Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1001020.1
Update Date:2010-10-21

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1001020.1 :   ST99xx Hitachi Hard Drives (DKR2D, DKR2E and DKR2F) reliability improvement.  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage 9970 System
  • Sun Storage 9990 System
  • Sun Storage 9910 System
  • Sun Storage 9960 System
  • Sun Storage 9985 System
  • Sun Storage 9980 System
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Standard>Reactive


Sun StorageTek 9990 System
Sun StorageTek 9910
Sun StorageTek 9960 System
Sun StorageTek 9970 System
Sun StorageTek 9985 System
Sun StorageTek 9980 System

Date of Resolved Release


Data may be written incorrectly which can lead to an equipment check.

Contributing Factors

10K RPM Hard Drives manufactured by HGST (Hitachi Global Storage Technologies).


All Microcode Levels that are equal to or less than those listed below are affected.

ST9990/ST9985 - 50-09-03-00/00 (or lower)
		containing the following DKU Program versions (or lower)
DKR2E-J:00-00-F6, DKR2F-J:00-00-F9
ST9980/ST9970   21-14-32-00/00 (or lower)
		containing the following DKU Program versions (or lower)
		DKR2D-J:00-00-G7, DKR2E-J:00-00-G8, DKR2F-J:00-00-B4.
ST9960/ST9910   01-19-99-00/04 (or lower)
		containing the following DKU Program versions (or lower)
		DKR2D-J:00-00-G7, DKR2E-J:00-00-C8, DKR2F-J:00-00-B4.

Software and Microcode ordering process is documented in Troubleshooting document 1018586.1 via the below URL;



Data reliability improvement against temporary memory bit error of HDD ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) chip. In rare cases a memory error in a control table can cause a seek to a wrong location resulting in data being written incorrectly. Open systems platforms can not detect when this problem occurs. Mainframe systems will detect when this problem occurs causing an equipment check. Note that this only affects 10K RPM Hard Drives manufactured by HGST (Hitachi Global Storage Technologies).

Note: Seagate HDDs are not affected (Model DKSXX).


DKU micro-program has been modified to enforce the cross checking of control tables. It is strongly recommended to upgrade microcode to the current MGA level or higher (preferable to RGA level).

MGA Microcode levels are listed at...


Please read all of the Microcode ECNs before and during upgrade.

Minimum microcode set levels containing the modified DKU codes are listed below.

ST9990/ST9985:  50-09-04-00/00 or higher containing the following fixed DKU codes
		DKR2E-J:00-00-F8, DKR2F-J:00-00-G0.
ST9980/ST9970: 	21-14-33-00/00 or higher containing the following fixed DKU codes
		DKR2D-J:00-00-G8, DKR2E-J:00-00-G9, DKR2F-J:00-00-B5.
ST9960/ST9910	01-19-99-00/05 or higher containing the following fixed DKU codes
		DKR2D-J:00-00-G8, DKR2E-J:00-00-C9, DKR2F-J:00-00-B5.


Previously Published As
Internal Contributor/submitter: Amrit.Sachdev@Sun.COM Internal Eng Responsible Engineer: Tejinder.Singh@Sun.COM Internal Eng Business Unit Group: NWS (Network Storage) Internal Services Knowledge Engineer: Joe.Davis@Sun.COM Product_uuid
15644879-f179-11d8-ab63-080020a9ed93|Sun StorageTek 9990 System
2a918ae2-0a18-11d6-834a-c679537eebe7|Sun StorageTek 9910
2a94fb3c-0a18-11d6-90a8-c9c08656284f|Sun StorageTek 9960 System
4ea4b951-9fc9-4f1f-b64e-69572a400fb4|Sun StorageTek 9970 System
73084edc-dc32-11d9-8a74-080020a9ed93|Sun StorageTek 9985 System
c2428fbe-8ab7-41d0-8b6e-ab489823c9d4|Sun StorageTek 9980 System

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