Document Audience:INTERNAL
Document ID:I1002-1
Title:StorEdge 6020/6120 Arrays may automatically power themselves up after being placed in standby mode.
Copyright Notice:Copyright © 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Update Date:2003-08-25


             - Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only -

                          FIELD INFORMATION NOTICE
            (For Authorized Distribution by Sun Services)
FIN #: I1002-1                              Date: Aug/25/03
Synopsis: StorEdge 6020/6120 Arrays may automatically power themselves up after being placed in standby mode.
SunAlert: No
Top FIN/FCO Report: No
Products Reference: Sun StorEdge 6020/6120
Product Category: Storage / Array
Product Affected: 
Systems Affected:
------- --------
Mkt_ID    Platform  Model  Description                Serial Number
------    --------  -----  -----------                -------------
  -       Anysys      -    System Platform Independent     -

X-Options Affected
--------- -------
Mkt_ID  Platform   Model     Description                      Serial Number
------  --------   -----     -----------                      -------------
  -     SE6020HA   ALL       Sun StorEdge 6020/6120 Array     -
  -     SE6120     ALL       Sun StorEdge 6020/6120 Array     -
  -     SE6120HA   ALL       Sun StorEdge 6020/6120 Array     -
Parts Affected: 
Part Number    Description
-----------    -----------
    -             -
BugID:        4888955                     
PatchID:      114285-07                  
WWStopShip:   P001-20142.A
Issue Description: 
Power Cooling Units (PCU) on StorEdge 6020/6120 Arrays may automatically
reset and power up after being placed in standby mode with software commands.
There is no impact to system operation other than additional power may be
consumed when these PCUs unexpectedly return to full power.

This issue affects any StorEdge 6020/6120 Array without firmware 3.0.6 (patch
114285-07) or later which has been placed in standby mode via the telnet
"shutdown -y" command or via the Sun StorEdge Configuration Services "array
poweroff" command.  6020/6120 Arrays are installed as part of StorEdge 6320
systems.  Approximately 670 arrays have shipped to date and it is believed
that 10% of these will be susceptible to this issue.

To determine the firmware version installed on an array, "telnet" to the array,
log on, and issue the "ver" command.

The following Sun StorEdge Configuration Services command will put an array
into standby mode and make it susceptible to this issue:

  "sscs modify -a array_name arraypower off" (shutdown of a specific array)

An array may also become susceptible when placed into standby power mode via
the SE6320 Reconfiguration Wizard.

Note that the following two Sun StorEdge Configuration Services commands will
issue a shutdown via the power sequencer and shut down both AC power and
12V standby power.  This prevents the problem from occurring.

   "sscs modify power down"
   "sscs modify power off"

When the issue occurs, a 6020/6120 Array may repower itself to full power
after an indeterminate time.  The longer a unit is in standby power mode, the
greater the possibility an individual array will repower itself.

The root cause is random noise on the power supply switch line which
generates a false "power on" signal.  This noise exists anytime the standby
power is active.  Removing standby power by turning the power switch OFF at
the PCU removes the noise and eliminates the possibility of an indadvertent

This issue is addressed with firmware version 3.0.6 (patch 114285-07) and later.
It is expected to release by the end of August 2003 and ship in new arrays after
05-Sep-2003.  The new firmware implements different commands which will prevent
inadvertent repowering of an array.  Until the new firmware is installed,
utilize the workaround provided below.
|   |   MANDATORY (Fully Pro-Active)

|   |   CONTROLLED PRO-ACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan)

| X |   REACTIVE (As Required)
Corrective Action: 
The following recommendation is provided as a guideline for authorized
Sun Services Field Representatives who may encounter the above
mentioned issue.

1) Install patch 114285-07 or later on arrays having firmware versions
   less than 3.0.6.  Customers who utilize the "shutdown -y" command or
   place the array into standby power mode using StorEdge Configuration
   Services software should plan to install the patch during a scheduled
   maintenance period.

2) Workaround:

   Until patch 114285-07 is installed, this issue may be avoided by one
   of the following:

   a. Turn the PCU power switch to OFF after shutting down an array.


   b. Use one of these Sun StorEdge Configuration Services commands to
      power down an array:

      "sscs modify power down"
      "sscs modify power off"
Customers who manage their 6120/6320 systems via a lights out management
protocol may be particularly prone to this issue should they regularly place
their arrays into standby power mode using the "shutdown -y" command or the
Configuration Services software.  Concern has been raised that customers in
Japan may be more likely to encounter this problem as they frequently use the
standby power mode to conserve power.

Implementation Footnote: 
i)   In case of MANDATORY FINs, Sun Services will attempt to
     contact all affected customers to recommend implementation of
     the FIN.

ii)  For CONTROLLED PROACTIVE FINs, Sun Services mission critical
     support teams will recommend implementation of the FIN  (to their
     respective accounts), at the convenience of the customer.

iii) For REACTIVE FINs, Sun Services will implement the FIN as the
     need arises.
All released FINs and FCOs can be accessed using your favorite network
browser as follows:

SunWeb Access:
* Access the top level URL of http://sdpsweb.Central/FIN_FCO/

* From there, select the appropriate link to query or browse the FIN and
  FCO Homepage collections.

SunSolve Online Access:
* Access the SunSolve Online URL at http://sunsolve.Central/

* From there, select the appropriate link to browse the FIN or FCO index.

Internet Access:
* Access the top level URL of
* Send questions or comments to finfco-manager@Sun.COM