Sun Microsystems, Inc.   Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Tectrol TC64S-1327
325 Watt Power Supply

Disk Arrays: StorEdge T3

300-1453 300-1454
Type A150
AC Input Power Supply
NiCD Battery
Early Access
Type A150
AC Input Power Supply
NiMH Battery 370-3956

Front View

Side View

AC Input

100 - 240V


  1. Battery service life is two years, but can be extended to three years.
    See FIN 100654 for details.
  2. Information on how to determine the correct status of the battery:
    Storage Array Battery replacements and Radiance Support types
  3. The T3 is configured to initiate a battery refresh cycle every 28 days.
  4. During a refresh cycle the battery is discharged, then recharged.
    Starting with firmware 1.18.00, the battery will discharge for only 6 minutes before recharging.
  5. If firmware is < 2.01.00, write-behind cache is disabled during the discharge refresh cycle.
  6. Write-behind cache is disabled if a problem is detected during refresh.

  Copyright © 2011 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.