Document Audience:INTERNAL
Document ID:I0836-1
Title:Seagate ST336752FC (36.4GB)) disk drives should not be installed into non-RAID configurations
Copyright Notice:Copyright © 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Update Date:2002-06-11

- Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only -
                            FIELD INFORMATION NOTICE
                  (For Authorized Distribution by SunService)
FIN #: I0836-1
Synopsis: Seagate ST336752FC (36.4GB)) disk drives should not be installed into non-RAID configurations
Create Date: Jun/11/02

Seagate ST336752FC (36.4GB)) disk drives should not be installed into non-RAID configurations

SunAlert: No
Top FIN/FCO Report: No
Products Reference: Disk Management System on T3 and A5200 Storage Array
Product Category: Storage / Service
Product Affected: 
Systems Affected:
Mkt_ID   Platform   Model   Description                   Serial Number
------   --------   -----   -----------                   -------------
  -       ANYSYS      -     System Platform Independent         -

X-Options Affected:
Mkt_ID         Platform   Model   Description                    Serial Number
------         --------   -----   -----------                    -------------
  -               T3       ALL    T3 StorEdge Array                    -
  -               T3+      ALL    T3+ StorEdge Array                   -  
  -               A5200    ALL    A5200 StorEdge Array                 -
  -               SE3900   ALL    SE3900 StorEdge Array                -
  -               SE6900   ALL    SE6900 StorEdge Array                -
XT3CWG-TT-11S327   -        -     T3CWG TT 1x9x36G 15K                 -
XT3CWG-RR-11S327   -        -     T3CWG RR 1x9x36G 15K                 -
T3CWG-RR-11S327R5  -        -     T3CWG 72in RCK 1x9x36G 15K           -
XT3CES-TT-22S655   -        -     T3CES TT 2x9x36G 15 RPM              -
XT3CES-RR-22S655   -        -     T3CES RR 2x9x36G 15 RPM              -
T3CES-RR-22S655R5  -        -     T3CES 72in RCK 2x9x36G 15RPM         -
T3CES-RK-22S655R5  -        -     T3CES 72in RCK 2x9x36G 15RPM         -
T3CES-RK-88S2620   -        -     T3CES 72in RCK 8x9x36G 15RPM         -
T3CES-RS-22S655R5  -        -     T3CES 72in RCK 2x9x36G 15RPM X2      -
T3CES-RS-88S2620   -        -     T3CES 72in RCK 8x9x36G 15RPM X       -
TC3910-B2-S655     -        -     SE3910 2x8SWT SP-RR 2x9x36G15K       -
TC3960-C2-S655     -        -     SE3960 2x16SWT SPRR 2x9x36G15K       -
TC6910-B2-S655     -        -     SE6910 2x8SWT SP-RR 2x9x36G15K       -
TC6960-C2-S655     -        -     SE6960 2x16SWT SPRR 2x9x36G15K       -
TC3910-B8-S2620    -        -     SE3910 2x8SWT SP-RR 8x9x36G15K       -
TC3960-C8-S2620    -        -     SE3960 2x16SWT SPRR 8x9x36G15K       -
TC6910-B6-S1965    -        -     SE6910 2x8SWT SP-RR 6x9x36G15K       -
TC6960-C6-S1965    -        -     SE6910 2x16SWT SPRR 6x9x36G15K       -
TBEC-N2-S655       -        -     SE3900/6900 EXPCAB 2X9X36G15K        -
TBEA-N2-S655       -        -     SE3900/6900 EXP ARRAY 2X9X36G15K     -
SG-XARY560B-254G   -        -     254GB Sun StorEdge A5200 Array TT    -
SG-XARY560B-800G   -        -     800GB Sun StorEdge A5200 Array TT    -
SG-XARY561B-800G   -        -     800GB Sun StorEdge A5200 Array R     -
SG-ARY561B-800GR5  -        -     800GB Sun StorEdge A5200 Array       -
SG-XARY562B-800G   -        -     800GB Sun StorEdge A5200 Array R     -
SG-ARY563B-800G    -        -     800GB Sun StorEdge A5200 Array       -
SG-XARY563B-1601G  -        -     1601GB Sun StorEdge A5200 Array CAB  -
SG-ARY563B-1601G   -        -     1601GB Sun StorEdge A5200 Array CAB  -
SG-XARY560B-4804G  -        -     4804GB Sun StorEdge A5200 Array CAB  -
SG-ARY560B-4804G   -        -     4804GB Sun StorEdge A5200 Array CAB  -
X6763A             -        -     OPT INT DISK 36.4GB/15K 1-inch FCAL  -
X6765A             -        -     OPT INT 36.4GB 15K FCAL              -
6765A              -        -     CTO INT DISK 36.4GB/15K 1-inch FCAL  -
Parts Affected: 
Part Number      Description                              Model
-----------      -----------                              -----
540-5178-01      36GB 15K 1-in FC W/SLED DRV ASSY           -
540-5179-01      36GB 15K 1-in FC W/SLED DRV ASSY           -   
390-0099-02      DRV SEA 36GB 15K 1-in FCAL                 -
390-0101-02      DRV SEA 36GB 15K 1-in FCAL T3              -
Manual: 816-3270-10: Manual DS 36GB/15K RPM
        950-3975-01: Reference SPEC DRV SEA 36GB 15K 1-in FCAL
        950-3976-01: Reference SPEC DRV SEA 36GB 15K FCAL T3
Issue Description: 
Seagate ST336752FC (36GB) disk drives should only be installed into
configurations which use Veritas Volume Manager or SDS RAID software,
or hardware RAID configurations, such as the T3.

Affected configurations include those where the Seagate ST336752FC 
(36GB) disk drive is supported but is installed without proper RAID 
control.  These could include:

   StorEdge T3/T3+ Array
   StorEdge A5200 Array
   StorEdge 6900 Array
   StorEdge 3900 Array
To determine if the ST336752FC drive is installed in an array, do the
following.  For the T3/T3+ , telnet to the T3 and run the 'fru list' 
command.  For the A5200, use 'luxadm inq '.

This drive is sensitive to rough handling and this may cause an
occasional need for logical block address (LBA) reassignment.  In
RAID-based systems, this function is handled automatically without
operator intervention.  In non-RAID configurations, this action
requires operator intervention and may include data loss from the
affected logical block addresses.  There is no method for the customer
to verify if manual LBA reassignment has resulted in data loss on the
drive.  Some operating environments cannot tolerate this behavior.
Therefore, this advisory is to ensure  that this drive, when used as  a
replacement FRU, or installed into a system, is NOT installed into a
non-RAID, non Veritas Volume Manager or SDS RAID environment.

This new sensitivity to handling is due to decreased head flying height
on the disk drive.  Rough handling could introduce head slaps in the
landing zone of the disk platter and could lead to particle release
several hundred hours later in the drive's operating life.  Particle
releases could lead to media degradation, reported as 03/1100 errors
(fatal read errors).  

The exposure to data loss can be minimized by installing this drive in
a RAID or Veritas Volume Manager environment.  Note that RAID 0 is not
an acceptable solution for this drive.  Below is a description of the
various RAID configurations.

   Raid 0 - Striping        
   Raid 1 - Mirroring
   RAID 3 - Striping plus dedicated parity
   Raid 4 - Modified striping with dedicated parity (never used or 
   Raid 5 - Modified striping with interleaved parity
   RAID 0+1 - Striping plus mirroring
         |   |   MANDATORY (Fully Proactive)
         |   |   CONTROLLED PROACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan)
         | X |   REACTIVE (As Required)
Corrective Action: 
The following recommendation is provided as a guideline for authorized
Enterprise Services Field Representatives who may encounter the above
mentioned problem.

Ensure that Seagate ST336752FC (36.4GB) drives are installed in a RAID
environment using Veritas Volume Manager, SDS RAID, or hardware RAID
control.  RAID 0 configurations are not acceptable in either hardware
RAID platforms, such as the T3, or software RAID environments.

Implementation Footnote: 
i)   In case of MANDATORY FINs, Enterprise Services will attempt to    
     contact all affected customers to recommend implementation of 
     the FIN. 
ii)  For CONTROLLED PROACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services mission critical    
     support teams will recommend implementation of the FIN  (to their  
     respective accounts), at the convenience of the customer. 

iii) For REACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services will implement the FIN as the   
     need arises.
All released FINs and FCOs can be accessed using your favorite network 
browser as follows:
SunWeb Access:
* Access the top level URL of http://sdpsweb.ebay/FIN_FCO/

* From there, select the appropriate link to query or browse the FIN and
  FCO Homepage collections.
SunSolve Online Access:
* Access the SunSolve Online URL at http://sunsolve.Corp/

* From there, select the appropriate link to browse the FIN or FCO index.
Internet Access:
* Access the top level URL of https://infoserver.Sun.COM
* Send questions or comments to finfco-manager@sdpsweb.EBay