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1.3GB IPI Disk Drive

Physical and Logical Geometry

The 1.3GB IPI Disk Drive uses Zone Bit Recording (ZBR). The outer tracks have a higher bit density than the inner tracks.

The defect list for the 1.3GB IPI Disk Drive is in physical block number. Errors reported under the operating system format utility are in logical block number. Block numbers converted to cylinder/head/sector by the show command, are in logical block number.

The analyze command performs the conversion from logical to physical block when a defect is detected.

The repair command does not perform the conversion from a logical block number to a physical block number. Do not enter the logical block when using the repair command.

To add a defect to the defect list, first convert the logical block number to a physical block number. Then, use the add command to enter the physical block number into the defect list. Do not enter the logical block number when using the add command.

Use the Disk Drive Logical Geometry chart to find Zone, First Block in Zone, First Cylinder in Zone, Cylinder Size of Zone, and Track Size of Zone.

Example: error reported on block 1000000.

LBN = 1000000
Zone = 2
First Block in Zone 2 = 929526
First Cylinder in Zone 2 = 701
Cylinder Size of Zone 2 = 1292
Track Size of Zone 2 = 76

1.3GB IPI Disk Drive Logical Geometry

0 0 625 0 0/0/0 830075 625/16/77 78 1326
1 626 700 830076 626/0/0 929525 700/16/77 78 1326
2 701 800 929526 701/0/0 1058725 798/7/31 76 1292
3 801 925 1058726 798/7/32 1215975 917/0/33 74 1258
4 926 1050 1215976 917/0/34 1368975 1032/6/75 72 1224
5 1051 1175 1368976 1032/6/76 1521975 1147/13/39 72 1224
6 1176 1300 1521976 1147/13/40 1670725 1259/16/43 70 1190
7 1301 1400 1670726 1259/16/44 1786325 1347/2/47 68 1156
8 1401 1500 1786326 1347/2/48 1898525 1431/13/5 66 1122
9 1501 1600 1898526 1431/13/6 2007325 1513/13/73 64 1088
10 1601 1800 2007326 1513/13/74 2218125 1672/13/39 62 1054
11 1801 1900 2218126 1672/13/40 2320125 1749/12/15 60 1020
12 1901 2000 2320126 1749/12/16 2418725 1824/1/23 58 986
13 2001 2100 2418726 1824/1/24 2512769 1894/16/77 58 986

1.3GB IPI Disk Drive Physical Geometry

0 0 625 50399 40 1230 46
1 626 700 49559 40 1226 45
2 701 800 48719 39 1225 44
3 801 925 47039 38 1221 43
4 926 1050 46199 37 1220 42
5 1051 1175 45359 37 1219 41
6 1176 1300 43679 36 1212 40
7 1301 1400 42839 35 2111 39
8 1401 1500 41159 34 1210 38
9 1501 1600 40319 33 1206 37
10 1601 1800 38639 32 1201 35
11 1801 1900 37799 31 1201 35
12 1901 2000 36959 30 1197 34
13 2001 2100 36119 30 1196 33

Longhand Conversion of Physical to Logical Block

LBN - First Block = LB

1000000 - 929526 = 70474

To find the Physical Cylinder

First Cylinder + (LB ÷ Cylinder Size in blocks) = Pcylinder
701 + (70474 ÷ 1292) = 755 (discard the remainder)

To find the Physical Head

To find the Physical Sector

The function of the Modulus Operator % is to give the remainder of the first value divided by the second value.

Calculator Conversion of Physical to Logical Block

LBN - First Block = LB

1000000 - 929526 = 70474

To find the Physical Cylinder

First Cylinder + (LB ÷ Cylinder Size in blocks) = Pcylinder

701 + (70474 ÷ 1292) = Pcylinder
701 + (54.54644) = 755.54644
755 = Pcylinder (0.54644 = Pcylinder remainder)

To find the Physical Head

(Pcylinder remainder × Cylinder size) ÷ Track Size = Phead

(0.54644 × 1292) ÷ 76 = Phead
(706.00048) ÷ 76 = 9.28948
9 = Phead (0.28948 = Phead remainder)

To find the Physical Sector

Phead remainder × Track Size = Psector

0.28948 × 76 = Psector
0.28948 × 76 = 22.00048
22 = Psector

Logical block 1000000 is located at physical cylinder 755, head 9, sector 22. Add the physical block number to the defect list.

The show command reports that logical block 1000000 is located at logical cylinder 754, head 2, sector 40. Do not add the logical block number to the defect list.

Last updated: December 2, 1996
  Copyright © 2011 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.