Document Audience:INTERNAL
Document ID:I1006-1
Title:FRU replacement of the Service Processor (SP) on Sun StorEdge 3900/6900 systems requires additional steps.
Copyright Notice:Copyright © 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Update Date:2003-08-25

           - Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only -
                        FIELD INFORMATION NOTICE
               (For Authorized Distribution by SunService)
FIN #: I1006-1
Synopsis: FRU replacement of the Service Processor (SP) on Sun StorEdge 3900/6900 systems requires additional steps.
Create Date: Aug/25/03
SunAlert: No
Top FIN/FCO Report: No
Products Reference: Sun StorEdge 3900/6900
Product Category: Storage / Diag-Doc-Service
Product Affected: 
Systems Affected:
Mkt_ID   Platform   Model   Description                 Serial Number
------   --------   -----   -----------                 -------------
  -       SE69x0     ALL    StorEdge 69x0 Array         -
  -       SE39x0     ALL    StorEdge 39x0 Array         -

X-Options Affected:
Mkt_ID   Platform     Model   Description               Serial Number
------   ----------   -----   -----------               -------------
Parts Affected: 
Part Number        Description                         Model
-----------        -----------                         -----
540-5199-xx       Netra X1 Service Processor 		-
600-7882-xx       Sun Fire V100 Service Processor	-
600-7996-xx       Sun Fire V100 Service Processor	-
Manual: 816-3245-xx: Sun StorEdge 3900 and 6900 Series Reference
                     Manual (chapter 9 Repair and Replace)
Manual: 816-5253-xx: Sun StorEdge 3900 and 6900 Series 2.0 Reference &
                     Service Manual (chapter 12)
Manual: 806-7670-xx  Sunfire V100/Netra X1 Server Hard Disk Drive  
                     Installation Guide
Manual: 806-5980-xx  Netra X1 Server User's Guide

Manual: 816-2756-xx  Sun Fire V100 Server User's Guide

URL: http://futureworld.central/WSTL/PROJECTS/SPImage/web/Downloads.shtml
Issue Description: 
Service Processor (SP) software was originally bundled with the Sun 
StorEdge 3900 and 6900 SP FRU when the Netra X1 was used as the Service
Processor.  Since the Netra X1 FRU is now EOL and has been replaced by the 
Netra V100, a unique FRU containing SP software is no longer provided.  This 
means that additional steps must be taken when replacing a Sun StorEdge 
3900/6900 SP FRU.

This issue affects any Sun StorEdge 3900 or 6900 system where the Service
Processor needs to be replaced.  The acceptable SP FRUs include any of the

	F540-5199-xx  Netra X1 (with software)
	F600-7882-xx  Sun Fire V100 (without software)
	F600-7996-xx  Sun Fire V100 (without software)

Note that Netra X1 FRUs are still available in the RSLs but may not be in 
the future as the Netra X1 has EOL'ed.
See the Corrective Action section for the recommended service procedure
when replacing any of the above FRUs.
        |   |   MANDATORY (Fully Proactive)

        |   |   CONTROLLED PROACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan)

        | X |   REACTIVE (As Required)
Corrective Action: 
The following recommendation is provided as a guideline for authorized
Sun Services Field Representatives who may encounter the above
mentioned issue.

If your System has a Netra X1 Service Processor:

The Netra X1 can be identified by the P/N (600-7296-xx), and/or by the fact 
that it has no built-in CDROM drive.

When the 3900/6900 was originally introduced, the Service Processor was a Netra 
X1 (600-7296-xx) The Netra X1 has a unique FRU designed specifically for 
3900/6900 system usage. This is the only SP P/N with a unique FRU.

The FRU for the Netra X1 SP has a version of the SP image pre-installed on it.  
In addition, there are selected CDs included in the FRU box.  Please note that 
not every version of the SP image is available in the FRU box.  

When you replace the Netra X1, always try to salvage the system disk to save 
the original SP image information.  If you are unable to salvage the system 
disk when replacing the FRU, you must make a note of the current 
SP image on the system to make sure the pre-loaded image on the FRU will match. 
If the SP image on the FRU is not the same as the image on system, then you 
must bring the FRU image up to the currently installed level.  

The SP image version can be determined by reading the README.txt file in
the /export directory on the SP.  SP versions 2.1.1 and later have an
"sp_version" utility which may also be run.

SP image installation instructions are included in the SP_Image_CD_README.txt
file on the CD.  The CD insert tells which files to extract.

In addition, if necessary, you may use the standard Netra X1 FRU. Please note 
that the standard X1 FRU DOES NOT have any SP image pre-installed on it. The 
FRU information is indicated below.

Netra X1 FRU information follows:
  P/N of the Netra X1 installed as the SP on the 3900/6900:  600-7296-xx
  P/N of the unique SP FRU for the 3900/6900:                F540-5199-xx	
  P/N of the standard Netra X1 FRU:                          F600-7296-xx
If your System has a Netra V100 Service Processor:

The Netra V100 Service Processor can be identified by the CDROM drive in the 
front of the unit.  There have been two Netra V100 P/Ns used in the 3900/6900 as 
of this writing (600-7881-xx, 600-7996-xx).

The Netra V100 equipped systems use the standard Netra V100 FRU as a 
replacement.  There is no custom FRU defined for these parts.  Netra V100 whole 
system FRU information follows:

  Netra V100 System P/N		Standard whole system FRU
  ---------------------		-------------------------
  600-7882-xx			F600-7882-xx
  600-7996-xx			F600-7996-xx
The standard system FRU for the Netra V100 does NOT come with the SP
image pre-installed.  If you cannot salvage the system disk, you are 
always required to reload the image when replacing the V100.

Replacing the system disk drive:

If possible, when any Service Processor is serviced, you should try to salvage 
the original system disk.  This will keep all the customer configuration 
information intact, and may obviate the necessity to reload the SP image.

  -Instructions for removing and replacing the system disk are contained in 
   the following documents:

    806-7670-xx  Sunfire V100/Netra X1 Server Hard Disk Drive Installation Guide
    806-5980-xx  Netra X1 Server User's Guide
    816-2756-xx  Sun Fire V100 Server User's Guide
Remember, when swapping a Netra server, you need to change the system 
configuration card in the back of the unit.  Instructions for swapping this 
card are contained in the applicable server User/Service guides listed above.

If you need to reload the Service Processor Software:
The following recommendation is provided as a guideline for authorized
Enterprise Services Field Representatives who need to reload the 
Service Processor software.

The current Version is: 798-4722-01 2.3.1 Full Image

** CAUTION:  When installing the SP FRU always confirm the current SP image 
revision installed on the system and install the same version of SP software.
The procedure to install the "Network Storage Service Processor Full Image CD 
version 2.3.1" is located on CD 1 of 2.  The file name and location is: 

Please follow the instructions carefully.  It will take several hours to install 
the software onto the Service Processor.

** CAUTION:  There is one issue that has been seen with all full 
   image CDs.  Some of the package installations for SSRR support
   will fail due to its usr directory being removed.  To workaround 
   this all the SSRR supporting packages (SUNWssh*, SUNWrsssp, SUNWspop) 
   need to be re-extracted prior to installation.  The SUNWssh* packages 
   can be extracted from /export/packages/sshd_sol8.tar.Z.  The packages 
   must be installed in the following order:
If CDs are not available, full images and upgrade images are available from the 
following internal web site:

The latest Service Processor image and selected upgrade images are also 
available from the infopartner web site at:

P/N for the different versions of the full image Service Processor software:
  798-4471-01    2.0.2 full image (CD ASSY,SRVC PROC 2.0.2)
  798-4473-01    2.0.3 full image (CD ASSY,SRVC PROC 2.0.3)
  798-4478-01    2.1.1 full image (CD ASSY,SRVC PROC 2.1.1)
  798-4722-01    2.3.1 full image (CD ASSY,SRVC PROC 2.3.1)

* Note: These are the only full images available, if you need an intermediate 
  update release please visit the download site and pickup the proper update 
  revision or use update P/Ns below:
    798-4474-01    2.0.3 --> 2.1.1 upgrade (CD ASSY,SRVC PROC 2.0.3-2.1)
    798-4723-01    2.1.* --> 2.3.1 upgrade (CD ASSY,SRVC PROC 2.3.1 Upgrade)
CD ordering information: Copies of the latest full image (and possibly older 
ones depending upon inventory and availability) may be ordered by following the 
internal SW ordering process via the Service desk application.  The process 

Log into Servicedesk. http://servicedesk.central/servicedesk/index.html

At the various menu prompts, reply as follows:

Prompt                          Response
-------------------------       -------------------------
Select a Task              -->  Report a problem
Select a Problem Category  -->  Software Applications
Select a Description       -->  Request Internal Software

Complete the template: Make sure to select OFP = Other Field Personnel. 
Explicitly indicate the Software P/N desired in the Special instructions 

Implementation Footnote: 
i)   In case of MANDATORY FINs, Enterprise Services will attempt to
     contact all affected customers to recommend implementation of
     the FIN.

ii)  For CONTROLLED PROACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services mission critical
     support teams will recommend implementation of the FIN  (to their
     respective accounts), at the convenience of the customer.

iii) For REACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services will implement the FIN as the
     need arises.
All released FINs and FCOs can be accessed using your favorite network
browser as follows:

SunWeb Access:
* Access the top level URL of http://sdpsweb.central/FIN_FCO/

* From there, select the appropriate link to query or browse the FIN and
  FCO Homepage collections.

SunSolve Online Access:
* Access the SunSolve Online URL at http://sunsolve.central/

* From there, select the appropriate link to browse the FIN or FCO index.

Internet Access:
* Access the top level URL of https://spe.Sun.COM
* Send questions or comments to finfco-manager@Sun.COM