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Document Audience:INTERNAL Archive
Document ID:I0464-1
Title:A Power Patch is required to operate E10000 2761A System Boards.
Copyright Notice:Copyright © 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Last Updated Date:2004-01-07

        - Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only -
                        FIELD INFORMATION NOTICE
                  (For Authorized Distribution by SunService)
FIN #: I0464-1
Synopsis: A Power Patch is required to operate E10000 2761A System Boards.
Create Date: Dec/11/98

A Power Patch is required to operate E10000 2761A System Boards.

Top FIN/FCO Report: Yes
Products Reference: E10000 power patch
Product Category: Server / System Board
Product Affected: 
Mkt_ID     Platform   Model   Description        Serial Number
------     --------   -----   -----------        -------------

Systems Affected

E10000     E10000     ALL     Ultra Enterprise E10000 Server   -
HPC10000   E10000     ALL     Sun HPC 10000 Server             -

X-Options Affected

E10000-SW-SSP-3.1   -   -   System Service Processor 3.1    -
E10000-SW-SSP-3.0   -   -   System Service Processor 3.0    -
Parts Affected: 
Part Number   Description         Model
-----------   -----------         -----
501-4347-0X   E10000 System Board   -
501-4786-0X   E10000 System Board   -
501-4903-0X   E10000 System Board   -
501-5240-0X   E10000 System Board   -
501-5278-0X   E10000 System Board   -
501-5279-0X   E10000 System Board   -
DOC:  805-7188-10 Sun Enterprise 10000 System Power Patch Note	 
PatchId: 106465-03 (or higher) for SSP 3.1
PatchId: 104846-11 (or higher) for SSP 3.0
Issue Description: 
This FIN is intended to provide Important Information concerning  
the Enterprise 10000 SSP Power Patch, the 2760A System Board and 
the 2761A System Board.

CAUTION - Failure to install this patch will:

  o Cause possible system component damage when using 2760A system
    boards and processors that are unsupported by the 2760A system

  o Preclude the 2761A system board from powering on.

NOTE: The 2761A system board is a replacement for the 2760A system
       board and will support future UltraSPARC II processors.
        |   |   MANDATORY (Fully Pro-Active)
        | X |   CONTROLLED PRO-ACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan) 
        |   |   REACTIVE (As Required)
Corrective Action: 
The installation of the following patches is MANDATORY for SSP 
version 3.0 and SSP version 3.1.

1.  If using SSP version 3.0 install:

    Patch-ID# 104846-12
    Keywords: Starfire bringup power DR board domain create remove 
    Synopsis: SSP 3.0: bringup and power fixes
    Date: Oct/13/98

    Solaris Release: 2.5.1

    SunOS release: 5.5.1

    Unbundled Product: System Service Processor (SSP)

    Unbundled Release: 3.0

    Topic: SSP 3.0: power fixes

2.  If using SSP version 3.1, install:

    Patch-ID# 106465-03
    Keywords: Starfire power 400MHz snmpd 
    Synopsis: SSP 3.1: power command fixes
    Date: Oct/13/98

    Solaris Release: 2.5.1

    SunOS release: 5.5.1

    Unbundled Product: System Service Processor (SSP)

    Unbundled Release: 3.1

    Topic: SSP 3.1: power command fixes

*Be sure to reference to the README file accompanying the patch for 
 installation instructions.
*The revision of the patches (shown above) are subject to change.  Refer  
 to the SunSolve database for the most current version.

Implementation Footnote: 

i)   In case of MANDATORY FINs, Enterprise Services will attempt to contact   
     all affected customers to recommend implementation of the FIN. 

ii)  For CONTROLLED PROACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services mission critical sup-   
     port teams will recommend implementation of the FIN (to their respective 
     accounts), at the convenience of the customer. 

iii) For REACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services will implement the FIN as the need  

All released FINs and FCOs can be accessed using your favorite network 
browser as follows:
SunWeb Access: 
* Access the top level URL of http://cte.corp/FIN_FCO/

* From there, select the appropriate link to query or browse the FIN and
  FCO Homepage collections.
SunSolve Online Access:
* Access the SunSolve Online URL at http://sunsolve.Corp/

* From there, select the appropriate link to browse the FIN or FCO index.

Supporting Documents:
Supporting documents for FIN/FCOs can be found on Edist.  Edist can be 
accessed internally at the following URL: http://edist.corp/.
* From there, follow the hyperlink path of "SunService Documentation" and 
  click on "FIN & FCO attachments", then choose the appropriate folder,  
  FIN or FCO.  This will display supporting directories/files for FINs or
Internet Access:
* Access the top level URL of https://infoserver.Sun.COM

Send questions or comments to finfco-manager@cte.Corp
