Document Audience:INTERNAL
Document ID:I1075-1
Title:A short circuit on the V240 PCI Riser Card connector following reconfiguration or reassembly may cause charring of the Motherboard or system power-down.
Copyright Notice:Copyright © 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Update Date:2004-03-25

            - Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only -
                        FIELD INFORMATION NOTICE
               (For Authorized Distribution by Sun Services)
FIN #: I1075-1
Synopsis: A short circuit on the V240 PCI Riser Card connector following reconfiguration or reassembly may cause charring of the Motherboard or system power-down.
Create Date: Mar/09/04
SunAlert: No
Top FIN/FCO Report: No
Products Reference: Sun Fire V240 Servers
Product Category: Server / Diag-Doc-Service
Product Affected: 
Systems Affected:
Mkt_ID     Platform   Model     Description              Serial Number
------     --------   -----     -----------              -------------
  -          N32       ALL      Sun Fire V240 Server           -

X-Options Affected:
Mkt_ID             Platform   Model   Description                Serial Number
------             --------   -----   -----------                -------------
N32-XUB1-9S-512AV1    -         -     SF V240 1x1GHz 512MB 1X36GB      -
N32-XUB2-9S-204AV2    -         -     SF V240 2x1GHz 2GB 2X36GB        -
N32-XWB2-9S-202AV2    -         -     SF V240 2x1.28GHz 2GB 2X36GB     -
N32-XWB2-9S-808AV2    -         -     SF V240 2x1.28GHz 8GB 2X36GB     -
Parts Affected: 
Part Number        Description   	               Model
-----------        -----------   	               -----
F370-5465-02       FRU ASSY PCI RISER CARD EN2U	         -
F370-6176-01       FRU ASSY PCI RISER CARD NETRA240      -
F375-3148-0X       FRU ASSY M-BRD 1X1.280GHz 0MB         -
F375-3149-01       FRU ASSY M-BRD 1X1.002GHz 0MB         -	
F375-3150-01       FRU ASSY M-BRD 2X1.002GHz 0MB	 -
F375-3120-02       FRU M-BOARD 2X1.28GHZ 0MEG	         -
MANUAL: 817-0743-10: Sun Fire V210 & V240 Server Parts Replacement 
Issue Description: 
A short-circuit condition (between +12V and ground) could occur on Sun
Fire V240 Servers if the PCI Riser Card is removed and then re-inserted
incorrectly into the Motherboard connector.  The effect of this
condition will vary depending on whether it occurs on a single power
supply system or a dual power supply system.

On a SINGLE supply V240 system, on first powering up with a
short-circuit present, the power supply will immediately trip and
switch the system off.

On a DUAL supply V240 however, the short-circuit current can lead to
significant heat damage and charring to the Motherboard.  This damage
will occur within 2 minutes of powering up the system, and will occur
primarily on the underside edge of the Motherboard, in the corner
nearest the PCI Riser connector.  This will require replacement of the

Visually inspect the PCI Riser Card in the V240 system and make sure
that the PCI Riser card fits squarely into the PCI Riser Socket and the
top edge of the PCI Riser card is parallel with the Motherboard.  Check
the seating of the Riser Card edge connector in the Socket on the
motherboard.  Ensure that the Riser Card is fully seated and the top of
all the gold contacts on the edge connector are NOT visible along the
length of the socket.

The root cause has been determined that a short-circuit condition can
result if the Riser card is not fully inserted into the motherboard
connector.  This potential exists on Riser card (P/N 370-5465-03).

Riser card 370-5465-03 is being re-designed to remove the possibility
of a short-circuit occurring due to improper seating.  The following
Motherboards are being re-designed to include fused protection onto the
PCI Card power rails.

     | 375-3148-05 |  1GHz Motherboard    |
     | 375-3150-05 |  1GHz Motherboard    |
     | 375-3120-02 |  1.28GHz Motherboard |

This will remove the need to replace the Motherboard should a short
circuit occur.  In conjunction with this, the ALOM operation will be
updated to report the short-circuit to the user.
The product documentation will be updated to improve the description of
inserting the PCI Riser Card.
        |   |   MANDATORY (Fully Proactive)
        |   |   CONTROLLED PROACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan) 
        | X |   REACTIVE (As Required)
Corrective Action: 
The following recommendation is provided as a guideline for authorized
Sun Services Field Representatives who may encounter the above
mentioned issue.

If called to a V240 system exhibiting the above symptoms, ensure that
the system is powered-off and examine the Riser Card seating for signs
of the Riser Card being partially unseated.  Remove and examine the
Riser Card itself, and PCI Riser Card connector on the Motherboard.  If
either show signs of damage, replace the damaged FRU.  Please refer to
the Sun Fire V210 and V240 Servers Parts Replacement Manual (817-0743-10)
for replacement procedures.

Before inserting the replacement Riser Card, Power up the system
without the replacement Riser Card connected to determine if the system
is at least sane and that the Motherboard is not damaged.  Run through
a POST cycle, then repeat with the new Riser Card installed.  When
re-inserting the Riser Card, hold the PCI Riser Assembly in both hands.
Locate the edge connector and hold the metal bracket onto the side
chassis at the same time.  Push down into the connector until there is
no side movement and all gold finger contacts are no longer visible.
Tighten the two holding screws by equal amounts until fully secured.

Do a final inspection that the Riser Card is fully seated within its
connector.  The top edge of the PCI Riser Card should be parallel with
the Motherboard.

On a SINGLE supply V240 system, following completion of reassembly, 
power the unit on.  If a short-circuit is still present, the power supply 
will immediately trip, protecting the system components from further 
damage.  This will allow further investigation of the seating of the 
riser card and the short-circuit to be cleared before continuing.  No 
components need be replaced in this instance, unless the short-circuit 
has been caused by some other mechanism which cannot be cleared by 
reseating of the Riser Card.

On a DUAL supply V240 system, following the completion of re-assembly but 
before first powering up the system, disconnect one of the system power 
supplies from the AC power source.  Power the system up, and ensure that 
the remaining power supply does not trip within 5 seconds.  If the single 
power supply does trip, the operator should proceed as detailed above 
for a single supply system.  If not, power the  system down and reconnect 
the second PSU to the AC powewr source.  The system can then be powered on 
and normal operation resumed.

Implementation Footnote: 
i)   In case of MANDATORY FINs, Sun Services will attempt to contact   
     all affected customers to recommend implementation of the FIN. 
ii)  For CONTROLLED PROACTIVE FINs, Sun Services mission critical    
     support teams will recommend implementation of the FIN  (to their  
     respective accounts), at the convenience of the customer. 

iii) For REACTIVE FINs, Sun Services will implement the FIN as the   
     need arises.
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  FCO Homepage collections.
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* Access the SunSolve Online URL at http://sunsolve.central/

* From there, select the appropriate link to browse the FIN or FCO index.

Internet Access:
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* Send questions or comments to finfco-manager@Sun.COM