Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1000149.1
Update Date:2010-09-02

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1000149.1 :   Minimum ILOM revision required to support new DIMMs on Sun Blade X8420.  

Related Items
  • Sun Blade X8420 Server Module
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Standard>Reactive


Sun Blade X8420 Server Module

Bug Id
<SUNBUG: 6530544>, <SUNBUG: 6553295>

Date of Resolved Release

  • Part No: 541-1394
  • Part Description: Sun Blade X8420 Server Module FRU
  • Part No: 540-7227
  • Part Description: Samsung 2GB - M393T5750EZA-CE6 (371-2354)
  • Part No: 540-7228
  • Part Description: Samsung 4GB - M393T5160CZA-CE6 or Micron 4GB - MT36HTF51272PY-667E1 (371-2355)


To support new DIMMs being released, a new BIOS is required on the X8420 blade. The new DIMMs will function with an older BIOS however to provide optimal memory timing performance and reliability the BIOS should be upgraded. Upgrading to ILOM 1.1.12 or later will upgrade the BIOS to the required revision.

Contributing Factors

Affected Systems:

Sun Blade X8420 Server Module

Affected Xoptions:

X-Option     Description
X5064A-Z     602-3715    Sun Blade X8420 Server Module (Opteron 8216)
X5065A-Z     602-3716    Sun Blade X8420 Server Module (Opteron 8218)
X5066A-Z     602-3300    Sun Blade X8420 Server Module (Opteron 8220)
X5067A-Z     594-4618    Sun Blade X8420 Server Module (Opteron 8218 HE)
X5094A-Z     371-2354    Samsung 2GB - M393T5750EZA-CE6
X5095A-Z     371-2355    Samsung 4GB - M393T5160CZA-CE6  -or-
Micron  4GB - MT36HTF51272PY-667E1


There are no customer visible symptoms when an older BIOS is used with these DIMMs. Customer should ensure they have the newer BIOS prior to installing new DIMMs or replacing DIMMs on Sun Blade X8420 Server Modules.

Root Cause

New DIMM types released by DIMM vendors require new timing settings set by BIOS to operate optimally.


Upgrade ILOM on Sun Blade x8420 Blade to ILOM 1.1.12 or later, prior to installing new DIMMs or replacing failed DIMMs. ILOM 1.1.12 is contained in Sun Blade 8000 System Supplemental 1.2.2 release available from the Sun Download Center:

Identification of Affected Parts (how to):

For new DIMM installations or DIMM CRU replacements, it is recommended to visually inspect the vendor part number on the new DIMM labels, comparing to the last number/letter string in the list above, and upgrading ILOM prior to installing the new DIMMs.

On systems with DIMMs already installed, they can be identified via the web GUI (Components tab, then click on the /SYS/Px/Dx link), CLI and 'ipmitool fru list'.

Output from CLI...

-> show /SYS/P2/D0
type = DIMM
product_name = 4096MB DDR-II 666 (PC2-5300) ADDRESS/COMMAND
product_manufacturer = MICRON TECHNOLOGY
product_version = 0100
product_part_number = 36HTF51272PY-667E1  <<<<<

Output from ipmitool fru list...

FRU Device Description : /P1/D0 (ID 11)
Product Manufacturer  : SAMSUNG
Product Name          : 2048MB DDR-II 666 (PC2-5300) ADDRESS/COMMAND
Product Part Number   : M3 93T5750EZA-CE6  <<<<<
Product Version       : 4145

If the 'Product Part Number' of the DIMM matches the Affected Part then the ILOM should be upgraded to 1.1.12 or later. This contains BIOS 0ABJL035.

The ILOM revision can be checked via the CLI, with the version command, and via the web GUI using the 'System Information' tab.

-> version
SP firmware 1.1.12
SP firmware build number: 19265
SP firmware date: Wed May 23 09:39:24 EDT 2007
SP filesystem version: 0.1.14
-> show /SYS/BIOS
type = BIOS FRU
product_name = SYSTEM BIOS
product_manufacturer = AMERICAN MEGATRENDS
product_version = 0ABJL035    <<<<<
product_part_number = AMIBIOS8
product_serial_number = (none)


Modification History
Date: 25-JUN-2007
  • Moved affected xoptions to Contributing Factors section to aid IBIS migration.

Previously Published As
Internal Comments
Related Information
  • ECO: WO_37141
  • URL:

Internal Contributor/submitter
Andy.Lewis@Sun.COM, Oliver.Sharwood@Sun.COM

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
KE Authors

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Internal Resolution Patches
ILOM 1.1.12 in Supplemental 1.2.2 or later

Internal Kasp FAB Legacy ID

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
Critical Category:
Significant Change Date: 2007-06-21
Avoidance: Firmware
Responsible Manager: Michael.Shea@Sun.COM
Original Admin Info: WF - received submission and began FAB draft. - Joe 6/19/07
WF - sending to Ext Rvw. - Joe 6/19/07
WF - sending to Publish. - Joe 6/21/07
WF - moved affected Xoptions to Contributing Factors to aid in the
IBIS migration. - Joe 6/25/07

Internal SA-FAB Eng Submission
Field Action Bulletin (FAB) BLANK Submittal Template

For Preliminary, Non-Hardware and Hardware FABs --

After following instructions for drafting a Field Action Bulletin,
send this ASCII Text filled-in template to:

The email Subject line should be similar to the following:

Draft Field Action Bulletin / Synopsis ...


Synopsis: Minimum ILOM revision required to support new DIMMs on Sun
Blade X8420

[ ] Binary
[ ] T-Patch
[ ] Patch
[X] Firmware
[ ] Hardware
[ ] Upgrade
[ ] Workaround
[ ] Reconfiguration
[ ] Service Procedure
[ ] None
[ ] Hardware Replacement (Must follow SMI FCO Process) *

* Note:Please follow the below link for details on how
to submit an FCO;


[X] Reactive (Upon Failure)
[ ] Controlled Proactive (H/W FABs require Customer List and
Customer Letter)
[ ] Mandatory (Requires Customer List and Customer Letter)

Product: (Mktg Part Number / Description)

Sun Blade X8420 Server Module (Opteron 8216)
Sun Blade X8420 Server Module (Opteron 8218)
Sun Blade X8420 Server Module (Opteron 8220)
Sun Blade X8420 Server Module (Opteron 8218 HE)

Affected X-Options: (Xoption Part Number / Description)

X5064A-Z 602-3715 Sun Blade X8420 Server Module (Opteron 8216)
X5065A-Z 602-3716 Sun Blade X8420 Server Module (Opteron 8218)
X5066A-Z 602-3300 Sun Blade X8420 Server Module (Opteron 8220)
X5067A-Z 594-4618 Sun Blade X8420 Server Module (Opteron 8218 HE)

X5094A-Z 371-2354 Samsung 2GB - M393T5750EZA-CE6
X5095A-Z 371-2355 Samsung 4GB - M393T5160CZA-CE6
X5095A-Z 371-2355 Micron 4GB - MT36HTF51272PY-667E1

Affected Parts: (FRU/CRU Part Number / Description)

541-1394 Sun Blade X8420 Server Module FRU
540-7227 371-2354 Samsung 2GB - M393T5750EZA-CE6
540-7228 371-2355 Samsung 4GB - M393T5160CZA-CE6
540-7228 371-2355 Micron 4GB - MT36HTF51272PY-667E1

Issue Description:


To support new DIMMs being released, a new BIOS is required on the X8420
blade. The new DIMMs will function with an older BIOS however to provide
optimal memory timing performance and reliability the BIOS should be
upgraded. Upgrading to ILOM 1.1.12 or later will upgrade the BIOS to the
required revision.

Contributing Factors


There are no customer visible symptoms when an older BIOS is used with
these DIMMs. Customer should ensure they have the newer BIOS prior to
installing new DIMMs or replacing DIMMs on Sun Blade X8420 Server Modules.

Root Cause

New DIMM types released by DIMM vendors require new timing settings set
by BIOS to operate optimally.

Corrective Action:

Provided ILOM image (ILOM 1.1.12). This ILOM image is part of Sun Blade
8000 Modular System Supplemental 1.2.2

Final Resolution

Upgrade ILOM on Sun Blade x8420 Blade to ILOM 1.1.12 or later, prior to
installing new DIMMs or replacing failed DIMMs. ILOM 1.1.12 is
contained in Sun Blade 8000 System Supplemental 1.2.2 release available
from the Sun Download Center:

Identification of Affected Parts (how to):

For new DIMM installations or DIMM CRU replacements, it is recommended
to visually inspect the vendor part number on the new DIMM labels,
comparing to the last number/letter string in the list above, and
upgrading ILOM prior to installing the new DIMMs.

On systems with DIMMs already installed, they can be identified via the
web GUI (Components tab, then click on the /SYS/Px/Dx link), CLI and
'ipmitool fru list'

Output from CLI

-> show /SYS/P2/D0


type = DIMM
product_name = 4096MB DDR-II 666 (PC2-5300) ADDRESS/COMMAND
product_manufacturer = MICRON TECHNOLOGY
product_version = 0100
product_part_number = 36HTF51272PY-667E1 <<<<<

Output from ipmitool fru list

FRU Device Description : /P1/D0 (ID 11)
Product Manufacturer : SAMSUNG
Product Name : 2048MB DDR-II 666 (PC2-5300) ADDRESS/COMMAND
Product Part Number : M3 93T5750EZA-CE6 <<<<<
Product Version : 4145

If the 'Product Part Number' of the DIMM matches the Affected Part then
the ILOM should be upgraded to 1.1.12 or later. This contains BIOS

The ILOM revision can be checked via the CLI, with the version command,
and via the web GUI using the 'System Information' tab

-> version
SP firmware 1.1.12
SP firmware build number: 19265
SP firmware date: Wed May 23 09:39:24 EDT 2007
SP filesystem version: 0.1.14

-> show /SYS/BIOS


type = BIOS FRU
product_name = SYSTEM BIOS
product_manufacturer = AMERICAN MEGATRENDS
product_version = 0ABJL035 <<<<<
product_part_number = AMIBIOS8
product_serial_number = (none)



* BugID: 6530544 6553295
* Escalation ID:
* Sun Alert:
* Pending Patches:
* Resolution Patches: ILOM 1.1.12 in Supplemental 1.2.2 or later
* Other References:
* Reference Manual:
* Related URL(s):
* ECO: WO_37141
* WW Stop Ship:
* Radiance ID:


* Contributor: Andy Lewis & Oliver Sharwood
* Responsible Engineer: Stanley Yap
* Responsible Manager: Michael Shea
* Business Unit Group:

[ ] SSG WGS (Workgroup Systems)
[ ] SSG NSN (Netra Systems and Networking)
[ ] SSG ES (Enterprise Systems)
[ ] SSG SW (Platform Software)
[ ] SSG PNP (Processor)
[X] NSG (Network Systems Group)
[ ] NWS (Network Storage)
[ ] OP/N1 RPE (Operating Platforms/N1 Revenue Product Engin.)
[ ] JPSE (Java Platform Sustaining Engineering)
[ ] JWSSE (Java Web Services Sustaining Engineering)
[ ] USG (User Software Group)
[ ] Other - Please specify
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