Document Audience:INTERNAL
Document ID:A0266-1
Title:OBSOLETE. See FCO A0266-2.
Copyright Notice:Copyright © 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Update Date:Wed Oct 04 00:00:00 MDT 2006


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                  FIELD CHANGE ORDER  
        (For Authorized Distribution by Sun Services) 
FCO #: A0266-1
Status: inactive
Synopsis: OBSOLETE. See FCO A0266-2.
Date: Oct/04/2006
Top FIN/FCO Report: No  
Product Category: Server / Power
Product Affected: 
Systems Affected:  
 ------- --------
 Mkt_ID    Platform     Model   Description           Serial Number
 ------    --------     -----   -----------           -------------
 N31       V210         ALL     Sun Fire V210         (See Customer List)
 XTA6920   SE6920        -      StorEdge 6920 w/V210  (See Customer List)
Parts Affected: 
Part Number                  Description                  Model
 ----------------             -----------                  -----
 300-1566-03 (or below)       Power Supply, non-RoHS       A177
ECOs: WO_32342
  GSAP: G3308
Issue Description: 
Some Sun Fire V210 Servers and StorEdge 6920 Systems with a V210
as a server may experience a premature fan issue.  When this
issue occurs during normal operations the system will output
a message similar to the following:

  "rmclomv: [ID 211032 kern.error] PSU @ PS0 has FAULTED."
This will cause the system's general fault LED to be lit, and the
fault LED located on the Power Supply Unit (PSU) will also illuminate.
The showenvironment command from ALOM (Advanced Lights Out Manager)
will show that PS0 has faulted due to an Under-speed issue.
If the PSU errors in this way and the fan issue is ignored, the system
temperature may rise depending on the environment, causing the system
to initiate a orderly shutdown to avoid overheating, thus causing
unplanned downtime.
A sub-population of A177 PSUs that contain the Sunon GM series fan
were affected by this issue.  This only impacts servers shipped from
Sun between March 26, 2004 and February 14, 2006.  PSUs having Sunon
fans prior to this timeframe are performing at or above the expected
A Sun Legal approved Customer Letter is available inside SWAN via the
below URL; 
Root cause was attributed to poor bearing design of the fan, leading
to the premature fan issue.
Important!  These defectives are repairable and must be returned
            per the standard defective return process.
Corrective action was made available in Manufacturing by the phase-in
of a new fan via ECO WO_32342 as of February 14, 2006.
Corrective action was also made available in Services via GSAP 3308 as
of February 6, 2006.
|   |   MANDATORY (Fully Pro-Active)
| X |   CONTROLLED PRO-ACTIVE (see below & in Corrective Action section)
|   |   UPON FAILURE (Reactive)
Important! Controlled Proactive means the field is to proactively contact
           and recommend implementation of this FCO on affected V210 systems
           that have a current Gold or above contract only.  As all SE6920s
           have a 3 year "Gold-like" warranty, the field should proactively
           remediate all affected SE6920s in the Customer List found in 
           Reference Material section below.

           All other requests are to be handled on an exception basis via an
           email request to with customer name, location,
           affected system Serial Numbers, number of PSUs requested, and a
           Business Justification statement.
Replacement Time Estimate: 
25 minutes
Special Considerations: 
This FCO will have a time zone phased release based on material readiness
as follows:
                  Readiness Date
  US/Canada       READY
  Ltn America     READY
  EMEA            READY
  APAC            Jul/11/2006
  ANZO            READY
  Japan           READY
The above dates represent when each time zone has determined that it will
be materially ready to support this FCO.  All dates are estimates.  Please
check with your Logistics Representative or TZ / Country / Area FCO Manager
for more information with regard to material availability and the parts
ordering process for this FCO.
Corrective Action: 
Hot Swappable: no
System Identification: 
Not all 300-1566-03 Power Supplies are affected.  PSUs that are affected
by this issue can be identified as follows:

For standalone V210s see Steps 1) through 3) below.  For a V210 in a SE6920
review Step 4) below for replacement instructions.
1) To identify if a system is affected, check its serial number first.
  V210 system S/N decoder
  An example system serial number is: TM41212345  
     TM ==> Where manufactured (FM, HM or TM)
            (some units may have 3 alpha characters, ie; SFM or may begin
             wtih a zero and have no alpha characters at all)
    412 ==> yww (4 = year and 12 = week build date code)
  12345 ==> unique 5 character serial number  
  Systems with serial number date codes between 412 and 606 may be impacted
  by this issue.  
  If the system serial number is in the affected range, go to step 2,
  otherwise stop here - system is not affected.  
2) Visually inspect the Power Supply to determine if it has a Sunon fan
   in it.  
  In most cases a service representative is able to identify an affected Power
  Supply without requiring PSU removal or system interruption.  The fan label's
  positioning should allow for the identification of the fan type through the
  system rear grill openings.  If the system serial number is in the affected
  range AND the label indicates that the fan type is SUNON, the PSU is affected
  by this issue.  Go to step 3, otherwise stop here - system is not affected.
3) Replace and return 300-1566-03 (or below) having Sunon fan with 300-1566-04
   or above) as follows:  
. Proactively replace power supplies on all affected systems covered by
  Gold or above contract.  
. Replace power supply upon failure for all others.  
  The 300-1847-02 (or above) may also be used as a replacement part, but
  only if the 300-1566-04 (or above) is NOT available.  The service rep
  should simply order the 300-1566 and the 300-1847 may be substituted
  depending on availability.  
4) Replacement Procedures for the V210 in the SE6920: (extracted and adapted
   from the Service Advisor)For the purpose of this HFAB/FCO, the V210 is NOT
   to be treated as a single FRU, but like a standalone V210.  So for this FCO,
   ONLY exchange the power supply per the below instructions.  Also note that 
   in order to follow the below instructions, it is not necessary to shutdown
   the whole SE6920 but only the V210.     
  Note: SP0 is used only as an example in this procedure.

   1. Establish a serial connection to the NTC.
         a. For a Solaris connection "tip -9600 /dev/ttya"
            Note: For a Windows connection open a Hyperterminal
         b. login: rss
         c. password: sun1rss
   2. At the NTC prompt execute the following command and login to the
      service processor.
         a. ntc: connect local port_2
            Local protocol emulation 1.0 - Local Switch: <^[>
         b. Hit Return
   3. The following is the expected output.

  This system is for the use of authorized users only. Individuals using this
  computer system without authority, or in excess of their authority, are
  subject to having all of their activities on this system monitored and
  recorded by system personnel. In the course of monitoring individuals
  improperly using this system, or in the course of system maintenance, the
  activities of authorized users may also be monitored. Anyone using this
  system expressly consents to such monitoring and is advised that if such
  monitoring reveals possible evidence of criminal activity, system personnel
  may provide the evidence of such monitoring to law enforcement officials.

   4. If this message was not received proceed to step 7, or if you do not
      have the login prompt proceed to step 8.
   5. You should now be at the sp0 console login prompt to the service
         a. sp0 console login: root
         b. password: !root (possibly account specific)
   6. If a successfull login has been completed, run the fbr command with the
      -b option to ensure that the flash disk contains the latest information
      from the service processor. Although the restore won't be needed, it's
      safer to store the latest information before proceeding with the next
         a. sp0# /opt/SUNWsefbru/bin/fbr -b
         b. Expected output: "Backup COmmand Successful", "Restore Command
            Successful" or "No Backup Required".
   7. Issue a poweroff command to the service processor.
         a. sp0# poweroff -y
   8. From the rear of the cabinet, unscrew the captive fastners on the right
      side of the service processor and I/O panel and open the panel.
   9. Disconnect the power cable.
  10. Disconnect all cables from the service processor.
         a. Make sure that all of the cables are labeled.
  11. Remove the service processor from the cabinet.
  12. Replace the PSU.
  13. Insert the service processor into the cabinet.
  14. From the rear of the cabinet reconnect all cables.
  15. Insert the power cable.
  16. Close the service processor and I/O panel and tighten the captive screws.
  17. Wait for the boot process to complete and the service processor login
      prompt to appear.

Reference Material:

For reference below are three picture examples of an affected PSU,
one installed and two removed from the system:  
Power Supply as installed in system;  
Orange tag with white lettering;  
White tag with green lettering;  
In addition, a V210 Contract Customer List has been made available and
can be viewed via the below (internal only) URL;

An SE6920 Customer List has been made available and can be viewed
via the below (internal only) URL;
 Note: Thsee Customer Lists are Internal Only URLs.  Not all systems on
       these lists may be affected due to previous remediation activity.
Return all defective power supply units per standard return process.
It should be noted on the Defective Material Tag (DMT) that this
activity was done with regard to FCO A0266-1.   Also note whether
the power supply failed or was proactively replaced.
Jun/23/06 - Initial release/publication. 
Jun/27/06 - Added link to Customer Letter in Issue Description section. 

Jul/21/06 - Clarified affected system serial number date code information
            in Issue Description and Corrective Action sections.

Oct/04/06 - Obsoleted when A0266-2 was released with added detailed replacement
            procedures in Corrective Action section and created a Reference
            Material section immediately below the new replacment procedures.

All FCO documents are accessible via Internal SunSolve.  Type "sunsolve"
in a browser and follow the prompts to Browse or Search Collections.
For questions on this document, please email:
The FCO home page is available at:
For more information on how to submit a FCO, go to:
To access the Service Partner Exchange, use:

NOTE: FCO Tracking Instructions for Radiance/SPWeb:
If a Radiance case involves the application of an FCO to solve a customer
issue, please complete the following steps in Radiance/SPWeb prior to
closing the case:
    o Select "Field Change Order" in the REFERENCE TYPE field.
    o Enter FCO ID number in the REFERENCE ID field.
      For example; A0257-1.
If possible, include additional details in the REFERENCE SUMMARY field
(ie. Upgrade complete, customer declined, etc.)
Implementation Notes
In case of "Mandatory" FCOs, Sun Services will attempt to contact
all known customers to recommend proactive implementation.
For "Controlled Proactive" FCOs, Sun Services mission critical
support teams will initiate proactive implementation efforts for
their respective accounts, as required.
For "Upon Failure" FCOs, Sun Services and partners will implement
the necessary corrective actions as the need arises.
The CIC process must be used for proactive hardware replacement
requests when an FCO is classified as "Upon Failure".
Billing Information
Warranty: Sun will provide parts at no charge under Warranty
          Service.  On-Site Labor Rates are based on specified
          Warranty deliverables for the affected product.
Contract: Sun will provide parts at no charge.  On-Site Labor Rates
          are based on the type of service contract.
Non Contract: Sun will provide parts at no charge.  Installation by
              Sun is available based on the On-Site Labor Rates
              defined in the Price List.