows:

   -replace part 540-5565-06 (or below) with part 540-5565-07 (or above)


NOTE: FCO Tracking Instructions for Radiance/SPWeb:

If a Radiance case involves the application of an FCO to solve a customer
issue, please complete the following steps in Radiance/SPWeb prior to
closing the case:
    o Select "Field Change Order" in the REFERENCE TYPE field.

    o Enter FCO ID number in the REFERENCE ID field.
      For example; A0222-1.

If possible, include additional details in the REFERENCE SUMMARY field
(ie. Upgrade complete, customer declined, etc.)

Implementation Notes

In case of "Mandatory" FCOs, Sun Services will attempt to contact
all known customers to recommend proactive implementation.

For "Controlled Proactive" FCOs, Sun Services mission critical
support teams will initiate proactive implementation efforts for
their respective accounts, as required.

For "Upon Failure" FCOs, Sun Services and partners will implement
the necessary corrective actions as the need arises.

The CIC process must be used for proactive hardware replacement
requests when an FCO is classified as "Upon Failure".

Billing Information

Warranty: Sun will provide parts at no charge under Warranty
          Service.  On-Site Labor Rates are based on specified
          Warranty deliverables for the affected product.

Contract: Sun will provide parts at no charge.  On-Site Labor Rates
          are based on the type of service contract.

Non Contract: Sun will provide parts at no charge.  Installation by
              Sun is available based on the On-Site Labor Rates
              defined in the Price List.


All FCO documents are accessible via Internal SunSolve.  Type "sunsolve"
in a browser and follow the prompts to Search Collections.

For questions on this document, please email:

The FIN and FCO homepage is available at:


For more information on how to submit a FCO, go to:


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