Sun Microsystems, Inc.   Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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The IDPROM address space provides system information including Machine Type, Serial Number, Ethernet Address, and Manufacturing Date. This information may be stored in an IDPROM, NVRAM, or EEPROM. The 32 Bytes of IDPROM content are shown below.

1 Format 1 Byte
2 Machine Type 1 Byte
3 Ethernet Address 6 Bytes
4 Date 4 Bytes
5 Serial Number 3 Bytes
6 Checksum 1 Byte
7 Reserved 16 Bytes

The Machine Type and lower 3-bytes of the MAC Address form the Hostid. Licensed software may use the Hostid.

Prior to the SPARCstation 10, the Machine Type was used by the operating system to identify the architecture and the architecture implementation. Machine types were unique to each system.

Beginning with the SPARCstation 10 in 1992, a unique Machine Type is not assigned. The device tree in OBP provides the system characteristics to the OS. The high-order bit of the Machine Type was set to 1 for a Machine Type of 0x80.

The upper 3-bytes of the MAC address were changed to 00:03:BA in February 2001. The Machine Type was changed to 0x83 to avoid duplicate hostids. Machine Type 0x83 requires an OBP change to fix BugID 4389716.

The alpha-numeric code on the barcode label is used to program a replacement part. The code for MAC addresses starting with 08:00:20 represents the last 6-digits of the 12-digit address. MAC addresses starting with 00:03:BA have a 12-digit code on the label.

IDPROMs, NVRAMs, and EEPROMs are not interchangeable.

Programmed components that have a unique machine type are not interchangeable. The 48T02, 48T08, 48T18, and 48T59 are not interchangeable. The 48T08 and 48T18 are not pin compatible with the 48T59.

The NVRAM also contains a Time of Day clock. Accuracy of the clock is typically +/- 1 minute per month at 25°C. The 32,768Hz oscillator is tested not to exceed +/- 1.53 minutes per month (35PPM) error rate at 25°C.

Beginning with the Sun Blade 1000, the IDPROM functionality is controlled by a Serial EEPROM. Separate circuitry controls the Time of Day clock.
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