Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1001017.1
Update Date:2011-02-10

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1001017.1 :   Mirrored 73GB and 146GB disk drives on Sun Fire V20z/V40z systems may be exposed to a drive compatibility issue when a drive is replaced.  

Related Items
  • Sun Fire V20z Server
  • Sun Fire V40z Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Standard>Reactive


Sun Fire V20z Server
Sun Fire V40z Server

Bug Id
<SUNBUG: 6477361>

Date of Resolved Release


Disk mirroring can not be recreated when the replacement drive is smaller than the drive that was replaced. Smaller capacity drives do not have the data capacity of the larger hard drive.

Contributing Factors

If a RAID 1 Sun Fire V20z/V40z system has Fujitsu drives for both the primary and secondary drives and receives a Seagate drive as a FRU, the mirror cannot be recreated because the Seagate drive is slightly smaller than the Fujitsu.  The issue is that both, Seagate and Fujitsu disks have the same X Option (X9256A) that is used when ordering these peripherals.

Affected Xoptions:

X-Option      Description

X9291A	   73GB 15K Disk Drive
X9291A-Z   73GB 15K Disk Drive, ROHS
X4154A-Z   146GB 15K Disk Drive, ROHS
X9257A     73GB 10K Disk Drive

Affected Part Numbers:

370-6689  CRU, 73.4GB 10K, Mixed Vendor (non-RoHS FRU)
370-6689  FRU, Seagate, SCSI, 73GB 10K, non-RoHS
371-0292  FRU, Fujitsu, SCSI, 73GB 10K, non-RoHS
370-6905  CRU, SCSI, 146GB 10K, Mixed Vendor (non-RoHS FRU)
370-6905  FRU, Seagate, SCSI, 146GB 10K, non-RoHS
371-2564  FRU, Fujitsu, SCSI, 146GB 10K, non-RoHS
370-6941  CRU, 73.4GB 15K, Mixed Vendor (non-RoHS FRU)
371-2601  FRU, Seagate, SCSI, 73GB 15K, non-RoHS
371-2602  FRU, Fujitsu, SCSI, 73GB 15K, non-RoHS
371-1454  CRU, SCSI, 146GB 10K, Mixed Vendor (RoHS FRU)
371-1454  FRU, Seagate, SCSI, 146GB 10K, RoHS
371-2441  FRU, Fujitsu, SCSI, 146GB 10K, RoHS
371-1456  CRU, SCSI, 73GB 15K, Mixed Vendor (RoHS FRU)
371-2605  FRU, Seagate, SCSI, 73GB 15K, RoHS HDD
371-2525  FRU, Fujitsu, SCSI, 73GB 15K, RoHS HDD
371-1627  CRU, SCSI, 146GB 15K, Mixed Vendor (RoHS FRU)
371-2606  FRU, Seagate, SCSI, 146GB 15K, RoHS
371-2526  FRU, Fujitsu, SCSI, 146GB 15K, RoHS
371-1452  FRU, Seagate, SCSI, 73GB 10K, RoHS
371-1453  FRU, Fujitsu, SCSI, 73GB 10K, RoHS


# raidctl -c c1t0d0 c1t1d0

Cannot create RAID volume when primary disk is larger than secondary disk.

Below is an example of attempting to replace a Fujitsu disk with a Seagate to an existing RAID array built using Hitachi disks.

Time/Date has been removed from the output below for better formatting.

va64-v20zd-gmp03 scsi: /pci@0,0/pci1022,7450@a/pci17c2,10@4 (mpt0):
va64-v20zd-gmp03        Volume 0 target 0 is |missing|
va64-v20zd-gmp03 scsi: /pci@0,0/pci1022,7450@a/pci17c2,10@4 (mpt0):
va64-v20zd-gmp03        Volume 0 is |enabled||degraded|
va64-v20zd-gmp03 scsi: /pci@0,0/pci1022,7450@a/pci17c2,10@4 (mpt0):
va64-v20zd-gmp03        Volume 0 target 0 is |out of sync||missing|
va64-v20zd-gmp03 scsi: /pci@0,0/pci1022,7450@a/pci17c2,10@4 (mpt0):
va64-v20zd-gmp03        Volume 0 target 0 is |out of sync||online|
va64-v20zd-gmp03 scsi: /pci@0,0/pci1022,7450@a/pci17c2,10@4 (mpt0):
va64-v20zd-gmp03        Volume 0 target 0 is |out of sync||initializing|
va64-v20zd-gmp03 scsi: /pci@0,0/pci1022,7450@a/pci17c2,10@4 (mpt0):
va64-v20zd-gmp03        Volume 0 target 0 is |out of sync||online|
va64-v20zd-gmp03 scsi: /pci@0,0/pci1022,7450@a/pci17c2,10@4 (mpt0):
va64-v20zd-gmp03        Volume 0 target 0 is |out of sync||not compatible|

# raidctl

RAID            RAID            RAID            Disk
Volume          Status          Disk            Status
c1t0d0          DEGRADED        c1t0d0          FAILED
c1t1d0          OK


Root Cause

Seagate brand drives are smaller in capacity than Fujitsu drives (e.g. 146GB vs 147GB). When a system is initially setup with RAID on a Fujitsu disk drive, and then is later changed to a Seagate disk drive, the installation fails.

If a Sun Fire V20z/V40z system has both Seagate and Fujitsu drives installed in a certain configuration, a mirror cannot be created. Mirroring is a fundamental feature of these platforms. These disks have the same Xoption and Part Number, so you cannot differentiate when ordering these parts. Furthermore, if a disk were to fail in an existing production array, replacement could only occur if the replacement disk is the same or of a larger capacity.

New part numbers have been created for both Fujitsu and Seagate to differentiate between the two when ordering replacements.  This corrective action was made available in Manufacturing via ECO# WO_33464 as of February 13, 2007.  Corrective action was made available in Services via GSAP# 3834 as of March 6, 2007.


No workaround available - reference Resolution section below



Field should replace like for like drives in a RAID environment.  Seagate drives should be replaced with Seagate and Fujitsu drives should be replaced with Fujitsu.

The below information shows the previous "mixed vendor" FRU/CRU and the new Seagate and Fujitsu specific FRU/CRU part numbers.

370-6941  CRU, 73.4GB 15K, Mixed Vendor (non-RoHS FRU)
   371-2601  FRU, Seagate, SCSI, 73GB 15K, NON-ROHS
   371-2602  FRU, Fujitsu, SCSI, 73GB 15K, NON-ROHS
371-1456  CRU, SCSI, 73GB 15K, Mixed Vendor (RoHS FRU)
371-2605  FRU, Seagate, SCSI, 73GB 15K, ROHS HDD
371-2525  FRU, Fujitsu, SCSI, 73GB 15K, ROHS HDD
371-1627  CRU, SCSI, 146GB 15K, Mixed Vendor (RoHS FRU)
   371-2606  FRU, Seagate, SCSI, 146GB 15K, ROHS
371-2526  FRU, Fujitsu, SCSI, 146GB 15K, ROHS
371-1454  CRU, SCSI, 146GB 10K, Mixed Vendor (non-RoHS FRU)
371-2564  FRU, Fujitsu, SCSI, 146GB 10K, NON-ROHS
370-6905  FRU, Seagate, SCSI, 146GB 10K, NON-ROHS


Identification of Affected Parts (how to):

Visually inspect disks prior to ordering a replacement.  Order the correct part number by identifying the vendor on the disk.

Modification History
Date: 26-JUN-2007
  • Moved Affected Xoptions and Part Numbers to Contributing Factors section and added FRU part numbers previously not listed.

Previously Published As


Related Information
  • ECO: W0_33464
  • GSAP: 3834

Internal Contributor/submitter

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
KE Authors

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer
Sej.Lim@Sun.COM, Chad.Amsler@Sun.COM

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Internal Escalation ID

Internal Kasp FAB Legacy ID

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
Critical Category:
Significant Change Date: 2007-06-21
Avoidance: Service Procedure
Responsible Manager: Rhett.Brikovskis@Sun.COM
Original Admin Info: WF - Initiated draft. - Joe 6/13/07
WF - completed draft & sending to Ext Rvw. - Joe 6/19/07
WF - moved affected xoptions and part numbers to Contributing Factors
section. Added FRU p/n's as provided by Chad Amsler, and then
Republished. - Joe 6/26/07

This solution has no attachment
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