Document Audience:INTERNAL
Document ID:I1092-1
Title:Systems will fail to pass self-test if the OBP version is below the required minimum level to support the JEDEC SPD 1.0 formatted DIMMs.
Copyright Notice:Copyright © 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Update Date:2004-04-30

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FIN #: I1092-1
Synopsis: Systems will fail to pass self-test if the OBP version is below the required minimum level to support the JEDEC SPD 1.0 formatted DIMMs.
Create Date: Apr/30/04
SunAlert: No
Top FIN/FCO Report: No
Products Reference: Sun Blade Workstation and Sun Fire Servers
Product Category: Server / Diag-Doc-Service ; Desktop / Diag-Doc-Service
Product Affected: 
Systems Affected:
Mkt_ID     Platform   Model     Description             Serial Number
------     --------   -----     -----------             -------------
   -         A43       ALL      Sun Blade 1500                -
   -         A39       ALL      Sun Blade 2500                -
   -         N31       ALL      Sun Fire V210                 -
   -         N32       ALL      Sun Fire V240                 -
   -         A42       ALL      Sun Fire V440                 -

X-Options Affected:
Mkt_ID     Platform     Model     Description       Serial Number    
------     --------     -----     -----------       ------------- 
  -           -           -            -                  -
Parts Affected: 
Part Number      Description                         Model
-----------      -----------                         -----
540-6228-01      FRU DDR1 DIMMX2 256MB SPD1.0          -	
540-6229-01      FRU DDR1 DIMMX2 512MB SPD1.0          -
540-6230-01      FRU DDR1 DIMMX2 1GB SPD1.0	       -
370-6201-01      ASSY DDR1 DIMM 256MB SPD1.0           -
370-6202-01      ASSY DDR1 DIMM 512MB SPD1.0           -
370-6203-01      ASSY DDR1 DIMM 1GB SPD1.0             -
BugId:   4893067 - Add support for JEDEC DDR v1.0 SPD.

PatchId: 116698-01 or later - Hardware/PROM: Sun Blade 1500 Flash PROM 
         117365-01 or later - Hardware/PROM: Sun Blade 2500 Flash PROM 
         116056-01 or later - Hardware/PROM: Sun Fire V210/V240 Flash 
                              PROM Update.
         115846-01 or later - Hardware/PROM: Sun Fire V440 Flash PROM 
Issue Description: 
The intent of this FIN is to inform the field of a known issue that
exists when installing an SPD 1.0 formatted DIMM into a system that
contains an earlier version of OBP.  As a result of this issue, some 
of the Sun Blade workstation products and the Sun Fire server products 
may fail to pass self-test or configuration check test.

Here are the minimum system configurations, anything below these levels 
will experience the issue with self-test (configuration check test) 
within OBP if JEDEC SPD 1.0 formatted DIMMs are installed.

    Minimum OBP configuration:
       |  Platform       |  Minimum OBP level |
       |  Sun Blade 1500 |  4.9.5             |
       |  Sun Blade 2500 |  4.9.5             |
       |  Sun Fire V210  |  4.11.4            |
       |  Sun Fire V240  |  4.11.4            |
       |  Sun Fire V440  |  4.10.10           |

If installed DIMMs are formatted to the JEDEC SPD 1.0 standard, without 
the above minimum OBP configuration, the following error messages will be 
displayed on the console of above Sun Fire server and Sun Blade workstation 

     Error message: SPD reports DIMM has unsupported SPD revision
                    System configuration failed, powering off

After displaying the above error messages, the systems will then beep 
3 times and power off.

This message is only seen on the serial port - No output will be displayed
if the system has a graphics card installed.

JEDEC approved the SPD 1.0 definition after the above mentioned systems
froze OBP code.  The SPD 1.0 changes include a non-backwards compatible
change to the definition of the SPD version byte and a change to the
definition of the DIMM density byte. New OBP code was needed to support
these changes.
        |   |   MANDATORY (Fully Proactive)
        |   |   CONTROLLED PROACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan) 
        | X |   REACTIVE (As Required)
Corrective Action: 
The following recommendation is provided as a guideline for authorized
Sun Services Field Representatives who may encounter the above
mentioned issue.

Install the latest platform flash-prom patch.  If there is more than
one bank of memory installed in the system, boot the system in
a reduced memory configuration and update the latest OBP (flash Prom)
patch for the platform in question.  After you have successfully
installed the OBP image, power the system off and reinstall the new 
SPD 1.0 memory.

    Sun Blade 1500  116698-01 or later
    Sun Blade 2500  117365-01 or later
    Sun Fire V210   116056-01 or later (See NOTE:)
    Sun Fire V240   116056-01 or later (See NOTE:)
    Sun Fire V440   115846-01 or later

NOTE: For Sun Fire V210/V240 systems the ALOM/RMC firmware needs to be
      updated to version P1.2 or later prior to updating the systems
      OBP image.  See Patch ID 116056-01 for details.

Implementation Footnote: 
i)   In case of MANDATORY FINs, Sun Services will attempt to    
     contact all affected customers to recommend implementation of 
     the FIN. 
ii)  For CONTROLLED PROACTIVE FINs, Sun Services mission critical    
     support teams will recommend implementation of the FIN  (to their  
     respective accounts), at the convenience of the customer. 

iii) For REACTIVE FINs, Sun Services will implement the FIN as the   
     need arises.
All released FINs and FCOs can be accessed using your favorite network 
browser as follows:
SunSolve Internal Access:
* Access the SunSolve Online URL at http://sunsolve.Central/

* From there, select the appropriate link to browse the FIN or FCO index.

Internet Access:
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FIN/FCO Homepage Access: 
* Access the top level URL of http://sdpsweb.Central/FIN_FCO/index.html

* From there, select the appropriate link to query or browse the FIN and
  FCO Homepage collections.

To submit either a FIN or FCO refer to the following URLs for templates
and instructions;

*  For FCO: http://pronto.central/fco.html
*  For FIN: http://pronto.central/fin.html
* Send questions or comments to finfco-manager@Sun.COM