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Document Audience:INTERNAL Archive
Document ID:I0503-1
Title:Disk firmware rev. 17xx for A5000(s) with Seagate ST19171 9GB FC-AL disk drives.
Copyright Notice:Copyright © 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Last Updated Date:2004-01-07

- Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only -
                        FIELD INFORMATION NOTICE
                  (For Authorized Distribution by SunService)
FIN #: I0503-1
Synopsis: Disk firmware rev. 17xx for A5000(s) with Seagate ST19171 9GB FC-AL disk drives.
Create Date: Jul/30/99

Disk firmware rev. 17xx for A5000(s) with Seagate ST19171 9GB FC-AL disk drives.

Top FIN/FCO Report: Yes
Products Reference: 9GB FC-AL Disk Firmware
Product Category: Storage / / Disk / A5000
Product Affected: 
Mkt_ID            Platform   Model   Description           Serial Number
------            --------   -----   -----------           -------------
Systems Affected

   -               A14         -     Ultra Enterprise 2         -
   -               E450        -     Ultra Enterprise 450       -
   -               E3000       -     Ultra Enterprise 3000      -
   -               E3500       -     Ultra Enterprise 3500      -
   -               E4000       -     Ultra Enterprise 4000      -
   -               E4500       -     Ultra Enterprise 4500      -
   -               E5000       -     Ultra Enterprise 5000      -
   -               E5500       -     Ultra Enterprise 5500      -
   -               E6000       -     Ultra Enterprise 6000      -
   -               E6500       -     Ultra Enterprise 6500      -
   -               E10000      -     Ultra Enterprise 10000     -    

X-Options Affected

6709A	           -        -	  FCTY,FCAL 1.6 9GB DISK DRIVE           -
SG-XARY510A-45G    -        -     45GB  1X5X9.1GB Drive TableTop         -
SG-XARY510A-127G   -        -     127GB  1X14X9.1GB Drive TableTop       -
SG-XARY511A-127G   -        -     127GB  1X14X9.1GB Drives Exp Cabinet   -
SG-XARY512A-127G   -        -     127GB  1X14X9.1GB Sys Cabinet          -
SG-XARY513A-254G   -        -     254GB  2X14X9.1GB Drive 72" Exp Rack   -
SG-XARY513A-764G   -        -     764GB  4X14X9.1GB Drive 72" Exp Rack   -

Part Number   Description                       Model
-----------   -----------                       -----
370-3602-01   DRV,9GB 1.6FC-AL 7200 SEAGATE    ST19171
370-3602-02   DRV,9GB 1.6FC-AL 7200 SEAGATE    ST19171
370-3602-03   DRV,9GB 1.6FC-AL 7200 SEAGATE    ST19171
540-3852-01   ASSY,9GB FC-AL W/SPUD BRKT       ST19171 
540-3249-02   ASSY,9GB FC-AL W/SPUD BRKT       ST19171

(SCSI Devices)
Type  Vendor  Model    Serial Number(Min)  Serial Number(Max)  Firmware
----  ------  -------  ------------------  ------------------  --------
Disk  SEAGATE ST19171FCSUN9.0G  -                -              <17xx
BugId:   4187073
PatchId: 106129-07
ECO:  WO_15362 
ESC:  517481, 517904, 518164, 519084, 519107, 519253, 520056
URL:  http://storageweb.eng/techmark_site/photon/main/index.html
      > Service > Patch and Firmware (Service) Matrix
Issue Description: 
Various applications running on Sun StorEdge A5000 units with 9GB
ST19171FC drives may report SCSI transport, SCSI reset or read errors.
The problem has only been reported thus far with database programs,
which may report Assertion Failed errors as documented in BugId# 4187073
and as described below:

Sample Sybase 694 Error: The actual error encountered will vary slightly.

Oct 26 11:13:44 brazil unix: sf4:       Target 0x33 Reset successful
Oct 26 11:13:44 brazil unix: WARNING: 
/sbus@48,0/SUNW,socal@1,0/sf@0,0/ssd@w2100002037078097,0 (ssd28):
Oct 26 11:13:44 brazil unix:    SCSI transport failed: reason 'timeout': 
retrying command
/sbus@48,0/SUNW,socal@1,0/sf@0,0/ssd@w2100002037078097,0 (ssd28):
Oct 26 11:13:44 brazil unix:    SCSI transport failed: reason 'reset': retrying 
00:98/10/26 11:13:45.13 server  Starting diagnostics for read failure:
00:98/10/26 11:13:45.13 server  Device Information:
00:98/10/26 11:13:45.13 server  Buffer Information: 
00:98/10/26 11:13:45.13 server  Page Information from first read attempt:
00:98/10/26 11:13:45.13 server  Page Information from second read attempt:
00:98/10/26 11:13:45.15 server  SDES Information:
00:98/10/26 11:13:45.15 server  PSS Information:
00:98/10/26 11:13:45.15 server  End diagnostics for read failure:
00:98/10/26 11:13:45.15 server  Suspect a Device or OS problem, Second IO 
00:98/10/26 11:13:45.17 server  Error: 694, Severity: 24, State: 1
00:98/10/26 11:13:45.17 server  An attempt was made to read logical page 
'1115947', virtpage '50399017' from virtual device '3' for object '1104006964' 
in database '32'. The page was not read successfully. You may have a device 
problem or an operating system problem.

Sample Sybase 697 Error: The actual error encountered will vary slightly.

00:1998/11/23 10:17:55.46 server  Starting diagnostics for read failure:
00:1998/11/23 10:17:55.47 server  Device Information:
                                  Device number = 12
                                  Phyname = /dev/vx/rdsk/brdg/data07
00:1998/11/23 10:17:55.47 server  Buffer Information:
                                  Buf addr = 0xeeb5d920, Mass addr = 0xeeb5d920
                                  Buf pageno = 1315238, Mass pageno = 1315238, 
                                  dbid = 11
00:1998/11/23 10:17:55.47 server  Buf virtpg = 202129830, Mass virtpg = 202129830
                                  Buf stat = 0x1, Mass stat = 0x4001008
                                  Mass keep = 1, Mass awaited = 0
00:1998/11/23 10:17:55.47 server  Page Information from first read attempt:
                                  Page read from cache
                                  ppageno = 1315239, pobjid = 1477736467, pindid 
                                  = 0
00:1998/11/23 10:17:55.47 server  SDES Information:
                                  dbid = 11, objid = 1477736467, scur.pageid = 
                                  sstat = 0x111, sstat2 = 0x0
                                  suid = 1, cacheid = 0
00:1998/11/23 10:17:55.47 server  PSS Information:
                                  pstat = 0x10100, pcurdb = 11, pspid = 18
                                  p2stat = 0x1000, p3stat = 0x0
                                  plasterror = 0, preverror = 0, pattention = 0
00:1998/11/23 10:17:55.47 server  End diagnostics for read failure:
00:1998/11/23 10:17:55.47 server  Error: 697, Severity: 21, State: 1
00:1998/11/23 10:17:55.47 server  An attempt was made to fetch logical page 
                                  '1315238' for object 
                                  '1477736467' in database '11' from cache 'default  
                                  data cache'. Wrong logical page '1315239' was 
                                  found in cache.

Sample Informix Asertion Error: The actual error encountered will vary slightly.

19:35:30   Assert Failed: Page Check Error in rsread:bad data page
19:35:30   Who: Session(5766, sapr3@mchsr311, 284, 1908667828)
           Thread(5967, sqlexec, 71c269d8, 4)
19:35:30   Results: Possible inconsistencies in 'mdp:"sapr3".pbed'
19:35:30   Action: Run 'oncheck -cD 9438014'
19:35:30   See Also: /tmp/af.174ff23d, shmem.174ff23d.1
19:38:39   Error writing '/tmp/shmem.174ff23d.1' errno = 22
           Im af. File
19:28:13   bfcheck: bad page: pg_addr e70540 != bp->bf_pagenum e7053c
           buffer header
           15249804: 1524986c 1524979c 00000000 00000029   .$.l.$.. .......)
           15249814: 0000068b 00000000 00000000 001b3470   ........ ......4p

In the rare cases where this problem was reported, the cause was related  
to timing at low levels within the disk control of the 9GB disk firmware.

As a result, the updated firmware in Patch-ID# 106129-07 corrects the
wrong data being returned during quasi-sequential data operations,
where the time between successive I/O's is greater than 500 msec. and
internal disk drive logging activity is pending.

NOTE: FIELD FAILURE RATE: Very low (0.03% based on 286,000 drives in the 
        |   |   MANDATORY (Fully Pro-Active)
        | X |   CONTROLLED PRO-ACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan) 
        |   |   REACTIVE (As Required)
Corrective Action: 
To correct or avoid the above mentioned problem specific to the errors on
StorEdge A5000 units as detailed above, the ST19171FC Firmware should be 
upgraded from rev. 14xx to 17xx.  Firmware Revision 17xx may be obtained 
by installing:  

Patch-ID# 106129-07
Keywords: ST19171FC 9GB 0417 0414 0413 0411 0410 disk firmware
Synopsis: Hardware, 9GB Disks: Download program and ST19171FC 0417 firmware
Date: Jun/07/99

Solaris Release: 2.5.1 2.6 7

SunOS Release: 5.5.1 5.6 5.7

Unbundled Product: Hardware/Disk

Unbundled Release: Seagate ST19171FC 9GB disks

Relevant Architectures: sparc

BugId's fixed with this patch: 4187073 4103081 4121334 4124372 4129552 
                               4132049 4154018 4160175

Changes incorporated in this version: 4187073

Patches which conflict with this patch: 

Patches required with this patch: 
        Solaris 2.5.1   105310-05 or higher
                2.6     105356-01 or higher
                        105357-01 or higher
                        105375-04 or higher

Obsoleted by: 

Files included with this patch: README, download, download32,
                        download64, .download, and ST19171F.177.fw
Make sure to read and follow the Patch Installation Instructions  
accompanying this patch.

NOTE: The Seagate 9GB FCAL disk drive Model #ST19171 is now EOL at
      the supplier, thus any 9GB 1.6FC-AL 7200 Seagate drive that is
      replaced in the field must be upgraded or verified to have the
      the current fw revision as described in patchId# 106129-07.

Implementation Footnote: 
i)   In case of MANDATORY FINs, Enterprise Services will attempt to    
     contact all affected customers to recommend implementation of 
     the FIN. 
ii)  For CONTROLLED PROACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services mission critical    
     support teams will recommend implementation of the FIN  (to their  
     respective accounts), at the convenience of the customer. 

iii) For REACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services will implement the FIN as the   
     need arises.
All released FINs and FCOs can be accessed using your favorite network 
browser as follows:
SunWeb Access:
* Access the top level URL of http://sdpsweb.ebay/FIN_FCO/

* From there, select the appropriate link to query or browse the FIN and
  FCO Homepage collections.
SunSolve Online Access:
* Access the SunSolve Online URL at http://sunsolve.Corp/

* From there, select the appropriate link to browse the FIN or FCO index.

Supporting Documents:
* Supporting documents for FIN/FCOs can be found on Edist.  Edist can be 
  accessed internally at the following URL: http://edist.corp/.
* From there, follow the hyperlink path of "Enterprise Services Documenta- 
  tion" and click on "FIN & FCO attachments", then choose the appropriate   
  folder, FIN or FCO.  This will display supporting directories/files for 
  FINs or FCOs.
Internet Access:
* Access the top level URL of https://infoserver.Sun.COM
* Send questions or comments to finfco-manager@Sun.COM