Sun Microsystems, Inc.   Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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IBM IC35L040AVER07 (41.1GB)

3 1/2" 7200 RPM Ultra ATA/100

Servers: Sun Fire V100
Telco: Netra X1

Option 7096

370-4419 370-7631
Deskstar 60GXP
w X1/V100 Bracket + Handle
Option 7096
Deskstar 60GXP
w X1/V100 Bracket + Handle
No Option

Bottom View

End View


  1. The capacity is listed as 41.0GB on the top cover.
  2. The capacity is listed as 41.1GB in IBM Specification S07N-4780.
  3. The 370-7631 was released in November 2004 as a way to order the IBM drive.
    Spares of 370-4419 were screened for IBM and relabeled 370-7631. (LEAP 2706.A)


  1. Netra X1 Server User's Guide, 806-5980.
  2. Sun Fire V100 Server User's Guide, 816-2756.
  3. Netra X1 Server Disk Drive Installation Guide, 806-7670.

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