Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1000729.1
Update Date:2010-08-23

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1000729.1 :   Incorrectly plugged SE9990 AC box cabling can lead to all devices becoming blocked.  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage 9990 System
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Standard>Controlled Proactive


Sun StorageTek 9990 System

  • Part No: 5524216-A
  • Part Description: Power Supply AC Box (3 Phase/30A)
  • Part No: 5524218-A
  • Part Description: Power Supply AC BOX (1 Phase/50A)



Contributing Factors




Root Cause
We have cases where AC power distribution cables were found to be
incorrectly connected between the AC box and the SWPS power supplies.
If AC is removed from one of the AC input cables, the subsystem will not
correctly determine that AC input is lost but instead incorrectly
determine that several power supplies are blocked. This will lead to
all devices becoming blocked when battery power is finally exhausted.
If above condition exists, please escalate into the PTS/SEJSC for proper
recovery procedures.
HDS Alert USP_041753
MANUAL: RAID500 maintenance manual page INST03-05-10
URL: http://sejsc.ebay/AL/USP_041753R6.pdf

NOTE: The SCCC-Storage will monitor and track this activity as a
Proactive Initiative.  Radiance cases will be generated for
SE9990s identified in our install base. If there are any questions,
please contact or
All SE9990 DKCs' internal A/C cabling requires visual inspection for
correct plugging during the next available scheduled onsite visit.
** All SE9990 subsystems require microcode upgrades ~ every 3-6 months
to maintain Mandatory microcode compliance per SCC MGA initiative.**
The AC power box to SWPS cable bundles have either a grey or white wrapping around them
depending upon the AC box from which they originate.
Please note that as indicated by the pictures in HDS Alert USP_041753, the cables correctly
installed appear cross connected.
** see http://sejsc.ebay/AL/USP_041753R5.pdf for pictures **
Please use the RAID500 maintenance manual starting at page INST03-05-10
and compare with the photos supplied in HDS Alert USP_041753 to
determine the correct AC cabling.
Cable connection detail :
AC BOX 1 should be cabled to PS11 and PS13
AC BOX 2 should be cabled to PS12 and PS14
AC BOX 1 should be connected to PS21 and PS23
AC BOX 2 should be connected to PS22 and PS24
If determined that cabling is incorrectly installed, a scheduled subsystem outage  will be
required to correct the misplugged cabling with consideration of the following conditions :
1) No blocked parts  :
a. A normal power off should be performed.
b. Once the subsystem power off completes normally then both AC circuit breakers should be turned off.
c. Correct cabling.
d. Restore AC circuit breakers to ON and power on.
2) Blocked Parts :  Follow the procedures below under PTS/SEJSC direction.
a. If there are any blocked FCAs (located in the DKA), execute self-replace procedure for these DKAs one by one.
b. Turn off the power by using the AC circuit breakers (Do not perform a normal power off!).
c. Correct AC miss-Cabling according to the MM replacement section of AC-BOX.
d. Turn the breakers and then the Power switch on. Then, the blocked LDEVs should be recovered.
Never volatilize the Cache Memory and SM Memory while the subsystem is powered off.
e. Recover blocked HDDs (if there are any) using self-replace.
Abbreviations used in this FIN.
DKC - refers to the Disk Control Unit Frame.
RAID500 - Hitachi nomenclature for SE9990 subsystem.
SWPS - Switching Power Supplies

Previously Published As
Internal Eng Business Unit Group
KE Authors

Internal Kasp FAB Legacy ID

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
Critical Category:
Significant Change Date:
Responsible Manager: null
Original Admin Info: null

15644879-f179-11d8-ab63-080020a9ed93|Sun StorageTek 9990 System

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