Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1000955.1
Update Date:2010-09-02

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1000955.1 :   Sun Fire X2100 may hang or report disk errors due to disk backplane issue causing internal disks to become unavailable to the O/S and BIOS.  

Related Items
  • Sun Fire X2100 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Hardware Remediation>Reactive
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Standard>Reactive


Sun Fire X2100 Server

Bug Id
<SUNBUG: 6470659>

Date of Resolved Release

  • Part No: 371-0733-01
  • Part Description: Disk Backplane
  • Part No: 371-1605-01
  • Part Description: Disk Backplane (RoHS version)


The system will hang or report disk errors. On rebooting, the disk is no longer detected by the BIOS. There is no risk of data corruption or data loss due to this issue.

Contributing Factors

All Sun Fire X2100 Servers shipped prior to April 17, 2007 and having either of the following are potentially impacted:

  1. A single internal disk drive in Slot 0 or
  2. Disks in both Slot 0 and Slot 1



The system will hang or report disk errors. On rebooting, the disk is no longer detected by the BIOS.

Root Cause

Incorrect design margin for OCP (Over Current Protection).

The disk backplane has been reworked to meet the original design margin for OCP (Over Current Protection). An ECO was implemented that changed R3, R18 from 620ohms to 825ohms and R4, R19 from 953ohms to 1.2kohms.

ECO# WO_35539 was cut into the factory on April 17, 2007 with the new backplane design. GSAP #3894 was published on April 30, 2007 to purge the RSLs of the old backplanes and replace with the new design.


There is a workaround for customers that are using only one disk. Moving the disk from slot 0 to slot 1 has proven to be an effective solution for customers that have seen this issue and are only using one disk.


Upon failure only replace 371-0733-01 or 371-1605-01 with 371-1605-02.


Identification of Affected Parts (how to):

The Disk Backplanes must be visually inspected to determine if they are impacted by this issue.

The two disk backplane part numbers that are affected are 371-0733-01 and 371-1605-01.  System serial numbers that are affected are as follows:

  1. Systems built in the UK with serial numbers prior to 0723TU114H, and
  2. Systems built in the US with serial numbers prior to 0719FU4001.

Note: The fifth and sixth alpha-numeric characters denote where the unit was built.

TU = units built in the UK
FU = units built in the US


Previously Published As
Internal Comments

The new disk backplanes (371-1605-02) are available in all Regions at the time on this asset's publication.

This issue was fully evaluated and found not be meet FCO criteria due to the availability of a workaround, and because there have been few reported incidences of this occurring in the field.

Related Information
  • ECO: WO_35539
  • GSAP: 3894

Internal Contributor/submitter

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
KE Authors

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Internal Kasp FAB Legacy ID

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
Critical Category:
Significant Change Date: 2007-07-02
Avoidance: Hardware
Responsible Manager: Matthew Koehler@Sun.COM
Original Admin Info: WF - received submission, completed authoring, and sent out to
Ext Rvw. - Joe 6/29/07
WF - no feedback during Ext Rvw, sending to Publish. - Joe 7/2/07

Internal SA-FAB Eng Submission
Field Action Bulletin (FAB) BLANK Submittal Template

For Preliminary, Non-Hardware and Hardware FABs --

After following instructions for drafting a Field Action Bulletin,

send this ASCII Text filled-in template to:

The email Subject line should be similar to the following:

Draft Field Action Bulletin / Synopsis ...


Synopsis: Sun Fire X2100 may hang or report disk errors due to disk backplane issue.


[ ] Binary

[ ] T-Patch

[ ] Patch

[ ] Firmware

[x] Hardware

[ ] Upgrade

[ ] Workaround

[ ] Reconfiguration

[ ] Service Procedure

[ ] None

[ ] Hardware Replacement (Must follow SMI FCO Process) *

* Note:Please follow the below link for details on how to submit an FCO;


[x] Reactive (Upon Failure)

[ ] Controlled Proactive (H/W FABs require Customer List and Customer Letter)

[ ] Mandatory (Requires Customer List and Customer Letter)

Product: (Mktg Part Number / Description)

A75 / X2100 Aquarius Server

Affected X-Options: (Xoption Part Number / Description)

Affected Parts: (FRU/CRU Part Number / Description)

371-0733-01 / Disk Backplane

371-1605-01 / Disk Backplane (RoHS version)

Issue Description:

The internal disks become unavailable to the O/S and BIOS.


The system will hang or report disk errors. On rebooting, the disk is no longer detected by the BIOS. There is no risk of data corruption or data loss due to this issue.

Contributing Factors:

All Sun Fire X2100 Servers shipped prior to April 17, 2007 and having either of the following are potentially impacted:

1) A single internal disk drive in Slot 0 or
2) Disks in both Slot 0 and Slot 1


The system will hang or report disk errors. On rebooting, the disk is no longer detected by the BIOS.

Root Cause:

Incorrect design margin for OCP (Over Current Protection).

The disk backplane has been reworked to meet the original design margin for OCP (Over Current Protection). An ECO was implemented that changed R3, R18 from 620ohm to 825ohm and R4, R19 from 953 to 1.2kohm.

ECO# WO_35539 was cut into the factory on April 17, 2007 with the new backplane design. GSAP #3894 was published on April 30, 2007 to purge the RSLs of the old backplanes and replace with the new design.

Corrective Action:

Supported Workaround (if available)

There is a workaround for customers that are using only one disk. Moving the disk from slot 0 to slot 1 has proven to be an effective solution for customers that have seen this issue and are only using one disk.

Final Resolution

Upon failure only replace 371-0733-01 or 371-1605-01 with 371-1605-02.

Identification of Affected Parts (how to):

The Disk Backplanes must be visually inspected to determine if they are impacted by this issue.

The two disk backplane part numbers that are affected are 371-0733-01 and 371-1605-01. System serial numbers that are affected are as follows:

1) Systems built in the UK with serial numbers prior to 0723TU114H, and
2) Systems build in the US with serial numbers prior to 0719FU4001.

Note: The fifth and sixth alpha-numeric characters denote where the unit was built.
TU = units built in the UK
FU = units built in the US

Hardware Remediation and Material Availability Details:

(For Hardware FABs only)


The new disk backplanes (371-1605-02) are available in all Regions at the time on this asset's publication.

This issue was fully evaluated and found not be meet FCO criteria due to the availability of a workaround, and because there have been few reported incidences of this occurring in the field.


* BugID: 6470659

* ECO: #WO_35539

* GSAP: 3894


* Contributor: Jake.Bell@Sun.COM

* Responsible Engineer: Chris.Kaminaris@Sun.COM

* Responsible Manager: Matthew Koehler@Sun.COM

* Business Unit Group:

[ ] SSG WGS (Workgroup Systems)

[ ] SSG NSN (Netra Systems and Networking)

[ ] SSG ES (Enterprise Systems)

[ ] SSG SW (Platform Software)

[ ] SSG PNP (Processor)

[x] NSG (Network Systems Group)

[ ] NWS (Network Storage)

[ ] OP/N1 RPE (Operating Platforms/N1 Revenue Product Engin.)

[ ] JPSE (Java Platform Sustaining Engineering)

[ ] JWSSE (Java Web Services Sustaining Engineering)

[ ] USG (User Software Group)

[ ] Other - Please specify
28c0502a-fd60-11d9-a8ca-080020a9ed93|Sun Fire X2100 Server

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