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I've been running DNS for over 25 years at this point. It's certainly one of my specific interests within the tech realm.

During this time, I've mainly used BIND, but have tried to focus more on the protocol mechanics and standards vs. a specific software solution.

I've also been running my own DNS servers (authoritative) for ~ 25 years as well. My primary domain (obviously where you are reading this now) is burn.net. I've had people tell me I should just punt this over to Cloudflare or one of the other services. But I like running my own DNS - pain and all. I like the control I have, as well as it giving me the chance to keep up on the latest standards and practices in the DNS world.

I started dipping my toe in the DNSSEC world around 2014 or so. Initially, just turning on DNSSEC validation in the resolvers I run. This let me see zones that were properly signed, how they behave, and how they break.

A few years ago I decided to put in the work at the other end of the equation - signing my own domains. At the time, this wasn't super user friendly. Lot's of manually generating keys, signing zones, etc. This has changed fairly recently in the BIND world with the introduction of "dnssec-policy".

Current State (dnssec-policy)

I won't attempt to completely explain this here - much better to read this: ISC.org KB - Key and Signing Policy

In short though, dnssec-policy lets you define a policy (or multiple policies) for your DNSSEC signed zones. It handles automatic key creation, CDS/CDNSKEY publishing, key rollovers and more.

The default policy is simply called "default". This is what I'm using. It has reasonable defaults for crypto algorithms, timers etc. It also uses a "CSK" (combined signing key) as opposed to the traditional separate KSK (key signing key) and ZSK (zone signing key).

Something to keep in mind about dnssec-policy: if you migrate from any pre-dnssec-policy setup (ex: auto-dnssec) - you need to be careful about this process. The zero-impact method involves creating a dnssec-policy that matches your current setup. Not only do the algorithms have to match, I believe all the timers do as well. If you do this properly, BIND should use your existing keys.

The other option I term "nuclear" is setting dnssec-policy and letting BIND create new keys (well one key (CSK) with the default policy). This is what I did :) In this scenario - you will have a DNSSEC outage for the time it takes you to get the new DS record into your registry and TTL expiration etc.

Key Rollover

This was one of the things that most interested me. The ultimate goal was completely automatic key rollover. This is incredibly easy using dnssec-policy (it's "one command").

Here's what's needed to make this happen:

So the order of operations is:

  1. You run the rollover command. BIND will create a new key, and modify the settings of the now predecessor key. After certain timing, BIND will publish CDS and CDNSKEY records.
  2. Your reigstry/registrar/DNS provider will query and see the (new) CDS or CDNSKEY. After their validation period and timers, they will publish this in the registry.
  3. At this point, you have a chain of trust that goes: upstream -> new key -> old key -> zone resource records.
  4. BIND will check the parental agents to see if/when the DS is published. It will log a message to this effect and you can also see it in the .state file (more on that below).
  5. BIND will handle gradually signing records directly with the new key over time, as well as retiring and eventually removing the old key.
  6. When the old key is removed from the zone, the process is complete

To check the status of this process, I do the following:

Tools for checking your DNSSEC

Updated: 20230105

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