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Asset ID: 1-73-1000523.1
Update Date:2010-08-31

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1000523.1 :   On Sun Fire X2200 M2 and X2100 M2, PC Check diagnostics only checks 9 DIMMs (or less) and the remainder DIMMs are untested. Another described issue results in false positive errors.  

Related Items
  • Sun Fire X2200 M2 Server
  • Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Standard>Reactive


Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server
Sun Fire X2200 M2 Server

Bug Id
<SUNBUG: 6603341>


There are two issues described in this FAB document.

1) The PC check diagnostic scripts for memory only tests 9 DIMMs (or fewer depending on the configuration). If there are more than nine DIMMs it will not report in the event of a faulty DIMM and may result in other parts being replaced needlessly.

2) Additionally, PC Check versions (prior to 6.05b) in the Tools & Drivers may report false positive DIMM errors if run for several hours. False errors could cause unnecessary DIMM, motherboard or cpu replacements because the errors will persist with each diagnostic run, leading the field to replace non-affected parts.

Contributing Factors

For issue 1) above, memory check of DIMMs:

  • Sun Fire X2200 M2 prior to 1.5a CD

Note: This is the one server with more than 8 DIMMs by default.

For issue 2) above, false positive DIMM errors:

  • Sun Fire X2200 M2 prior to 1.4 CD
  • Sun Fire X2100 M2 prior to 1.3 CD


1) Test scripts give no symptom or indication that configurations with more than nine DIMMs are not tested.

2) Here are 2 examples of false positive error messages:

    Failed Disk Test
    Failed Memory Test



See CR 6603341 for details on a possible workaround for issue 1). Please contact engineering as needed if a workaround is necessary until the resolution below can be implemented.


1) For X2200M2 with more than 9 DIMMS:

  • Tools & Drivers 1.5a CD

We recommend downloading the latest updates which include the latest SP, BIOS, and PC Check versions at:

2) To correct the false positive errors:

For X2200M2 download the 1.4 CD from:

For X2100M2 download the 1.3 CD from:


Previously Published As
Internal Comments

There was no CR for the false memory errors.

There is Bug 6456755 that is very similar but that was for Andromeda and does not mention the X2200 M2 or other platforms.

* Business Unit Group: X86 Systems Group

Internal Contributor/submitter

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
NSG (Network Systems Group)

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer,

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Internal Kasp FAB Legacy ID

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
Critical Category:
Significant Change Date: 2007-10-25
Avoidance: Upgrade
Responsible Manager:
Original Admin Info: WF 23-Oct-2007 created and sending for review karen

Internal SA-FAB Eng Submission
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Draft Field Action Bulletin/Older versions of X2200M2 Tools &
Driver CD and PC Check may not report faulty DIMMs and may report false
postitive DIMM errors
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2007 11:20:31 -0700
From: Kim Mayman
Organization: Sun Microsystems

Synopsis: Older versions of PC Check memory diagnostics can give false
positive errors and test scripts for memory do not work for
configurations of greater than 9 DIMMs.


[ ] Binary
[ ] T-Patch
[ ] Patch
[ ] Firmware
[ ] Hardware
[x] Upgrade
[ ] Workaround
[ ] Reconfiguration
[ ] Service Procedure
[ ] None
[ ] Hardware Replacement (Must follow SMI FCO Process) *

* Note:Please follow the below link for details on how
to submit an FCO;


[x] Reactive (Upon Failure)
[ ] Controlled Proactive (H/W FABs require Customer List and
Customer Letter)
[ ] Mandatory (Requires Customer List and Customer Letter)

Product: Sun Fire X2200 M2, X2100 M2

Affected X-Options: none
Affected Parts: none

Issue Description:
A) X2200M2 populated with memory configurations of more than nine DIMMs
may not report faulty DIMMs when run with Tools & Drivers diagnostics,
if prior versions of Tools & Drivers CD 1.5a are run. Built-in test
scripts are also affected.

B) Additionally, PC Check versions prior to 6.05b on the Tools & Drivers
CD may report false positive DIMM errors if run for several hours.

A) Faulty DIMMs may be missed on X2200M2 platforms with memory
configurations of greater than nine DIMMs.

B) False errors could cause unnecessary DIMM, motherboard or cpu
replacements because the errors will persist with each diagnostic run,
leading the field to replace non-affected parts.

Contributing Factors:

A) PC Check test script in CD versions prior to 1.5a for X2200 M2 did
not check memory configurations greater than nine DIMMs.

B) PC Check 6.05a in CD versions

prior to 1.4 for X2200 M2

prior to 1.3 for X2100 M2

are susceptible to false positive DIMM errors if run for several hours.


A) Test scripts will give no symptom or indication that configurations
greater than nine DIMMs are not tested.

B) False positive error messages: "Failed disk Test" or "Failed Memory

Root Cause

Older PC Check versions

A) Did not check memory configurations greater than nine DIMMs

B) May have caused false positive errors if run for several hours

Corrective Action:


Final Resolution

We recommend downloading the latest updates posted on which will
include the latest SP, BIOS, and PC Check versions.

A) At minimum, for X2200M2 with greater than 9 DIMMS:
Download the Tools & Drivers 1.5a CD from

B) To correct the false positive errors if PC Check is run for several

For X2200M2 the minimum is Server 1.4 CD from

For X2100M2 the minimum is Server 1.3 CD from

Identification of Affected Parts (how to):

All versions of PC Check supplied with any Tools & Drivers or Server CD

previous to 1.5a release for configurations of more than 9 DIMMs on X2200M2

previous to 1.4 release for false positive memory errors on X2200M2
previous to 1.3 release for false positive memory errors on X2100M2

Two issues associated with older PC Check versions are addressed in this

A) Incomplete memory diagnostics for configurations of more than nine DIMMs

B) False positive error messages when PC Check is run for several hours


* BugID: 6603341
* Escalation ID:
* Sun Alert:
* Pending Patches:
* Resolution Patches:
* Other References:
* Reference Manual:
* Related URL(s):
* ECO:
* WW Stop Ship:
* Radiance ID:


* Contributor: Mike Laflamme
* Responsible Engineer: Tony Zhou
* Responsible Manager: Chenhao Geng
* Business Unit Group: X86 Systems Group

[ ] SSG WGS (Workgroup Systems)
[ ] SSG NSN (Netra Systems and Networking)
[ ] SSG ES (Enterprise Systems)
[ ] SSG SW (Platform Software)
[ ] SSG PNP (Processor)
[x] NSG (Network Systems Group)
[ ] NWS (Network Storage)
[ ] OP/N1 RPE (Operating Platforms/N1 Revenue Product Engin.)
[ ] JPSE (Java Platform Sustaining Engineering)
[ ] JWSSE (Java Web Services Sustaining Engineering)
[ ] USG (User Software Group)
[ ] Other - Please specify
417b81fb-dae5-11da-a742-080020a9ed93|Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server
421f3c0e-dae5-11da-a742-080020a9ed93|Sun Fire X2200 M2 Server

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