Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1000038.1
Update Date:2010-09-10

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1000038.1 :   The Netra T2000 DIMM Locator Label mounted on the DIMM cover is incorrect.  

Related Items
  • Sun Netra T2000 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Standard>Reactive


Bug Id
<SUNBUG: 6599898>

Date of Preliminary Release

Date of Resolved Release

A customer or Field Engineer will replace the wrong DIMM if the DIMM Locator Label is used on a Netra T2000 system shipped prior to January 24, 2008 (see full details below).


A customer or Field Engineer will replace the wrong DIMM if the DIMM Locator Label is used on a Netra T2000 system shipped prior to January 24, 2008.

This will only be seen when debugging a DIMM issue using Sun's POST in conjunction with the DIMM Locator Label.

Contributing Factors

The incorrect label is documented in the Identification of Affected Parts section of this asset. 

Sun Fire T2000 Servers are NOT impacted by this issue and currently have the proper DIMM Locator Label.


No initial symptoms. However, replacing the wrong DIMM will lead to additional troubleshooting time.

Root Cause

The DIMM Locator Label on the Netra T2000 was marked improperly during initial release. This label issue was corrected in systems manufactured after January 24, 2008 and as of Serial Number 0802FMP00R via ECO# WO_37812.


Review the Netra T2000 Server Service Manual (819-5841-10 or later) Chapter 4.4 (Replacing a DIMM) prior to replacement of DIMMs on existing systems.  Systems manufactured after ECO WO_37812 cut-in (which occured on January 24, 2008) will have a corrected DIMM Locator Label.

Identification of Affected Parts (how to):

Erroneous DIMM locators will differ from the Service Manual, as follows:

       819-5841-10         Erroneous DIMM
Service Manual       Cover's Label
C0/R1/D1(J0901)        C0/R0/D0
C0/R0/D1(J0701)        C0/R1/D0
C0/R1/D0(J0801)        C0/R0/D1
C0/R0/D0(J0601)        C0/R1/D1
--------               --------
C1/R1/D1(J1401)        C1/R0/D0
C1/R0/D1(J1201)        C1/R1/D0
C1/R1/D0(J1301)        C1/R0/D1
C1/R0/D0(J1101)        C1/R1/D1
CPU                    CPU
C3/R0/D0(J2101)        C2/R0/D0
C3/R1/D0(J2301)        C2/R1/D0
C3/R0/D1(J2201)        C2/R0/D1
C3/R1/D1(J2401)        C2/R1/D1
--------               --------
C2/R0/D0(J1601)        C3/R0/D0
C2/R1/D0(J1801)        C3/R1/D0
C2/R0/D1(J1701)        C3/R0/D1
C2/R1/D1(J1901)        C3/R1/D1

Notice that the Rank and DIMM numbers are incorrect for channels 0 and 1.  Also notice that channels 2 and 3 are reversed.


Netra T2000 systems manufactured after January 24, 2008 and having a serial number of 0802FMP00R or later will not have this issue.  For Netra T2000s shipped prior to this should use the workaround above.

Modification History
06-Feb-2008: Updated from Preliminary to Resolved.

Sun Netra T2000 Server

Previously Published As
Internal Comments
Related Information (see full details below)

Related Information
  • ECO: WO_37812
  • Manual: 819-5841-10

For information about FAB documents, its release processes,
implementation strategies and billing information, go to the following

For Sun Authorized Service Providers go to:

In addition to the above you may email:

Internal Contributor/submitter

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
SSG ES (Enterprise Systems)

Internal Kasp FAB Legacy ID

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
Critical Category:
Significant Change Date: 2007-09-24, 2008-01-24
Avoidance: Service Procedure
Responsible Manager: Marvin.Wexler@Sun.COM

WF - Changed Status from Preliminary to Resolved, updated Issue Description and Resolution
sections with final resolution information. - Joe 2/1/08
WF - RE still waiting for 1st Article of lablel. So FAB still listed as Preliminary. -Joe 11/12/07
WF - no feedback from Ext Rvw, sending to Publish. - Joe 9/24/07
WF - added second sentence under Impact section. FAB still under Ext Rvw. - Joe 9/21/07
Original Admin Info: WF - recvd final submission, drafted FAB and sent to Ext Rvw. - Joe 9/20/07
7ba6ed6a-ec35-11da-ac3d-080020a9ed93|Netra T2000 Server

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