Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1001163.1
Update Date:2010-09-01

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1001163.1 :   New SE9990 DKU backplanes allow FSW-A placement on left side without need for right side FSW PCB. If run in unsupported configurations, disk unit frame will overheat.  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage 9990 System
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  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Standard>Reactive


Sun StorageTek 9990 System

  • Part No: 1507844-B
  • Part Description: Backplane LR018-B/
  • Part No: 1507203-A
  • Part Description: Backplane LR018-A/


Previous DKU backplane cooling FAN circuitry was controlled only from the right side FSW (FSWxxx-Rx).

In newly released DKU configurations, a left side FSW (FSWxxx-Lx) may be mounted without right side FSW (FSWxxx-Rx).

If a DKU is operated without the proper support for single side FSW DKU configuration, the DKU FANs do not rotate and the DKU will overheat.


FSW (FSWxxx-Rx) is required on the right hand side of array frame when:

1. Older DKU backplanes(revision less than LR018-A/5G) are installed.


2. If microcode cannot be upgraded to 50-03-9X-00/00 or above on DKUs with newer backplanes LR018-A/5G or 1507844-B LR018-B/5F(or higher revision) installed, and no FSW(FSWxxx-Rx)exists on the right side on the array frame.


The following configuration rules are provided to assist in proper configuration planning:

  • Old backplane versions PN 1507203-A with part name and revision less than LR018-A/5G do not allow for single FSW support.
  • New backplane P/N 1507203-A LR018-A/5G (or higher revision) or 1507844-B LR018-B/5F (or higher revision) are the new modified versions allowing for single FSW support.
  • V03 microcode 50-03-9X-00/00 or higher is required when installing HDDs and FSWA on only the left side of DKU. There is no microcode prerequisite in configurations with both left and right FSWs installed.
  • The new backplanes are contained in array frames with product code DKU505I-18A and DKU505I-18R, the old product code was DKU505I-18.
  • All RoHS compliant Array Frames will contain modified backplanes but with a different part number 1507844-B and the part name/revision will be LR018-B/5F or higher.
  • The new Array Frame, DKU505I-18A and the old frame DKU505I-18 may be intermixed within SE9990 subsystems.


New single side capable DKU frame serial numbers:

Non-RoHS compliant Array Frames (DKU505I-18A)

100526 - 100529 array frame may not be labeled as DKU505I-18A

100531 - 100542 array frame may not be labeled as DKU505I-18A

150001 - 199999 array frame will be labeled as DKU505I-18A

350001 - 399999 array frame will be labeled as DKU505I-18A

450001 - 499999 array frame will be labeled as DKU505I-18A


RoHS compliant Array Frame Serial Numbers (DKU505I-18R)

200001 - 299999 array frame will be labeled as DKU505I-18R

600001 - 699999 array frame will be labeled as DKU505I-18R

800001 - 899999 array frame will be labeled as DKU505I-18R

Previously Published As
Internal Comments

Abbreviations used in this FIN.

DKU - refers to the disk array frame DKU505I.

FSW - refers to PCB(s) within the DKU505I frames. The newer frames now may run with a single FSW.

RoHS - Restriction of the use of Hazardous Substances

Related Information
  • URL: http://se9990.eng/HECN/510-FCB/5h017.pdf
  • Other: HTC ECN DKC510I-H017; HDS Alert USP_037739 (RoHS information)

Internal Contributor/submitter

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
KE Authors

Internal Kasp FAB Legacy ID

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
Critical Category:
Significant Change Date:
Avoidance: Service Procedure
Responsible Manager: null
Original Admin Info: null

15644879-f179-11d8-ab63-080020a9ed93|Sun StorageTek 9990 System

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