Document Audience:INTERNAL
Document ID:I0609-7
Title:The latest firmware patch for StorEdge T3 is 109115-xx, and 115180-03 or later for T3+.
Copyright Notice:Copyright © 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Update Date:2004-05-24

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FIN #: I0609-7
Synopsis: The latest firmware patch for StorEdge T3 is 109115-xx, and 115180-03 or later for T3+.
Create Date: May/24/04
SunAlert: No
Top FIN/FCO Report: Yes
Products Reference: T3/T3+ StorEdge Array firmware
Product Category: Storage / SW Admin
Product Affected: 
Mkt_ID   Platform   Model   Description               Serial Number
------   --------   -----   -----------               -------------
Systems Affected
  -       Anysys     ALL    System Platform Independent     -

X-Options Affected
Mkt_ID   Platform   Model   Description               Serial Number
------   --------   -----   -----------               -------------
  -      T3         ALL     T3 StorEdge Array               -
  -      T3+        ALL     T3+ StorEdge Array              -
Parts Affected: 
Part Number   Description                       Model Number   Vendor      f/w
-----------   -----------                       ------------   ------      -----
390-0017-02   DRV SEA 18GB 10K HH-FCAL          ST118202FC     Seagate     EA29
390-0053-04   DRV SEA 18GB 10K 1in FCAL PURP    ST318304FC     Seagate     AE26
390-0054-02   DRV IBM 18GB 10K 1in FCAL PURP    DDYFT18350     IBM         F65Y
390-0022-04   DRV SEA 18G10K 1in FC CH18PURP    ST318203FC     Seagate     DF4A
390-0023-04   DRV SEA 36G10K 1.6in FC CH36PURP	ST136403FC     Seagate     DF4A
390-0056-04   DRV SEA 36GB10K 1in FCAL PURP  	ST336704FC     Seagate     AE26
390-0057-02   DRV IBM 36GB 10K 1in FCAL PURP	DDYFT36950     IBM         F65Y
390-0072-04   DRV SEA 36GB 10K 1in FCAL T3	ST336605FC     Seagate     A438
390-0095-03   DRV FJ 36GB 10K 1in FCAL T3 AL7	MAN3367FC      Fujits      0904
390-0138-03   DRV SEA 36GB 10K 1in FCAL T3	ST336607FC     Seagate     A207
390-0096-03   DRV FJ 73GB 10K 1in FCAL T3 AL7	MAN3735FC      Fujitsu     0904
390-0115-03   DRV SEA 73GB 10K 1in FCAL T3	ST373307FC     Seagate     A207
390-0116-03   DRV FJ 73GB 10K 1in FCAL T3 AL7	MAP3735FC      Fujitsu     0801
390-0117-03   DRV FJ 73GB 10K 1in FCAL T3 	DK32EJ72FC     Hitachi     FQ0C
390-0036-04   DRV SEA 73GB 10K 1.6in FCAL	ST173404FC     Seagate     AE26
390-0073-04   DRV SEA 73GB 10K 1in FCAL T3	ST373405FC     Seagate     A438
Manual:  950-3479-06 - SPEC PURPLE SYSTEMS

PatchID: 109115-xx - T3: System Firmware Update.

PatchID: 115180-xx - T3+: System Firmware Update

http://sunsolve/cgi/ for T3
http://sunsolve/cgi/ for T3+
Issue Description: 

1. In the CORRECTIVE ACTION, added Patch 115180-03 or later for the StorEdge 
   T3+ Array.
2. Added T3 18GB, 36GB, and 73GB disk drives with the minimum f/w level on the
   Part Numbers Affected section.  Any customer not running minimum f/w levels 
   should upgrade to current levels available in PatchId 109115-16.    

The minimum recommended firmware level for StorEdge T3 controllers is now 
1.18.3 for all configurations.  Minimum recommended drive FW levels for T3 
drives are listed below.

The current controller firmware and drive firmware is included with PatchId 109115-16.

The documentation in the following URL provides information on the benefits associated with this Array FW level and the risks for not upgrading that can 
be shared with the customer.

1.18.3 firmware provides the following improvements:

Volume Management:
   'vol verify' and 'vol verify fix' operation CLI and web-interface have 
   been enhanced to continue scanning the volume and address media errors.  
   Frequent scheduled running of 'vol verify fix' with StorAde 2.2 or higher 
   will help to keep the disks on the volume free of media errors. This
   reduces possibility of occurrence of double disk failure conditions.

Disk firmware download improvements:
   Disk firmware download operation has been enhanced to take care of 
   inconsistent disk response during firmware download operation. Better 
   handling of disk response reduced the occurrence of disk failure during 
   firmware download operations.

Improvement in Disk error handling:
   Disk error handling has been improved for drive fatal failure conditions.  
   These improvements allow the array to handle  these fatal failures, as 
   well as make better use of the standby  disk and bypassing of the failing 
   drive.  For example, upon receipt  of a predictive drive failure condition 
   from the drive, the 1.18.03 FW will begin populating the data from  the  
   'going to fail soon' drive to standby drive.  This change improves the recon
   speed, minimizes the impact on performance and reduces the chances of data 
   loss when other  drives exhibit media read error conditions while 
   reconstructing the data.

Data corruption issue:
   Fixed conditional data corruption instances that have been observed during 
   certain drive failure conditions.

Other Features and Bug Fixes:
   . Battery Management with better refresh handling
   . More meaningful syslog messages
   . Tightened security
   . Hot swap case: disk path initialization
   . Improved Write behind cache management
   . Array crash after 497 days of uptime is fixed.
The documentation under the following link provides information on the
benefits associated with this Array FW level and the risks for not
upgrading that can be shared with the customer.



1. Changed the SYNOPSIS to include T3+ Patch 115180-03 or later, which
   replaces 112276-XX as the latest T3+ firmware version.

2. Removed the URL and the patch for patchId 112276 and added the URL
   and the patch for patchId 115180 from the REFERENCE section.  

3. In the CORRECTIVE ACTION, added Patch 115180-03 or later for the StorEdge 
   T3+ Array.

1. Changed the Synopsis to include T3+ Patch 112276-xx.  Also, removed the
   reference to specific firmware revisions to make the FIN apply to any
   future firmware updates for the StorEdge T3 and T3+ Arrays.

2. In the Corrective Action, added Patch 112276-xx for the StorEdge T3+ 


The current firmware revision for StorEdge T3 controllers is now 1.17b
for all configurations.  This
firmware provides additional robustness above and beyond that provided
by the 1.16c release especially in fault injection scenarios.  Because
of this additional level of robustness, migrating production systems 
to 1.17b is highly recommended.  The current 
controller firmware is included with Patch 109115-09.

The only difference between 1.17b and 1.17a firmware is one fix that
only applies to systems running partner pair configurations in
multi-initiator or Cluster configurations.  

NOTE: The Sun StorEdge T3 disk tray was formerly known as the 
        Sun StorEdge T300 prior to final product shipment.  Most
        of the Sun StorEdge T3 disk tray user documentation 
        has been updated to reflect the new name;  however, there
        are some related software components (such as the
        Sun StorTools diagnostic package) that still reference this 
        product as the Sun StorEdge T300.  Users should be aware 
        that both the Sun StorEdge T3 and Sun StorEdge T300 names 
        refer to the same product and are equivalent in terms of 
        product features and functionality.


In this -3 revision, the following has been updated to FINI0609-2:

1) The minimum recommended firmware levels for all T3 StorEdge Arrays 
   (except Cluster configurations) was upgraded to v1.16c from v1.16 
   as of April 12, 2001 in the SYNOPSIS section.  
2) Firmware 1.16c fixes the problem described in BugID# 4419265
   alternate master controller becoming disabled in a T3ES partner pair
3) All the BugIds which are fixed by patch 109115-06 are listed in 
   the REFERENCE section.  The patch was updated from 109115-04.

|Update for FIN I0609-2:|
In this -2 revision, the following has been updated to FINI0609-1:
1) Minimum recommended firmware levels for all T3 StorEdge Arrays was 
   upgraded to v1.16 from v1.14 as of Nov. 1, 2000 on the SYNOPSIS section.

2) All the BugIds which are fixed by patch 109115-04 are listed in 
   the REFERENCE section.  The patch was updated from 109115-02.
3) More patches were added in the REFERENCE section to fix the problems
   associated with Veritas VM 3.0.4 and 3.1.

|From FIN I0609-1:|

During T3 StorEdge Array factory testing (with Firmware level 1.13),
specifically hot plug simulations under margin corner case conditions,
the factory observed an instance of 1 in 1000 results of stray IOCBs
(Input/Output Control Block) and a tray failover condition.  This
condition is resolved with the release of Firmware 1.14.  No data
corruption was experienced during factory testing, but in determining
root cause of the stray IOCBs, engineering determined such an
occurrence is theoretically possible.

Root cause determined there is a bug in the Qlogic firmware level 1.13
where an overloaded data structure field (meaning the field is used for
different values depending on the context of the code being executed)
was being returned to the overriding firmware when the field didn't
have the correct data.  The result was a bad linked list pointer that
resulted in stray IOCB errors being detected in the upper firmware
        |   |   MANDATORY (Fully Pro-Active)
        | X |   CONTROLLED PRO-ACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan) 
        |   |   REACTIVE (As Required)
Corrective Action: 
The following recommendation is provided as a guideline for authorized
Enterprise Services Field Representatives and Warranty Customers who
may be encountering the above mentioned issue.

The two patches listed below provide numerous bugId fixes and enhancements 
for StorEdge T3 and T3+ Arrays.  It is recommended that these arrays be 
updated with the latest firmware.

Install PatchId 109115-xx to update all T3 StorEdge Arrays with the
latest firmware.  The patch README shows all of the bug fixes and provides 
detailed instructions for completing the update.  Please adhere to the
following URL for the latest patch:

   http://sunsolve/cgi/ for T3

Install Patch 115180-03 or later to update all T3+ StorEdge Arrays with the 
latest firmware.  The patch README shows all of the bug fixes and provides 
detailed instructions for completing the update.  Please adhere to the
following URL for the latest patch:

   http://sunsolve/cgi/ for T3+
To determine the current firmware level of a T3 Array, use this method:

        1) Telnet to the T3 
        2) Login  
        3) Run the 'ver' command
                $telnet t3
                Connected to purple15.
                Escape character is '^]'.
                pSOSystem (
                Login: root
                Password:       <---- Must type password here
                T300 Release 1.16c 2001/04/15 16:55:46 (
                t3:/:<1> ver
                T300 Release 1.16c 2001/04/15 16:55:46 (
                (In this case, the firmware version is 1.16c)
Implementation Footnote: 
i)   In case of MANDATORY FINs, Sun Services will attempt to    
     contact all affected customers to recommend implementation of 
     the FIN. 
ii)  For CONTROLLED PROACTIVE FINs, Sun Services mission critical    
     support teams will recommend implementation of the FIN  (to their  
     respective accounts), at the convenience of the customer. 

iii) For REACTIVE FINs, Sun Services will implement the FIN as the   
     need arises.
All released FINs and FCOs can be accessed using your favorite network 
browser as follows:
SunSolve Internal Access:
* Access the SunSolve Online URL at http://sunsolve.Central/

* From there, select the appropriate link to browse the FIN or FCO index.

Internet Access:
* Access the top level URL of

FIN/FCO Homepage Access: 
* Access the top level URL of http://sdpsweb.Central/FIN_FCO/index.html

* From there, select the appropriate link to query or browse the FIN and
  FCO Homepage collections.

To submit either a FIN or FCO refer to the following URLs for templates
and instructions;

*  For FCO: http://pronto.central/fco.html
*  For FIN: http://pronto.central/fin.html
* Send questions or comments to finfco-manager@Sun.COM