Document Audience:INTERNAL
Document ID:I1178-1
Title:Reworked UltraSPARC IV 1.2GHz system boards may be downclocked to 1050MHz due to a misprogrammed SEEPROM.
Copyright Notice:Copyright © 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Update Date:2005-04-19

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                        FIELD INFORMATION NOTICE
               (For Authorized Distribution by Sun Service)
FIN #: I1178-1
Synopsis: Reworked UltraSPARC IV 1.2GHz system boards may be downclocked to 1050MHz due to a misprogrammed SEEPROM.
Create Date: Apr/19/05
SunAlert: No
Top FIN/FCO Report: No
Products Reference: High-End Sun Fire Server Products
Product Category: Server / Diag-Doc-Service
Product Affected: 
Systems Affected:
Mkt_ID      Platform    Model     Description              Serial Number
------      --------    -----     -----------              -------------
  -           F12K       ALL      Sun Fire 12K                   -
  -           F15K       ALL      Sun Fire 15K                   -
  -           E20K       ALL      Sun Fire 20K                   -
  -           E25K       ALL      Sun Fire 25K                   -

X-Options Affected:
Mkt_ID      Platform    Model    Description               Serial Number
------      --------    -----    -----------               -------------
  -            -          -           -                          -
Parts Affected: 
Part Number              Description                          Model
-----------              -----------                          -----
540-6251-04              ASSY BBMID CPU400 S1200 US4B           -
ESC: 1-5373776 

WW StopShip/Purge: GSAP# 3014


Infodoc: 75561
Issue Description: 
540-5940 boards underwent rework to replace the original aluminium heatsinks with part number 540-0122 (copper heatsink) to allow sufficient cooling for the CPU's to operate at 1.2GHz.

Logistics stock was purged via LEAP 2618 and ELAP 692 in July and 
August 2004, and related to ECO: WO_29286.

Part of the rework process is to program the system board SEEPROM to
include a flag indicating the copper processor heatsinks in the FRUID
'FRU_Props_Private2R' record.

A number of boards have been found in the field which have been reworked
as per the ECO, but the SEEPROM was not properly programmed.  This results
in the CPU's being downclocked to 1050MHz even with the correct 540-0122

You will observe the following POST output should you have a misprogrammed
system board:

NOTE: XX US4 processors with higher nominal rated speed are being downclocked
      to 1050 MHz because of cooling and power limitations.

XX will indicate the number of proccessors downclocked.

Please adhere to the following procedure to identify on affected parts;

1. Firstly, confirm that the system is capable of 1.2 GHz and higher
   UltraSPARC IV operation:

   sms-svc> /usr/sbin/prtfru "/frutree/chassis/CP" | grep FRU_Props
      /FRU_Props_Private2R/UNIX_Timestamp32: Mon Sep  6 10:56:58 BST 2004
      /FRU_Props_Private2R/SpecPartNo: 885-0277-01

"01" in first byte of the Properties record indicates the centerplane 
is correctly programmed for 1.2GHz and higher UltraSPARC IV operation.  
No Private2R record indicates the centerplane is not properly programmed OR the platform does not have the required carrier plate upgrade.  
See InfoDoc 75561.

Alternatively use `updateseeprom`;

   sms-svc> /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/updateseeprom
            WARNING!  This program is for internal use by Sun and
                      Sun-contracted personnel only.  Misuse of
                      this command can cause damage to your system.

      carrierplate_1200mhz_capable = yes
      platformtype = SunFireE25K

2. Confirm that the effected board has not been programmed with the
   correct FRUID data;

   sms-svc> /usr/sbin/prtfru
"/frutree/chassis/CP/ex3?Label=ex3/EXB/sb3?Label=sb3/CPU" | grep FRU_Props

A correctly configured board would look like this;

   sms-svc> /usr/sbin/prtfru
"/frutree/chassis/CP/ex0?Label=ex0/EXB/sb0?Label=sb0/CPU" | grep FRU_Props
      /FRU_Props_Private2R/UNIX_Timestamp32: Sun Jul 18 14:17:38 BST 2004
      /FRU_Props_Private2R/SpecPartNo: 885-0276-01

The first byte of Properties in the FRU_Props_Private2R record should 
be '01' when the system board is programmed to run 1.2GHz in a Highend platform.  One of the steps required for LEAP 2618 (ECO WO_29286) was 
to update the FRUID field "FRU_Props_Private2R".  If not set correctly 
the effected boards will only run only at 1050MHz.
        |   |   MANDATORY (Fully Proactive)

        |   |   CONTROLLED PROACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan)

        | X |   REACTIVE (As Required)
Corrective Action: 
The following recommendation is provided as a guideline for authorized
Sun Services Field Representatives who may encounter the above
mentioned issue.

Should the above condition be identified a PTS escalation should be 
opened.  Provide the above supporting data and the affected system 
board serial number.  A replacement FRU should be obtained from the 
RSL to use in place of the misprogrammed FRU.


NOTE: FIN Tracking Instructions for Radiance/SPWeb:

If a Radiance case involves the application of a FIN to solve a customer
issue, please complete the following steps in Radiance/SPWeb prior to
closing the case:

    o Select "Field Information Notice" in the REFERENCE TYPE field.

    o Enter FIN ID number in the REFERENCE ID field.
      For example; I1111-1.

If possible, include additional details in the REFERENCE SUMMARY field
(ie. implementation complete, customer declined, etc.)

Implementation Notes:

In case of "Mandatory" FINs, Sun Services will attempt to contact
all known customers to recommend proactive implementation.

For "Controlled Proactive" FINs, Sun Services mission critical
support teams will initiate proactive implementation efforts for
their respective accounts as required.

For "Reactive" FINs, Sun Services and partners will implement
the necessary corrective actions as the need arises.

Billing Information:

Warranty: On-Site Labor Rates are based on specified Warranty deliverables
          for the affected product.

Contract: On-Site Labor Rates are based on the type of service contract.

Non Contract: On-Site implementation by Sun is available based on On-Site
              Labor Rates defined in the Price List.


All FIN documents are accessible via Internal SunSolve.  Type "sunsolve"
in a browser and follow the prompts to Search Collections.

For questions on this document, please email:

The FIN and FCO homepage is available at:


For more information on how to submit a FIN, go to:


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