Seagate ST373455LC (73.4GB)
3 1/2" 15000 RPM Low Voltage Differential Ultra-320 SCSI
Servers: |
Sun Fire V20z, V40z |
Telco: |
Netra 240, 440 |
Disk Arrays: |
StorEdge 3120, 3310, 3320
StorEdge D240 |
Option 9291A-Z
Option XTA-3310-73GB-15K
Option XTA-SC1CB-73G15K
Option XTA-SC1NC-73G15K
Option XTA-SC1CH-73G15K
Option XRA-SC1N2-73G15K
Option XRB-SC1NB-73G15K
390-0325 |
1" Height Cheetah 15K.5
371-2605 |
540-6057 |
540-6097 |
V20z/V40z FRU 1" Bracket X9291A-Z
3000 Series FRU 1" Bracket
XTA-SC1NC-73G15K 02/06/04 - 10/26/05 |
3000 Series FRU 1" Bracket |
540-6449 |
540-6606 |
540-6915 |
540-7480 |
3120/3310/3320 FRU 1" Bracket
XTA-SC1NC-73G15K (From 10/26/05)
XTA-3310-73GB-15K |
Netra240/440 FRU NEBS Level 3 1" Bkt 540-3024
Plate 341-1986
3000 Series FRU 1" Bracket
Lucent Technologies
CT410/810 FRU NEBS Level 3 1" Bkt 540-3024
Plate 341-1986 XRB-SC1NB-73G15K L |
540-5923 |
540-7315 |
StorEdge D240
FRU 1" Bkt 540-3024 Plate 341-1986
StorEdge D240
Left/Right FRU Bkt 340-6476 XTA-SC1CH-73G15K L |
- XTA-SC1NC-73G15K changed from 540-6057 to 540-6449 in October 2005.
- XTA-3310-73GB-15K changed from 540-6097 to 540-6449 in October 2006.
- Drive 390-0325 was released and added to 540-6606 in March 2007.
- Assembly 540-5923 with 390-0325 was released in March 2007.
- Drive 390-0325 was added to 540-6449, 540-6057, 540-6097 and 540-6915
in June 2007.
- Drive 390-0325 was added to 540-7480 in February 2010.
- The Seagate model number on the serial number label is ST373455LC.
- The Sun model number on the serial number label is ST373455LSUN72G.
- The Product Identification in SCSI Inquiry bytes 16-31 is ST373455LSUN72G.
D240 Notes
- Assembly 540-5923 with 390-0325 was released in March 2007.
- Assembly 540-7315 with 390-0325 was released in June 2007.
- Drive 390-0325 was removed from 540-5923 in December 2007.
- Drive 390-0325 was removed from 540-7315 in December 2007.
V20z/V40z Notes
- Assembly 371-2605 was released in February 2007.
- ST373455LC was added as an alternate for 370-2605 in February 2007.
Seagate ST373455LC (73.4GB)
3 1/2" 15000 RPM Low Voltage Differential Ultra-320 SCSI
Disk Arrays: |
StorEdge D240 |
Option XTA-SC1CB-73G15K
Option XTA-SC1CH-73G15K
390-0415 |
1" Height Cheetah 15K.5
540-5923 |
540-7315 |
StorEdge D240
Spud Bracket FRU 1" Bkt 540-3024 Plate 341-1986
StorEdge D240
Left/Right FRU Bkt 340-6476 XTA-SC1CH-73G15K
L |
- Drive 390-0415 was released in April 2008.
- Drive 390-0415 was added to 540-5923 and 540-7315 in April 2008.
- Drive 390-0415 includes firmware unique to the StorEdge D240.
- The Seagate model number on the serial number label is ST373455LC.
- The Sun model number on the serial number label is ST373A55LSUN72G.
- The Product Identification in SCSI Inquiry bytes 16-31 is ST373A55LSUN72G.