Document Audience:INTERNAL
Document ID:I0953-1
Title:A small number of Sun StorEdge 3510 FC Array Controller FRUs may contain defective firmware.
Copyright Notice:Copyright © 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Update Date:2003-05-16

            - Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only -
                        FIELD INFORMATION NOTICE
               (For Authorized Distribution by SunService)
FIN #: I0953-1
Synopsis: A small number of Sun StorEdge 3510 FC Array Controller FRUs may contain defective firmware.
Create Date: Apr/09/03
SunAlert: No
Top FIN/FCO Report: No
Products Reference: Sun StorEdge 3510
Product Category: Storage / Service
Product Affected: 
Systems Affected:
Mkt_ID    Platform    Model    Description                   Serial Number
------    --------    -----    -----------                   -------------
  -        Anysys       -      System Platform Independent         -  

X-Options Affected:
Mkt_ID            Platform  Model  Description                  Serial Number
------            --------  -----  -----------                  -------------
  -                A3510     ALL   A3510 StorEdge Array               -
XTA-3510-Ctrl-1G     -        -    I/O-RAID CONT FC 1GB BATT 2U       -
XTA3510T01A1S182     -        -    SE3510 182GB 5X36 1RAID AC TT      -
XTA3510R01A1S182     -        -    SE3510 182GB 5X36 1RAID AC RR      -      XTA3510T01A1S436     -        -    SE3510 436GB 12X36 1RAID AC TT     -
XTA3510R01A1S436     -        -    SE3510 436GB 12X36 1RAID AC RR     -
XTA3510T01A2S182     -        -    SE3510 182GB 5X36 2RAID AC TT      -
XTA3510R01A2S182     -        -    SE3510 182GB 5X36 2RAID AC RR      -
XTA3510T01A2S436     -        -    SE3510 436GB 12X36 2RAID AC TT     -
XTA3510R01A2S436     -        -    SE3510 436GB 12X36 2RAID AC RR     -
XTA3510R01D1S182     -        -    SE3510 182GB 5X36 1RAID DC RR      -
XTA3510R01D1S436     -        -    SE3510 436GB 12X36 1RAID DC RR     -
XTA3510R01D2S182     -        -    SE3510 182GB 5X36 2RAID DC RR      -
XTA3510T01A1R365     -        -    SE3510 365GB 5X73 1RAID AC TT      -
XTA3510R01A1R365     -        -    SE3510 365GB 5X73 1RAID AC RR      -
XTA3510T01A1R876     -        -    SE3510 876GB 12X73 1RAID AC TT     -
XTA3510R01A1R876     -        -    SE3510 876GB 12X73 1RAID AC RR     -
XTA3510T01A2R365     -        -    SE3510 365GB 5X73 2RAID AC TT      -
XTA3510R01A2R365     -        -    SE3510 365GB 5X73 2RAID AC RR      -
XTA3510T01A2R876     -        -    SE3510 876GB 12X73 2RAID AC TT     -
XTA3510R01A2R876     -        -    SE3510 876GB 12X73 2RAID AC RR     -
XTA3510R01D1R365     -        -    SE3510 365GB 5X73 1RAID DC RR      -
XTA3510R01D1R876     -        -    SE3510 876GB 12X73 1RAID DC RR     -
XTA3510R01D2R365     -        -    SE3510 365GB 5X73 2RAID DC RR      -
XTA3510R01D2R876     -        -    SE3510 876GB 12X73 2RAID DC RR     -
XTA3510R01D0R365     -        -    SE3510 356GB 5X73 JBOD DC RR       -
XTA3510R01D0R876     -        -    SE3510 876GB 12X73 JBOD DC RR      -
XTA3510T01A1R730     -        -    SE3510 730GB 5X146 1RAID AC TT     -
XTA3510R01A1R730     -        -    SE3510 730GB 5X146 1RAID AC RR     -
XTA3510T01A1R1752    -        -    SE3510 1752GB 12X146 1RAID AC TT   -
XTA3510R01A1R1752    -        -    SE3510 1752GB 12X146 1RAID AC RR   -
XTA3510T01A2R730     -        -    SE3510 730GB 5X146 2RAID AC TT     -
XTA3510R01A2R730     -        -    SE3510 730GB 5X146 2RAID AC RR     -
XTA3510T01A2R1752    -        -    SE3510 1752GB 12X146 2RAID AC TT   -
XTA3510R01A2R1752    -        -    SE3510 1752GB 12X146 2RAID AC RR   -
XTA3510R01D1R730     -        -    SE3510 730GB 5X146 1RAID DC TT     -
XTA3510R01D1R1752    -        -    SE3510 1752GB 12X146 1RAID DC RR   -
XTA3510R01D2R730     -        -    SE3510 730GB 5X146 2RAID DC RR     -
XTA3510R01D2R1752    -        -    SE3510 1752GB 12X146 2RAID DC RR   -
XTA3510R01D0R730     -        -    SE3510 730GB 5X146 JBOD DC RR      -
XTA3510R01D0R1752    -        -    SE3510 1752GB 12X146 JBD DC RR     -

Part Number     Description   	              Model
-----------     -----------   	              -----
370-5537-02     I/O & Raid Cont FC 1GB 2U       -
BugId:   4826287 - copy and replace disk activity during LD rebuild 
                   causes data corruption.

PatchId: 113723-01: SE3510 3.27: StorEdge 3510 array controller firmware 

ECO:     WO_26152

LEAP:    2226
Issue Description: 
Due to a Controller FRU firmware issue, Sun StorEdge 3510 FC Arrays may
fail to successfully complete a disk drive copy/replace operation on a
drive that is being rebuilt.  There may be no visible symptoms that the
operation did not complete successfully.

This issue affects any StorEdge 3510 Controller FRU, P/N F370-5537-01,
containing firmware version 3.27I.  No StorEdge 3510 Arrays have
shipped with these affected Controllers.  The only affected Controllers
are those FRUs which may have escaped from parts inventories prior to a
recent purge.  The number of such FRUs is believed to be very small.

The firmware version of the StorEdge 3510 FC Controller may be
determined as follows:

   Using the Sun StorEdge 3510 FC firmware Application Menu, from the
   Main Menu, choose "View System Information".  The firmware version
   should show as 3.27K.  If it shows as 3.27I, the firmware needs to
   be upgraded.

This issue could occur with 3.27I firmware when a customer attempts to
copy and replace from a disk drive that is being rebuilt to a
replacement drive.  The copy and replace operation may not complete
successfully.  The 3.27I firmware does not support the copy/replace
function on a rebuilding drive, however, the firmware application
interface allows the user to perform this action.

FRU inventory has been updated with firmware 3.27K and FRUs have been 
dash rolled to F370-5537-02 via ECO WO_26152 and LEAP 2226.  Patch
113723-01 providing firmware version 3.27K is now available on SunSolve.
        |   |   MANDATORY (Fully Proactive)
        |   |   CONTROLLED PROACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan) 
        | X |   REACTIVE (As Required)
Corrective Action: 
The following recommendation is provided as a guideline for authorized
Sun Services Field Representatives who may encounter the above
mentioned problem.

Any StorEdge 3510 FC Array Controller FRU with P/N F370-5537-01 should
have its firmware version checked.  FRUs having firmware version 3.27I
should have patch 113723-01 applied to upgrade the firmware version
to 3.27K.  Follow the instructions provided with the patch README file.

Implementation Footnote: 
i)   In case of MANDATORY FINs, Sun Services will attempt to contact   
     all affected customers to recommend implementation of the FIN. 
ii)  For CONTROLLED PROACTIVE FINs, Sun Services mission critical    
     support teams will recommend implementation of the FIN  (to their  
     respective accounts), at the convenience of the customer. 

iii) For REACTIVE FINs, Sun Services will implement the FIN as the   
     need arises.
All released FINs and FCOs can be accessed using your favorite network 
browser as follows:
SunWeb Access:
* Access the top level URL of http://sdpsweb.central/FIN_FCO/

* From there, select the appropriate link to query or browse the FIN and
  FCO Homepage collections.
SunSolve Online Access:
* Access the SunSolve Online URL at http://sunsolve.central/

* From there, select the appropriate link to browse the FIN or FCO index.

Internet Access:
* Access the top level URL of
* Send questions or comments to finfco-manager@Sun.COM