Sun Microsystems, Inc.   Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Hitachi HDS728080PLAT20 (80.0GB)

3 1/2" 7200 RPM Ultra ATA/100

Workstations: Sun Blade 100, 150
Sun Java W1100z
Servers: Sun Fire V100

Options 6185 / 7097 / 9217 / 9222 / 9224

370-6787 370-6164 540-6212
Deskstar 7K-80
Assy 540-6212
December 2004
Deskstar 7K-80
August 2005
Option 9217/9222/9224
370-6787 + Bracket
W1100z Assy/FRU

Bottom View

End View


  1. The HDS728080PLAT20 became an alternate source for 370-6787 in December 2004.
  2. The HDS728080PLAT20 became an alternate source for 370-6164 in August 2005.
  3. W1100z disk drive bays are numbered 1 to 5 from top to bottom.
  4. Install W1100z drives rightside up in disk drive bays 2 and 4.
  5. Drive orientation illustrated on W1100z service label 266-6550-10 is upside down.
  6. Option 9222A is configured with Java Desktop System Release 2 for Solaris 9 x86.
  7. Option 9224A is configured with Java Desktop System Release 2 for Linux.

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