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Document Audience:INTERNAL Archive
Document ID:I0365-1
Title:SSP 3.1 software upgrade for Sun Enterprise 10000 systems.
Copyright Notice:Copyright © 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Last Updated Date:1997-12-16

        - Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only -
                        FIELD INFORMATION NOTICE
                  (For Authorized Distribution by SunService)
FIN #: I0365-1
Synopsis: SSP 3.1 software upgrade for Sun Enterprise 10000 systems.
Create Date: Dec/15/1997

SSP 3.1 software upgrade for Sun Enterprise 10000 systems.

Product Category: Software
Product Affected: 
Mkt_ID          Model           Description             
------          -----           -----------
E10000          10000           Ultra Enterprise 10000 system (Starfire)
Parts Affected: 
Type       Vendor    Model       Firmware    S/N(Min)    S/N(Max) 
----       ------    -----       --------    --------    --------
794-6937-01 SUN      SSP           3.0
PLCDB product number: 1237.

URL:  http://npi.west/Starfire/ for a copy of the SSP 3.1 PAF
Issue Description: 
Sun Microsystems Computer Company (SMCC) announces the release of
System Service Processor 3.1 (SSP 3.1, P/N 798-0050-01) software. The
key customer benefit is that SSP 3.1 supports 8 domains on the E10000.
SSP 3.1 supercedes SSP 3.0, which was the previous version of SSP
software, and which supported fewer (5) domains. All users are
encouraged to upgrade to SSP 3.1 which is provided at NO CHARGE to

SSP 3.1 will run only on Solaris 2.5.1 at FCS December 22, 1997. SSP 3.1
will be able to work with the the upcoming Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 3/98 release.


Q. Why should I upgrade to SSP 3.1?

A. SSP 3.1 provides support for 8 domains. This will provide customers
   with more flexibility in terms of partitioning their E10000 according
   to their computing/business requirements.


Q. What are some other reasons to upgrade to SSP 3.1?

A. Here are four more reasons to upgrade to SSP 3.1.

	* SSP 3.1 provides many bug fixes.  It will be much simpler to upgrade
	  to SSP 3.1 from SSP 3.0 than to apply patches to SSP 3.0. 
	* Faster recovery from a hung domain. For example, a problem in the 
	  kernel (which could hang the domain and if left untreated could lead
	  to data corruption) can  be detected, and the domain automatically 
	* Automatic thermal calibration during board swap will be provided.
	  Currently, this is a manual operation, where the calibration software
	  must be downloaded, and the actual recalibration initiated manually.
	  Code to recalibrate is in in the SSP and automatically recalibrates 
	  the the board after a board swap.
	* Easier installation. SSP 3.1 comes with an installation script.

Q. Is SSP 3.1 Internationalized (i18n) ?

A.  No. i18n conformance is slated for the next SSP 3.X release.

Q. What is the strategy for distributing SSP 3.1 to customers?

A. This is a "push" strategy. DHPG recommends that all customers should
   upgrade to SSP 3.1 in order benefit from more (8) domains,
   and bug fixes. Getting bug fixes in this manner is easier than applying
   patches. CDs will be automatically sent to every customer in the installed
   base as part of the Starfire warranty. All systems are still covered
   under warranty and entitled to software upgrades.
Corrective Action: 
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* From there, follow the hyperlink path of "SunService Documentation" and
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