Sun Microsystems, Inc.   Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Sun StorEdge[tm] 9910/9960 Array: Hardware Specifications

Disks (System Capacity)
Number of disk drives (with spares)

9910: 5 to 48
9960: 5 to 512

Hot spares (maximum) 9910: 4
9960: 16
Individual disk capacities, 3-in form factor, 10K RPM 18 GB, 72 GB, 146 GB, 181 GB
Total raw capacity per system 9910: 8.7 TB
9960: 94.9 TB
Data Cache
Maximum 9910: 16 GB
9960: 32 GB
Minimum 9910: 1 GB
9960: 2 GB
Control Memory
Up to 1.5 GB
Logical Device Support
Up to 4096
Client-Host Interface Processors (CHIP)
Number of CHIP pairs 9910: Up to 3
9960: Up to 4
Simultaneous data transfers per CHIP pair 4 or 8
Physical interfaces per CHIP pair 4 or 8
Physical Interfaces per System
Physical Interfaces per System 9910: 24
9960: 32
Fibre Channel (fiber-optic cable) 9910: 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, or 24
9960: 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, or 32
Extended Serial Adapters 9910: 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, or 24
9960: 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, or 32
Array Control Processor
Number of ACP pairs per system 9910: 1
9960: Up to 4
Physical array paths per ACP pair 8
Maximum disks per array path 9910: 12
9960: 32
Simultaneous transfers per ACP pair
To cache
9910: 4
9960: 8
To disk array
Transfer rates  
Per disk array path
Up to 100 MB/sec
Per ACP pair (to cache)
Up to 800 MB/sec
Per fully configured system
9910: 3.2 GB/sec
9960: 6.4 GB/sec
Power 9910: 3.3 kVA
9960 (Control Frame): 1.6 kVA
9960 (Array Frame):
3.7 kVA (1-4); 2.9 kVA (5-6)
Heat 9910: 3.1 kW
9960 (Control Frame): 1.5 kW
9960 (Array Frame): 3.4 kW (1-4); 2.6 kW (5-6)
Temperature & Humidity

Operating1: 60 (16) to 90 (32), 20% to 80% relative humidity.

Non-Operating: 14 (-10) to 109 (43), 8% - 90 % relative humidity.

1 Environmental specification for operating condition should be satisfied before the disk subsystem is powered on. The maximum temperature of 90°F (32°C) should be strictly satisfied at the air inlet portion of the subsystem. The recommended temperature range is 70-75°F (21-24°C).
Dimensions and Weights
Height 1,790 mm (70.5 in.)
Width (with two side panels) 9910: 700 mm (27.6 in.)
9960 (Control Frame): 750 mm (29.5 in.)
9960 (Array Frame): 600 mm (23.6 in.)
Depth 800 mm (31.5 in.)
Weight 9910: 524 kg (1,153 lb.)
9960 (Control Frame): 451 kg (992 lb.)
9960 (Array Frame): 469 kg (1,031 lb.)
Power Connectors
System Geography Power Quantity Plug Connector
9910 US Single-Phase
Russellstoll 3720DP
N/A - Controller
Russellstoll 3913 or Russellstoll 3743
N/A - Controller
Europe Single-Phase
N/A (Hardwire)
N/A - Controller
N/A (Hardwire)
N/A - Controller
9960 (Control Frame) US Single-Phase
Russellstoll 3720DP Russellstoll 3913 or Russellstoll 3743
N/A – Powered from first Array Frame N/A – Powered from first Array Frame
Europe Single-Phase
N/A (Hardwire) N/A (Hardwire)
N/A – Powered from first Array Frame N/A – Powered from first Array Frame
9960 (Array Frame) US Single-Phase
Russellstoll 3720DP Russellstoll 3913 or Russellstoll 3743
Russellstoll 3760 or Russellstoll 3760PDG Russellstoll 3754 or Russellstoll 3934
Europe Single-Phase
N/A (Hardwire) N/A (Hardwire)
N/A (Hardwire) N/A (Hardwire)
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