Document Audience:INTERNAL
Document ID:I1166-1
Title:The Vcore setting for UltraSPARC IV 1350MHz boards should be 1.25V, but some earlier releases of firmware will power on and operate the board at an incorrect voltage.
Copyright Notice:Copyright © 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Update Date:2005-03-07

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                        FIELD INFORMATION NOTICE
               (For Authorized Distribution by Sun Service)
FIN #: I1166-1
Synopsis: The Vcore setting for UltraSPARC IV 1350MHz boards should be 1.25V, but some earlier releases of firmware will power on and operate the board at an incorrect voltage.
Create Date: Mar/07/05
SunAlert: No
Top FIN/FCO Report: No
Products Reference: Sun Fire Servers with UltraSPARC IV 1350MHz Boards
Product Category: Server / Diag-Doc-Service
Product Affected: 
Systems Affected:
Mkt_ID      Platform      Model      Description            Serial Number
------      --------      -----      -----------            -------------
  -           A40          ALL       Sun Fire V1280               -
  -           F12K         ALL       Sun Fire 12K                 -
  -           F15K         ALL       Sun Fire 15K                 -
  -           E20K         ALL       Sun Fire E20K                -
  -           E25K         ALL       Sun Fire E25K                -
  -           S12          ALL       Sun Fire 4800                -
  -           S24          ALL       Sun Fire 6800                -
  -           E2900        ALL       Sun Fire E2900               -
  -           E4900        ALL       Sun Fire E4900               -
  -           E6900        ALL       Sun Fire E6900               -

X-Options Affected:
Mkt_ID    Platform    Model    Description         Serial Number
------    --------    -----    -----------         ------------- 
  -          -          -           -                    -
Parts Affected: 
Part Number     Description                          Model
-----------     -----------                          -----
540-6295-01	ASSY BBLW8 CPU400 S1350 GJG            -
540-6298-01	ASSY BBUNI CPU400 S1350 GJG            -
BugId:   6190958: Change Vcore voltage from 1.225 to 1.25 volts for Jag 3.x (ScApp)
         6191562: Change Vcore voltage from 1.225 to 1.25 volts for Jag 3.x (SMS)

PatchId: 114524-05: (5.17.4 ScApp) - Hardware/PROM: Sun Fire E6900/E4900/E2900/ 
                        6800/4810/4800/3800 and V1280 Systems Firmware Update. 
         114525-02: (5.18.1 ScApp) - Hardware/PROM: Sun Fire E6900/E4900/E2900/ 
                        6800/4810/4800/3800 and V1280 Systems Firmware Update. 
	 117866-04: SMS 1.4.1: hwad libSFL patch.
Issue Description: 
The Vcore setting for UltraSPARC IV 1350MHz boards is supposed to be
1.25V, but some earlier releases of firmware will power on and operate
the board at an incorrect voltage.

The release documents for UltraSPARC IV 1350MHz boards will correctly
state that the minimum firmware required is 5.17.4, 5.18.1, or higher.
Though it is unsupported, prior releases of 5.17 and 5.18 will allow
the CPU's to be configured, but the CPUs will be running at the wrong

SMS 1.4.1 patch 117866-03 first introduced the capability of powering
on UltraSPARC IV 1350MHz boards with the inclusion of the fix for RFE
4968663.  However, as outlined in RFE 6191562, 1.25 volts is the
necessary Vcore setting.  Patch 117866-04 which includes RFE 6191562 is
the minimum supported patch level for running UltraSPARC IV 1350MHz
CPU boards on High-end platforms.
        |   |   MANDATORY (Fully Proactive)
        |   |   CONTROLLED PROACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan) 
        | X |   REACTIVE (As Required)
Corrective Action: 
The following recommendation is provided as a guideline for authorized
Sun Services Field Representatives who may encounter the above
mentioned issue.

Treat any field failure as normal. If the failure mode seen usually
merits system board replacement, replace the board and inform the customer 
of the minimum firmware requirements.  Do not just simply upgrade the firmware.

Replace the board that experienced the failure and upgrade the firmware.

   114524-05 or higher: (5.17.4 ScApp) 
   114525-02 or higher: (5.18.1 ScApp) 
   117866-04 or higher: SMS 1.4.1: hwad libSFL patch


NOTE: FIN Tracking Instructions for Radiance/SPWeb:

If a Radiance case involves the application of a FIN to solve a customer
issue, please complete the following steps in Radiance/SPWeb prior to
closing the case:
    o Select "Field Information Notice" in the REFERENCE TYPE field.

    o Enter FIN ID number in the REFERENCE ID field.
      For example; I1111-1.

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(ie. implementation complete, customer declined, etc.)

Implementation Notes:

In case of "Mandatory" FINs, Sun Services will attempt to contact
all known customers to recommend proactive implementation.

For "Controlled Proactive" FINs, Sun Services mission critical
support teams will initiate proactive implementation efforts for
their respective accounts as required.

For "Reactive" FINs, Sun Services and partners will implement
the necessary corrective actions as the need arises.

Billing Information:

Warranty: On-Site Labor Rates are based on specified Warranty deliverables
          for the affected product.

Contract: On-Site Labor Rates are based on the type of service contract.

Non Contract: On-Site implementation by Sun is available based on On-Site
              Labor Rates defined in the Price List.


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