Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1001029.1
Update Date:2010-08-25

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1001029.1 :   Sun StorEdge 3510 Arrays May Experience Unexpected SCSI Enclosure Services (SES) Events  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage 3510 FC Array
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Standard>Reactive


Sun StorageTek 3510 FC Array

Bug Id
<SUNBUG: 6442784>


Sun StorEdge 3510 arrays may experience unexpected SES events such as false power supply not available messages, and amber LEDs on drives, controller, front panel and power supply with no affect on the data transfer to/from the disks.  Access to the array may still be available.


In rare circumstances, SE3510 systems may incorrectly report bad power supply messages every 30 seconds (per the polling interval). These messages can only be cleared by a power cycle of the array on a SE3510 array.  Errors from persistent log:

Thu Jun	 8 14:33:28 2006
[Primary]	Notification
SES(C2 I12)Power Supply 1:Power Supply Back On-Line
Thu Jun	 8 14:34:25 2006
[Primary]	Alert
SES(C2 I12)Power Supply 0:Device Not Availabled !
Thu Jun	 8 14:34:25 2006
[Primary]	Alert
SES(C2 I12)Power Supply 1:Device Not Availabled !

In addition, the following amber LEDs were reported:

  • disk's 0 and 1
  • secondary controller (lower)
  • all front panel LED's except for fan
  • either left or right Power supply (varies across power cycles)

Root Cause

The root cause of the issue stems from a hang situation of the I2C state machine due to excessive noise around the LM75 temperature sensor located on the mid-plane of the SE3510. This issue is presently noticed in the DC based systems.

A new SES firmware will be released to take care of this issue.


Power cycle the array to clear false behavior during the next maintenance window.


Provide an SES firmware revision that does not monitor the LM75C temperature sensors on the SE3510 midplane. Since the I2C state machine lockup can ONLY occur when the device is addressed, removing the monitoring of the device will eliminate the potential I2C hang condition of the LM75C. The output values of the temperature sensors will be derived from the IOM temperature sensor thereby ensuring backward compatibility with any script that may be monitoring using sccli software.

If this resolution is not acceptable to your customer please escalate the issue to PTS.

Modification History
Date: 16-AUG-2006
  • Updated the root cause and business unit sections

Previously Published As
Internal Contributor/submitter

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
NWS (Network Storage)

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Internal Escalation ID
1-18809709, 1-17658534

Internal Kasp FAB Legacy ID

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
Critical Category:
Significant Change Date: 2006-08-16
Avoidance: Workaround
Responsible Manager:
Original Admin Info: null

Internal SA-FAB Eng Submission
Sun StorEdge 3510 array may experience unexpected SES events such as false power supply not available messages, and amber LEDs on drives, controller, front panel and power supply.

58553d0e-11f4-11d7-9b05-ad24fcfd42fa|Sun StorageTek 3510 FC Array

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