Sun Microsystems, Inc.   Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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167MHz UltraSPARC I Module

Workstations: Ultra 2

512KB Cache Spitfire


Ultra 2 UltraSPARC Module X-Option, 802-6079.

167MHz UltraSPARC I Module

Workstations: Ultra 2

Option 1187

512KB Cache Spitfire


  1. UltraSPARC 2.2 is installed on 501-2942-01.
  2. UltraSPARC 4.0.2 is installed on 501-2942-02.
  3. When 501-2942-01 and 501-2942-02 are mixed and OBP is <= 3.1.2, the module speed is set to 148MHz.
    OBP 3.1.3 fixes this problem.


Ultra 2 UltraSPARC Module X-Option, 802-6079.

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