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Document Audience:INTERNAL Archive
Document ID:I0407-1
Title:The Care and Inspection of DLT Cartridge Tapes.
Copyright Notice:Copyright © 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Last Updated Date:1998-08-08

        - Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only -
                        FIELD INFORMATION NOTICE
                  (For Authorized Distribution by SunService)
FIN #: I0407-1
Synopsis: The Care and Inspection of DLT Cartridge Tapes.
Create Date: Aug/07/98

The Care and Inspection of DLT Cartridge Tapes.

Top FIN/FCO Report: No
Products Reference: Faulty DLT cartridge tapes
Product Category: Storage / Tape
Product Affected: 
Mkt_ID   Platform   Model  Description               Serial Number
------   --------   -----  -----------               -------------

Systems Affected
   -     ANYSYS        -   System Platform Independent     -

X-Options Affected

SG-XLIBDLT1-280G   -   -   StorEdge L280 280-560GB DLT 7000 Desktop    -
SG-XLIBDLT2-280G   -   -   StorEdge L280 280-560GB DLT 7000 Rackmount  -
SG-XLIBDLT1-1TB	   -   -   StorEdge L1000 Library Deskside  -	
SG-XLIBDLT4-1TB	   -   -   StorEdge L1000 Library Deskside  -	
SG-XLIBDLT1R-1TB   -   -   StorEdge L1000 Library Rackmount -
SG-XLIBDLT4R-1TB   -   -   StorEdge L1000 Library Rackmount -
SG-XTAPDLT1-1TB    -   -   StorEdge DLT 7000 Drive for L1000	
X6073A     -        -      StorEdge L1800 w 2 DLT 7000 drives          -
X6074A     -        -      StorEdge L1800 w 4 DLT 7000 drives          -
X6075A     -        -      StorEdge L3500 w 2 DLT 7000 drives          -
X6076A     -        -      StorEdge L3500 w 7 DLT 7000 drives          -
X6063A     -        -      35-70GB DLT 7000 for L1800 or L3500         -
X6060A     -        -      35-70GB DLT 7000 FlexPack w/68-68pin SCSI cable  -
X6061A     -        -      35-70GB DLT 7000 FlexPack w/50-68pin SCSI cable  -
X6062A     -        -      35-70GB DLT 7000 FlexPack w/68-68pin SCSI cable  -
X6057A     -        -      20-40GB DLT 4000 FlexPack w/68-68pin SCSI cable  -
X6058A     -        -      20-40GB DLT 4000 FlexPack w/50-68pin SCSI cable  -
X6059A	   -        -      20-40GB DLT 4000 FlexPack w/68-68pin SCSI cable  -
X6053A     -        -      20-40GB DLT 4000 Tape Dr for M-Tape Backup Tray Blk -
X6054A     -        -      20-40GB DLT 4000 Tape Drive 1 Tray
X6055A     -        -      20-40GB DLT 4000 Tape Dr for M-Tape Backup Tray Gry -
X6056A     -        -      20-40GB DLT 4000 Tape Drive 1 Tray          -
X6071A     -        -      140-280GB DLT 4700 Auto-Loader              -
X6072A	   -        -      1.04-2.08TB ETL 4/1000 DLT Tape Library     -
Parts Affected: 
Part Number   Description                 Model
-----------   -----------                 -----

370-2188-01  20/35GB DLT Cartridge Tape     -
370-2189-01  DLT Cleaning Cartridge         -
Issue Description: 
The StorEdge DLT tape drives (described above) may encounter problems 
with swallowed or damaged leaders during the tape load or unloading 
process if faulty DLT cartridge tapes are in use. 

This FIN has been issued with the intent to assist Enterprise Services
field personnel with the identification of defective DLT cartridge 
tapes which could cause damage to the StorEdge DLT tape drive.
        |   |   MANDATORY (Fully Pro-Active)
        |   |   CONTROLLED PRO-ACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan) 
        | X |   REACTIVE (As Required)
Corrective Action: 
If the above mentioned DLT tape storage units experience a continued 
problem with failed drives or other symptoms related to tape load or 
unload failures, The following recommendations have been issued:

1. Inspect ALL of the DLT cartridges including the incremental backup 
   cartridges to ensure they are in proper working condition.  Using 
   a defective cartridge may cause damage to the tape drive unit. 

NOTE: DO NOT attempt to remove a cartridge from the drive unless the 
      drive Operate Handle indicator light (the green LED) is illumin- 
      ated.  Overriding the drive handle will cause damage to both 
      the media and the drive.  

                Normal DLT Tape Cartridge Inspection

2. Perform the following inspection before ever loading a cartridge 
   into a DLT tape drive.

   a. Check the cartridge for any signs of external damage.

   b. Check the external labels that may be inadvertently stuck to 
      the cartridge in any location other than then label slot.

   c. Check for any object (example: paper insert) being stuck to  
      the bottom of the cartridge that would cover the bottom hub.

   d. Inspect the cartridge take-up leader loop for correct position
      and damage.  DO NOT TOUCH any any part of the tape or leader.

   e. If the leader is out of position, DO NOT use the cartridge; it 
      may cause the drive take-up leader to fail.

                Dropped DLT Tape Cartridge Inspection

3. Perform the following inspection before using and cartridge that 
   has been dropped, in a DLT tape drive.
   a. Check the cartridge for any signs of external damage.

   b. Gently shake the cartridge checking for any rattling sound.

   c. Inspect the hub on the bottom of the cartridge to verify that  
      there is spring tension.

   d. Inspect rear and bottom reel locks for spring tension with a  
      small screwdriver. (Take care not to use any tool that would  
      introduce contaminants into the cartridge).

   e. Check that the bottom hub is properly aligned within the hole 
      in the bottom of the cartridge.

   f. Verify that the cartridge door opens completely and operates 

   g. Inspect the cartridge take-up leader loop for correct position 
      and damage.  DO NOT TOUCH any part of the tape or leader.

   h. If the leader is out of position, DO NOT use the cartridge; it 
      may cause the drive take-up leader to fail.

          	DLT Tape Drive LED Error Conditions

  *  Right column of LED's flashing indicates a servo failure in the 
     drive.  (swallowed leader, or tape present sensor dead, etc)

  *  Right column of LED's steady on indicates that the supply volt-
     ages (on power up) did not come up to their respective values.

  *  Strobing or `Marquis' LED's in the right column indicates the 
     servo processor or watchdog timer is expiring and repeatedly re- 
     setting the processor.

  *  Left column of LED's flashing indicates the controller has faulted 
      but the processor still has control off the drive electronics.

  *  left column of LED's steady on means the controller has failed

  *  Strobing or `Marquis' LED's in the left column indicates the con-
     troller processor watchdog timer is expiring and repeatedly reset- 
     ting the processor.

  *  Cleaning LED on indicates one of the following:

  *  A tape formatted in 35 Gig mode has been loaded in a DLT4000 (The 
     cleaning light will go out for this case upon initiating a write 
     at BOT in a valid 4000 format)

  *  Drive was unable to complete calibration.

  *  A hard read error occurred.

  *  A hard write error occurred.

  *  In the event of the last 3 cases, the following is the recommended
     procedure.  First unload the cartridge and then load the cartridge  
     again.  If the same error condition occurs again, a cleaning tape 
     should be utilized.  If the original tape still shows the same error, 
     a different tape should be used to help determine if the fault is 
     with the tape or with the drive.  Additional cleanings may also be 

  *  If the cleaning LED remains on after using the cleaning tape, this 
     indicates the cleaning tape has expired and a new cleaning tape is 
     required. (Cleaning tape has a maximum of 20 uses.)
These operating guidelines and inspections are highly recommended by  
Quantum for continued reliability and proper operation of the DLT tape 

Implementation Footnote: 

i)   In case of MANDATORY FINs, Enterprise Services will attempt to contact   
     all affected customers to recommend implementation of the FIN. 

ii)  For CONTROLLED PROACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services mission critical sup-   
     port teams will recommend implementation of the FIN (to their respective 
     accounts), at the convenience of the customer. 

iii) For REACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services will implement the FIN as the need  


All released FINs and FCOs can be accessed using your favorite network 
browser as follows:

SunWeb Access: 

* Access the top level URL of http://cte.corp/FIN_FCO/

* From there, select the appropriate link to query or browse the FIN and
  FCO Homepage collections.

Supporting documents for FIN/FCOs can be found on Edist.  Edist can be 
accessed internally at the following URL: http://edist.corp/.
* From there, follow the hyperlink path of "SunService Documentation" and 
  click on "FIN & FCO attachments", then choose the appropriate folder, FIN or 
  FCO.  This will display supporting directories/files for FINs or FCOs.
Internet Access:

* Access the top level URL of https://infoserver.Sun.COM


Send questions or comments to finfco-manager@cte.Corp
