Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1000050.1
Update Date:2010-09-17

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1000050.1 :   Hardware: Sun Fire V210/V240 PCI retainer clip may contact PCI board components causing damage.  

Related Items
  • Sun Fire V240 Server
  • Sun Fire V210 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Standard>Reactive


Sun Fire V240 Server
Sun Fire V210 Server

Bug Id
<SUNBUG: 6379623>

Date of Resolved Release

  • Part No: 501-6738
  • Part Description: Quad GigaSwift Ethernet (QGE-X)
  • Xoption Number: X4445A
  • Xoption Description: Quad GigaSwift Ethernet


If the PCI retainer clip is moved all the way into position so that it locks into it's guide hole, the clip can potentially cause damage to the PCI card's components.

Contributing Factors

Quad GigaSwift Ethernet card X4445 installed into a Sun Fire V210 or V240 systems shipped prior to February of 2007.

This issue may also impact other PCI cards if they contain components on the rear edge of the PCB where the retainer clip can come into contact with them.


On the Sun Fire V210 and V240 servers a PCI retainer clip is used to keep PCI option cards in place after installation. The PCI retainer rail contains guide holes to hold the retaining clip into place and under normal use the PCI retainer is moved onto the PCI card until the retainer locks into one of these holes.

When the Quad GigaSwift Ethernet card X4445 is installed into a Sun Fire V210 or V240 the retainer clip can come into contact with a surface mount capacitor located on the rear edge of the PCI card.

Root Cause

Corrective action was made available in Manufacturing by releasing a newly designed PCI retainer slide assembly via ECO# WO_34368, which uses spring tension against the slide rail instead of guide holes.

Corrective action was made available in Services via release of GSAP 3745 as of December 6, 2006.  This new part can be ordered from FRU stock to replace the PCI retainer rail which is currently mounted on the system board of a system encountering this issue.



Hot Swappable: No

Upon Failure install new PCI retainer slide assembly (Sun p/n 371-2356-01).

This replacement is only needed if the PCI retainer clip on the system board is making contact with the components of an installed PCI card. The new style slide assembly can be identified by a black strip of mylar on the top of the slide and a lack of holes.

A picture of the slide assembly can be viewed via the below URL;


Note: Depending on your settings, a blank browser may appear. If this occurs you should save the file locally using File -> Save Page As.

Slide Assembly Replacement Procedures:

This FRU contains a new slide rail with PCI clip to replace the previous version. To replace the retainer and slide the system must be halted and powered down for service.

  1. Remove any installed PCI cards and set them aside.
  2. Remove the two phillips screws that secure the PCI retainer slide to the system board and remove the slide.
  3. Place the new retainer slide with clip into place and fasten using the two phillips screws.
  4. Replace any PCI option cards.

When moving the PCI clip into place use care to ensure that the clip does not come into contact with any components on the card.

Previously Published As
Internal Comments

This issue was evaluated as an FCO and determined not to meet criteria as there have been few reported incidences of this occurring in the field.

Hardware Remediation Details

Material is available in all Regions/Timezones.

Related Information
  • ECO: WO_34368
  • GSAP: 3745

Internal Contributor/submitter

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
KE Authors

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer
Mark.Danico@Sun.COM, Mark.Chen@Sun.COM

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Internal Kasp FAB Legacy ID

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
Critical Category:
Significant Change Date: 2007-06-11
Avoidance: Hardware
Responsible Manager: Robert.Boland@Sun.COM, Sean.White@Sun.COM
Original Admin Info: WF - started draft after confirming this issue had been rejected as an
FCO by Zuheir Totari. - Joe 6/1/07
WF - updated cutin date from Dec/06 to Feb/07 per Engineering but
still awtg clarification on replacement instructions. - Joe 6/4/07
WF - Eng believes replacement instructions are sufficient and I
have confirmed kits are in place. Sending to Extended Review.
- Joe 6/6/07
WF - Nothing from ext rvw. Sending to publish. - Joe 6/11/07
Internal SA-FAB Eng Submission
FCO Communications Plan Template

Purpose: The purpose of this template is to document and outline
the Communication Plan for the Field Change Order (FCO)
analysis process for a product quality defect that may
require an FCO for remediation. Format of published FCO
may differ.

BU Name:
SSG Work Group Systems

Product Name:
V210 V240

Date: (date initiated)

Status: Active

Audience: Sun Internal & Service Partners (via SPE portal)


Document ID: FCO DATE: 10/31/2006

SYNOPSIS: V210 V240 PCI retainer clip may contact PCI board components causing damage.





Systems Affected:
------- --------
Mkt_ID Platform Model Description Serial Number
------ -------- ----- ----------- -------------
V210 Sun Fire V210
V240 Sun Fire V210


Part Number Description Model Type
---------------- ----------- ----- ----
501-6738 Quad GigaSwift Ethernet X4445


Sun Alerts:
BugIDs: CR6379623
ECO 32342
DPCOs/LEAPs: (now called GSAP)
GSAP 3308


On the V210 and V240 servers a PCI retainer clip is used to keep PCI option cards in place
after installation. The PCI retainer rail contains guide holes to hold the retaining clip into place
and under normal use the PCI retainer is moved onto the PCI card until the retainer locks into one of
these holes.

When the Quad GigaSwift Ethernet card X4445 is installed into a V210 or V240 the retainer clip can come
into contact with a surface mount capacitor located on the rear edge of the PCI card. If the retainer clip
is moved all the way into position so that it locks into it's guide hole the clip can potentially cause
damage to the PCI card's components.

This issue may also impact other PCI cards if they contain components on the rear edge of the PCB
where the retainer clip can come into contact with them.

IMPLEMENTATION TYPE: (choose only one)

MANDATORY (Fully Pro-Active)
*Customer Letter and Customer List Required

CONTROLLED PRO-ACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan - proactive for Gold and above
contracted systems)

XX UPON FAILURE (replace failed unit only)




(Provide information or instructions relative to implementation.)
* Timezone Phased Release schedules would go here.
** Timezone contact information would go here.
*** Special material ordering instructions would go here.


A newly designed PCI retainer slide assembly which uses spring tension against the slide rail instead of guide holes is now used in place of the previous version. This new part can be ordered from FRU stock to replace the PCI retainer rail which is curently mounted on the system board of a system encountering this issue. This replacement is only needed if the PCI retainer clip on the system board is making contact with the components of an installed PCI card. The new style slide assembly can be identified by a black strip of mylar on the top of the slide and a lack of holes.
To address this issue if encountered, order FRU part number 371-2356. This FRU contains a new slide rail with PCI clip to replace the previous version. To replace the retainer and slide the system must be halted and powered down for service. Remove any installed PCI cards and set them aside. Then remove the two phillips screws that secure the PCI retainer slide to the system board and remove the slide. Place the new retainer slide with clip into place and fasten using the two phillips screws. Then replace any PCI option cards. When moving the PCI clip into place use care to ensure that the clip does not come into contact with any components on the card.

Hot Swappable: no

There is no work around.N/A

Fix will be in the form of a FRU PN F371-2356-01
CHANGE HISTORY: (of template)
18d48708-5867-11d6-8128-c95a9ce59853|Sun Fire V240 Server
dc751a7c-eece-4157-8e4e-376351aa49fa|Sun Fire V210 Server

This solution has no attachment
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