Sun Microsystems, Inc.   Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Sun StorEdge[tm] 9990 System: Hardware Specifications

Number of disk drives (with spares) 5 to 1152
Hot spares (maximum) 1 - 40
Individual disk capacities 72GB (15K RPM)
72GB (15K RPM)
146GB (10K RPM)
146GB (15K RPM)
300GB (10K RPM)
300GB (15K RPM)
Total raw capacity per system (72GB drive) 72GB x 1152 = 82.944TB1
Total raw capacity per system (146GB drive) 146GB x 1152 = 168.192TB1
Total raw capacity per system (300GB drive) 300GB x 1152 = 345.6TB1
1 This is total raw capacity, using 1152 disk drives (maximum), with no spare drives.
Maximum 128GB
Minimum 4GB
Increments 4GB
Up to 6GB
Up to 16,384
Number of Front End Directors 6
Number of Simultaneous Data Transfers Up to 16 or 32 per Front End Director
Interface speed (fibre channel) 2 GB/sec
Number of Back End Directors Up to 4
Disk Drives per Back End Directors Up to 256 Hard Disk Drives
Fibre Channel (fiber-optic cable) 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192
ESCON 16, 32, 64, 80, 96
FICON 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48
Per fully configured system
81GB/sec aggregate system bandwidth (consisting of 68GB/sec data bandwidth, and 13GB/sec control bandwidth)
Power Control Frame: 9.077 kVA
Array Frame: 7.636 kVA
Heat Control Frame: 8.68 kW
Array Frame: 7.07 kW
Height Control Frame (DKC): 186.0 cm (73.2 in.)
Array Frame (DKU): 186.0 cm (73.2 in.)
Width Control Frame (DKC): 78.2 cm (30.77 in.)
Array Frame (DKU): 65.0 cm (25.59 in.)
Depth Control Frame (DKC): 92.5 cm (36.42 in.)
Array Frame (DKU): 92.5 cm (36.42 in.)
Weight Control Frame (DKC): 590. kg (1300.73 lb.)
Array Frame (DKU): 430.0 (947.99 lb.)
Geography Power Quantity Plug Connector (inline)
US Single-Phase: 30-Amp
Thomas & Betts 3750 DP Thomas & Betts 3933
Single-Phase: 50-Amp
Thomas & Betts 9P53U2 Thomas & Betts 9C53U2 or 9R53U2W
3-Phase: 30-Amp
Thomas & Betts 3760PDG or DDK 115J-AP8508 Thomas & Betts 3934
Europe Single-Phase: 30-Amps
N/A (Hardwire) N/A (Hardwire)
Single-Phase: 50-Amps
N/A (Hardwire) N/A (Hardwire)
3-Phase: 30-Amp
N/A (Hardwire) N/A (Hardwire)
2 Refer to the Sun StoreEdge 99x0 Documentation page for comprehensive and up-to-date product documentation and additional information on cables.
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