Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1000164.1
Update Date:2011-02-23

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1000164.1 :   Using Serial-Over-LAN feature with Solaris on Sun Fire X2100 servers.  

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  • Sun Fire X2100 Server
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  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Standard>Controlled Proactive


Sun Fire X2100 Server


Until now only Linux has supported the Serial-Over-LAN feature of the X2100. However, with proper configuration and the correct version of ipmitool Solaris X86 can also support this feature.


Without the proper patch, when "serial-over-LAN" is enabled, users are unable to view the console using ipmitool.  When the system is booted it resumes using the video console as soon as Solaris starts running.

Root Cause

When the Serial-Over-LAN is configured in the BIOS the "asy" driver does not see the COM1 device that represents the Serial-Over-LAN device. This is because it is not in the ACPI tables for the system. The "asy" driver can be told about the device by editing the "asy.conf" file.


You must have version 1.8.5 (or later) of ipmitool (with Solaris 10 Update 1 you only have 1.8.4 at this time - verify the version with ipmitool -V)

You must have a system BIOS version of 1.0.7 (or later) for Serial-Over-LAN to work

The latest BIOS version can be found on the current Supplemental CD. This can be downloaded here:

1) Edit the /kernel/drv/asy.conf to add this line:

name="asy" parent="isa" reg=1,0x3f8,8 interrupts=4;

2) Set the console to use ttya (COM1):

eeprom console=ttya

3) Apply patch 122028-02 (or later) to the system and reboot.

Configure the BIOS to use the Serial-Over-LAN feature and enable the serial console as documented for Linux here:


Once the BIOS properly identifies the device in the ACPI tables the line in asy.conf that was added can be removed. However, leaving it in will not hurt anything, unless no COM1 device is enabled for the system by the BIOS.

Related Information
  • URL:

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