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Document Audience:INTERNAL Archive
Document ID:I0367-1
Title:Ultra 30/Enterprise 450 systems can panic when installing or booting under Solaris 2.6
Copyright Notice:Copyright © 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Last Updated Date:2004-01-07

        - Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only -
                        FIELD INFORMATION NOTICE
                  (For Authorized Distribution by SunService)
FIN #: I0367-1
Synopsis: Ultra 30/Enterprise 450 systems can panic when installing or booting under Solaris 2.6
Create Date: Dec/01/97

Ultra 30/Enterprise 450 systems can panic when installing or booting under Solaris 2.6

Product Category: System / Software
Product Affected: 
Sun Enterprise 450 systems
Ultra 30 systems
Parts Affected: 
Locale		  Desktop	  Server	Description
------		  -------	  ------	--------------------------
Domestic	704-5869-10 	704-5870-10	SMCC Solaris 2.6 Software CDs
European	704-5881-10	704-5882-10	SMCC Solaris 2.6 Software CDs
JA (Japanese)	704-5871-10	704-5872-10	SMCC Solaris 2.6 Software CDs
ZH (Chinese)	704-5876-10	704-5874-10	SMCC Solaris 2.6 Software CDs
ZH_TW (Taiwan)	704-5879-10	704-5880-10	SMCC Solaris 2.6 Software CDs
KO (Korean)	704-5877-10	704-5875-10	SMCC Solaris 2.6 Software CDs
Domestic	794-7356-02	794-7357-02	Solaris 2.6 Media kits
Domestic	N/A		794-7664-01	Solaris 2.6 CD 10-pak
DE (German)	794-7521-01	794-7522-01	Solaris 2.6 Media kits
FR (French)	794-7523-01	794-7524-01	Solaris 2.6 Media kits
ES (Spanish)	794-7525-01	794-7526-01	Solaris 2.6 Media kits
SV (Swedish)	794-7527-01	794-7528-01	Solaris 2.6 Media kits
IT (Italian)	794-7529-01	794-7530-01	Solaris 2.6 Media kits
JA (Japanese)	794-7358-02	794-7359-02	Solaris 2.6 Media kits
ZH (Chinese)	794-7531-01     794-7532-01	Solaris 2.6 Media kits
ZH_TW (Taiwan)	794-7533-01     794-7534-01     Solaris 2.6 Media kits
KO (Korean)	794-7535-01     794-7536-01	Solaris 2.6 Media kits
BUGID# 4065612	  	glm: panic BAD TRAP.  glm uses freed unit structure
Patch 105580-XX 	Solaris 2.6 glm patch
FIN I0366-1		Solaris Web Start Localization software updates
Issue Description: 
Under certain conditions/configurations an Enterprise 450 server or an
Ultra 30 workstation can fail to boot Solaris 2.6 via CDROM, the net,
or disk. Typical error messages may be as follows:

	BAD TRAP: cpu=0 type=0x31 rp=0x30023a70 addr=0x32 mmu_fsr=0x0
	BAD TRAP occurred in module "glm" due to an illegal access to a user

The above failure is due to a software bug (BUGID# 4065612) in the glm
driver which controls the SCSI chips on these two machines. The bug was
introduced whilst providing support for QFull and ARQ pkts, causing the
glm driver to either free memory (unit and dsa) structures of targets
that don't exist or use the recently freed memory of a target
structure. Thus depending upon timing and alignment of the glm unit
structures relative to page boundaries, the machine may either panic or
appear to function OK.

The above problem has been fixed in newer versions of the SMCC Solaris
2.6 Software CD's. In addition, the Web Start localization problems
have been resolved (see FIN I0366-1 for details).
Corrective Action: 
I) For customers experiencing the above failure on installation of the  
   Enterprise 450 or Ultra 30, install the newer version of SMCC Solaris 2.6 
   Desktop and Server CDs as given  below:

Locale		  Desktop	  Server	Description
------		  -------	  ------	---------------------------
Domestic	704-5869-11 	704-5870-11	SMCC Solaris 2.6 Software CDs
European	704-5881-11	704-5882-11	SMCC Solaris 2.6 Software CDs
JA (Japanese)	704-5871-11	704-5872-11	SMCC Solaris 2.6 Software CDs
ZH (Chinese)	704-5876-11	704-5874-11	SMCC Solaris 2.6 Software CDs
ZH_TW (Taiwan)	704-5879-11	704-5880-11	SMCC Solaris 2.6 Software CDs
KO (Korean)	704-5877-11	704-5875-11	SMCC Solaris 2.6 Software CDs
Domestic	794-7356-03	794-7357-03	Solaris 2.6 Media kits
Domestic	N/A		794-7664-02	Solaris 2.6 CD 10-pak
DE (German)	794-7521-02	794-7522-02	Solaris 2.6 Media kits
FR (French)	794-7523-02	794-7524-02	Solaris 2.6 Media kits
ES (Spanish)	794-7525-02	794-7526-02	Solaris 2.6 Media kits
SV (Swedish)	794-7527-02	794-7528-02	Solaris 2.6 Media kits
IT (Italian)	794-7529-02	794-7530-02	Solaris 2.6 Media kits
JA (Japanese)	794-7358-03	794-7359-03	Solaris 2.6 Media kits
ZH (Chinese)	794-7531-02     794-7532-02	Solaris 2.6 Media kits
ZH_TW (Taiwan)	794-7533-02     794-7534-02     Solaris 2.6 Media kits
KO (Korean)	794-7535-02     794-7536-02	Solaris 2.6 Media kits


II) For customers that have not seen the above failure, to ensure that the
    above failure will NOT arise, install Patch Id 105580-01 or later.
1) In many cases it is possible to work around the problem. This can 
   be done by either changing the hardware configuration (i.e Reducing 
   CPUS and No. of Disks) and/or booting with kadb as this will affect 
   where the glm unit structures are placed in memory. 

2) Enterprise 450 systems only:

   In many cases running the machine in uni-processor allows the user 
   to install the machine. This could be done by typing the following:-

              boot cdrom kadb -d
              kadb: kernel/unix
              Size: 272825+60132+70328 Bytes
              /platform/sun4u/kernel/unix loaded - 0x94000 bytes used
              stopped at _start: sethi %hi(0x10006400), %g1
              kadb[0]: use_mp/W 0
              use_mp: 0x1 = 0x0
              kadb[0]: :c

   If the machine proceeds to boot and does not panic, then install 
   the machine and apply Patch Id 105580-01 or later and reboot the system.

SunWeb Access:   
All released FINs and FCOs can be accessed internally on the SunWeb using
your favorite network browser as follows:

* Access the top level URL of http://cte.corp/FIN_FCO/

* From there, select the appropriate link to query or browse the FIN and
  FCO Homepage collections.

Supporting documents for FINs/FCOs can be found on the Edist Website. The
Edist Website can be accessed internally at the following URL:

* From there, follow the hyperlink path of "SunService Documentation" and
  choose the appropriate folder, FIN or FCO.  This will display supporting
  directories/files for FINs or FCOs.


Send questions or comments to finfco-manager@cte.Corp
