Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1000198.1
Update Date:2011-02-10

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1000198.1 :   Improved firmware for Seagate 10K.6 disk drives will reduce the incidence of unexpected outages due to a spindle motor issue.  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage 3510 FC Array
  • Sun Netra CT400 Server
  • Sun Storage 6320 System
  • Sun Storage MultiPack FC Desktop Array
  • Sun Storage S1 Array
  • Sun Netra st D1000 Array
  • Sun Storage T3 Array
  • Sun Storage T3+ Array
  • Sun Storage A5200 Array
  • Sun Storage D1000 Array
  • Sun Storage 6020 Array
  • Sun Storage 3310 Array
  • Sun Storage 6120 Array
  • Sun Storage D2 Array
  • Sun Netra 1280 Server
  • Sun Storage A1000 Array
  • Sun Storage D240 (StorEdge) Media Tray
  • Sun Storage A3500 SCSI Array
  • Sun Netra st A1000 Array
  • Sun Netra st D130 Storage Array (DC)
  • Sun Netra st D130 Storage Array (AC)
  • Sun Fire V1280 Server
  • Sun Fire E2900 Server
  • Sun Netra CT800 Server
  • Sun Storage A3500 FC Array
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Standard>Reactive


Bug Id
<SUNBUG: 5069315>, <SUNBUG: 4968898>

Affected Products Listed Below

Seagate Cheetah 7 FC-AL disk drives experiencing a higher than expected failure rate (see details below).

  • Part No: 540-5772-01
  • Part Description: 73GB SCSI
  • Part Model: ST373307LC
  • Part No: 540-5937-xx
  • Part Description: 73GB SCSI
  • Part Model: ST373307LC
  • Part No: 540-4367-01
  • Part Description: 36GB FCAL
  • Part Model: ST336607FC
  • Part No: 540-4525-01
  • Part Description: 36GB FCAL
  • Part Model: ST336607FC
  • Part No: 540-5698-01
  • Part Description: 36GB FCAL
  • Part Model: ST336607FC
  • Part No: 540-4519-01
  • Part Description: 73GB FCAL
  • Part Model: ST373307FC
  • Part No: 540-4905-01
  • Part Description: 73GB FCAL
  • Part Model: ST373307FC
  • Part No: 540-5330-01
  • Part Description: 73GB FCAL
  • Part Model: ST373307FC
  • Part No: 540-5408-01
  • Part Description: 73GB FCAL
  • Part Model: ST373307FC
  • Part No: 540-5694-01
  • Part Description: 73GB FCAL
  • Part Model: ST373307FC
  • Part No: 540-5458-01
  • Part Description: 146GB FCAL
  • Part Model: ST3146807FC
  • Part No: 540-5459-01
  • Part Description: 146GB FCAL
  • Part Model: ST3146807FC
  • Part No: 540-5471-01
  • Part Description: 146GB FCAL
  • Part Model: ST3146807FC
  • Part No: 540-5626-01
  • Part Description: 146GB FCAL
  • Part Model: ST3146807FC
  • Part No: 540-4520-01
  • Part Description: 36GB SCSI
  • Part Model: ST336607LC
  • Part No: 540-4521-01
  • Part Description: 36GB SCSI
  • Part Model: ST336607LC
  • Part No: 540-4689-01
  • Part Description: 36GB SCSI
  • Part Model: ST336607LC
  • Part No: 540-4904-01
  • Part Description: 36GB SCSI
  • Part Model: ST336607LC
  • Part No: 540-4919-01
  • Part Description: 36GB SCSI
  • Part Model: ST336607LC
  • Part No: 540-5462-01
  • Part Description: 36GB SCSI
  • Part Model: ST336607LC
  • Part No: 540-5522-01
  • Part Description: 36GB SCSI
  • Part Model: ST336607LC
  • Part No: 540-5693-01
  • Part Description: 36GB SCSI
  • Part Model: ST336607LC
  • Part No: 540-5996-01
  • Part Description: 36GB SCSI
  • Part Model: ST336607LC
  • Part No: 540-5458-01
  • Part Description: 36GB SCSI
  • Part Model: ST336607LC
  • Part No: 540-5459-01
  • Part Description: 36GB SCSI
  • Part Model: ST336607LC
  • Part No: 540-5471-01
  • Part Description: 36GB SCSI
  • Part Model: ST336607LC
  • Part No: 540-5936-xx
  • Part Description: 36GB SCSI
  • Part Model: ST336607LC
  • Part No: 540-5455-01
  • Part Description: 73GB SCSI
  • Part Model: ST373307LC
  • Part No: 540-5456-01
  • Part Description: 73GB SCSI
  • Part Model: ST373307LC
  • Part No: 540-5563-01
  • Part Description: 73GB SCSI
  • Part Model: ST373307LC
  • Part No: 540-5771-01
  • Part Description: 73GB SCSI
  • Part Model: ST373307LC


Seagate Cheetah 7 FC-AL disk drive models ST336607FC, ST373307FC, ST3146807FC, and SCSI disk drive models ST336607LC, ST373307LC, ST3146807LC are experiencing a higher than expected failure rate due to premature spindle motor bearing failure.

Engineering analysis of returned disk drives has revealed a higher than normal rate of a particular failure mode. While the overall global install base of Seagate Cheetah 10k.6 family of disk drives is meeting or close to meeting overall quality goals, Sun has been advised of certain instances of Cheetah 10k.6 disk drive issues impacting our customers.

The following disk drive models are affected:

        Seagate Model#    Description
ST336607FC      Cheetah 7 146LDD FCAL  (36GB)
ST373307FC      Cheetah 7 146LD  FCAL  (73GB)
ST3146807FC     Cheetah 7 146LP  FCAL  (146GB)
ST336607LC      Cheetah 7 147LDD SCSI  (36GB)
ST373307LC      Cheetah 7 147LD  SCSI  (73GB)
ST3146807LC     Cheetah 7 147LP  SCSI  (146GB)

For all systems, to determine if a system has one of the Seagate Cheetah 7 drives, do one of the following:

  • If the system is down, run the "probe-scsi" command from the "ok" prompt.
  • If the system is up, run the "format" command.
  • If Explorer has run, check the file /opt/SUNWexplorer/bin/diskinfo.

For A1000/A3x00 Arrays attached to a host, an alternative would be to run one of the two following commands:

A.  #/usr/lib/osa/bin/drivutil -i <raid module specifier>

Ex: #/usr/lib/osa/bin/drivutil -i c1t0d0

B. From RM6 GUI,

     RM6 GUI - Configuration - Module - Profile - drives

For T3/T3+ arrays, an alternative would be to use Explorer output or T3 commands to identify the part numbers. The "fru list" command can be used.

Another possible way to identify these disk drives for most, but not all, systems and arrays would be to use the "iostat" command.

    #iostat -En | grep -i vendor

When this issue occurs, disk drives can fail with little or no warning. In systems protected by RAID configurations, data is protected. Those systems without RAID could suffer data loss.

The specific failure mode is spindle motor failure. This failure mode results in a DNR or Drive Offline condition with no leading indicators or previous error messages.

The most frequent messages seen are, "Drive not ready" or the drive may produce excessive read, write or media errors.

Sample error messages:

   Mar 03 15:52:03 arr2 ISR1[1]: N: u1d07 SCSI Disk Error Occurred (path = 0x0)
   Mar 03 15:52:03 arr2 ISR1[1]: N: Sense Key = 0x1, Asc = 0x3, Ascq = 0x0
   Mar 03 15:52:08 arr2 ISR1[1]: W: u1d07 SCSI Disk Error Occurred (path = 0x0)
   Mar 03 15:52:08 arr2 ISR1[1]: W: Sense Key = 0x3, Asc = 0x3, Ascq = 0x0
   Mar 03 15:52:08 arr2 ISR1[1]: W: Sense Data Description = Peripheral Device Write Fault
   Mar 05 17:48:34 arr2 ISR1[1]: W: u1d07 SCSI Disk Error Occurred (path = 0x0)
   Mar 05 17:48:34 arr2 ISR1[1]: W: Sense Key = 0x3, Asc = 0x31, Ascq = 0x0
   Mar 05 17:48:34 arr2 ISR1[1]: W: u1d07 SCSI Disk Error Occurred (path = 0x0)
   Mar 05 17:48:34 arr2 ISR1[1]: W: Sense Key = 0x4, Asc = 0x19, Ascq = 0x0

When this issue occurs, the following error codes may indicate that a drive has failed due to a failed spindle motor:

"Sense Code 02x04".
Sample error messages:
/sbus@7,0/QLGC,isp@0,10000/sd@1,0 (sd46):
Error for Command: writeError Level: Fatal
Sense Key: Hardware Error
ASC: 0x2 (no seek complete), ASCQ: 0x0, FRU: 0x0
10098107  c1t8d0
/sbus@7,0/QLGC,isp@0,10000/sd@1,0 (sd46):
Error for Command: readError Level: Fatal
Sense Key: Vendor Unique
ASC: 0x80 (), ASCQ: 0x0, FRU: 0xa
10102117  c2t10d0
/sbus@7,0/QLGC,isp@0,10000/sd@a,0 (sd54):
Error for Command: readError Level: Fatal
Sense Key: Media Error
ASC: 0x11 (unrecovered read error), ASCQ: 0x0, FRU: 0x0
10102117  c1t5d0
/sbus@3,0/QLGC,isp@0,10000/sd@0,0 (sd15):
Error for Command: writeError Level: Fatal
Sense Key: Media Error
ASC: 0x3 (peripheral device write fault), ASCQ: 0x0, FRU: 0x0
10088635  c2t13d0
/sbus@6,0/QLGC,isp@1,10000/sd@d,0 (sd42):
Error for Command: load/start/stopError Level: Retryable
Sense Key: Not Ready
ASC: 0x4 (LUN not ready), ASCQ: 0x0, FRU: 0x0
10096449  c2t9d0   5



Root Cause

Root cause analysis has determined that spindles at the end of the tolerance distribution may result in less oil, which may lead to inadequate lubrication and ultimately cause the drive to fail. The vendor has identified this as a 1% issue, though this may vary at individual sites.

At the component level Seagate has implemented a new spindle motor design. This fix was implemented at Sun via ECO WO_27575 and DPCO 434.

At the FW level this issue is addressed by new disk drive firmware patches. The new drive firmware monitors drive activity on Seagate Cheetah 10K.6 disk drives, and has an enhanced SMART feature to predict a premature failure of the spindle motor bearings. This will allow for graceful replacement before an outage occurs.

An Upon Failure FCO has been released to facilitate hardware replacement for disk drives that experience this spindle motor issue.  See FCO A0256-1.


Update disk drive firmware as needed with the following patches:

FC-AL Disk Drives

T3    36GB/72GB - 109115-17

T3+   36GB/72GB - 112276-13 (2.1.6)

      36GB/72GB - 115180-07 (3.1.4)

SE6120, Minnow, Non-T3

36GB -  113671-03

72GB -  114708-06

146GB - 114709-06


SCSI Disk Drives (including Minnow)

36GB -  116369-08

72GB -  116370-08

146GB - 116512-04


Note: (June 2005 update) patches are now released that INCLUDE Minnow.

Modification History
Major modifications listed below.

Date: 01-SEP-2005
  • Added Sun Fire V1280, E2900, and Netra 1280 to affected products.

Date: 24-JUN-2005
  • Updated Corrective Action to add support for SE3310/3510 (Minnow).

Date: 03-NOV-2004
  • Added Note about SE3310/3510 arrays not being currently supported by this FIN.

Date: 14-May-2008

  • Added SunFire V480, V490, V880 & V890 to Products section and changed any reference of FCO A0239-1 to A0256-1.

Previously Published As
Internal Comments
References listed below

Related Information
  • ECO: WO_27575
  • Other: FCO: A0256-1 (previously A0239-1)

Internal Contributor/submitter
Bob Bihler

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer
Joe.Davis@Sun.COM (previously Pete.Stauffer@Sun.COM)

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
NWS (Storage)

Internal Resolution Patches
114708-06, 114709-06, 116369-08, 116370-08, 116512-04, 113671-03, 109115-17, 112276-13, 115180-07

Internal Kasp FAB Legacy ID
100664, I1136-1 (FIN)

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
Critical Category:
Significant Change Date:
Avoidance: Patch
Responsible Manager: null
Original Admin Info: null

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2a6d7d50-0a18-11d6-8e0b-f0bd33b24928|Sun StorageTek T3 Array
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2a792916-0a18-11d6-8d0a-c3d03933af3c|Sun StorageTek A1000 Array
2a8022d4-0a18-11d6-8043-ee5a180fdb7f|Sun StorageTek A3500 Array
2a8acc34-0a18-11d6-87ef-bd9528a0b933|Sun StorageTek A5200 Array
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3db30178-43d7-4d85-8bbe-551c33040f0d|Sun StorageTek 3310 SCSI Array
49f7ad4a-aa28-47c7-935a-b971312469ea|Netra st A1000 Array
4de60cc2-a08e-4610-b8bf-6a1881cb59c6|Sun StorageTek 6320 System
5475c17c-c204-11d7-9de1-080020a9ed93|Sun StorageTek 6020 Array
58553d0e-11f4-11d7-9b05-ad24fcfd42fa|Sun StorageTek 3510 FC Array
63ff680d-0598-11d8-84cb-080020a9ed93|Sun Fire E2900 Server
6a74b2f9-bbd8-4b2c-870d-b6b73d6e224f|Sun Fire V1280 Server
b216445d-b1a6-4b97-8860-8f6019982dfa|Sun StorageTek D2 Array
b228c446-c104-419b-ae2e-2788d245ab9f|Netra st D1000 Array
b648cdf0-efb8-4d4f-93d4-b17c1baf1935|Sun StorageTek A3500 FC Array
e41a7084-3dbf-472d-918b-efb50dcbc220|Netra 1280 Server

This solution has no attachment
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