Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1001303.1
Update Date:2010-09-01

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1001303.1 :   Sun Fire 4100 and X4200 servers may experience issues displaying product-specific FRU information.  

Related Items
  • Sun Fire X4100 Server
  • Sun Fire X4200 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Standard>Reactive


Sun Fire X4100 Server
Sun Fire X4200 Server

Bug Id
<SUNBUG: 6476901>


Sun Fire X4100 and X4200 servers may have issues displaying Chassis Serial Number, Product Part Number, and Product Serial Number FRU information.  Certain FRU fields may display incorrectly, or as zeroes.

Contributing Factors

Customers who...

  • upgrade ILOM firmware directly from sw1.0 (6464) to sw1.2 (12029) or later
  • receive SFX4100/SFX4200 systems with sw1.2.1 (r12513) installed
  • downgrade newer ILOM firmware to sw1.0 (6464)

...may experience issues displaying FRUID information.

Customers need to display this system information.  All systems shipped since August of 2006 direct to customers will experience issues displaying product-specific FRU information.  Existing customers that have upgraded directly from sw1.0 to sw1.2 or later, or downgraded to sw 1.0 will see the same issue.

This issue will be automatically corrected after upgrading to the next ILOM firmware release (sw1.3) due out in Q1 of 2007.  Do not downgrade newer firmware to sw1.0 (6464).

Impacted System Marketing Part Numbers are as follows:

G2X (Sun Fire X4200)


G1X (Sun Fire X4100)



Product specific FRU information (product part number, product serial number, and chassis serial number) may display incorrectly, or as zeroes.

The following is an example of the incorrect FRU information that may be displayed on effected systems:

Example for SFX4100

Product Information:
manufacturer name = SUN MICROSYSTEMS
product name = SUN FIRE X4100
version = (no information)
serial number = 0000000000
part number = 602-0000-00

Note that the ILOM GUI, and CLI version command can be used to display the version. For example, sw1.2.1 version (12513) in this case:

-> version
SP firmware 1.0.7
SP firmware build number: 12513
SP firmware date: Wed Aug  2 15:03:28 PDT 2006
SP filesystem version: 0.1.13


Root Cause

A programming error introduced in sw1.2 keeps the ILOM service processor from being able to correctly display product-specific FRU information in older internal formats. This issue will be automatically corrected after upgrading to the next ILOM firmware release (sw1.3) due out in Q1CY07 (for those customers that do the SW 1.0 to SW 1.2.1 Upgrade).  Do not downgrade newer firmware to sw1.0 (6464).


To avoid this problem, please upgrade systems with sw1.0 (6464) in two steps:

1. from sw1.0 to sw1.1, then
2. upgrading to sw1.2 or later

Automatic recovery: applying the SFX4100/SFX4200 sw1.3 ILOM firmware update (available Q1CY07) will automatically correct the issue for those customers that upgraded from SW 1.0 to SW 1.2.1. and did not do the intermediate step of going to 1.1 firstly.  For customers that already have a system with 1.2.1 installed out of the box, Automatic Recovery is not an option.

Manual recovery: use the 'servicetool' command available in the 'sunservice' linux account provided with ILOM sw1.1 or later, to update the missing information (see below for detailed information).

sw1.1 can be found at the following link:

select file: r10664.rom.ima

Pre-flash scripts should be run as part of sw1.1 upgrade. Please see the download site and ILOM Supplemental Release notes for more information on the update procedure.

sw1.2.1 can be found at the following link:

Preflash scripts DO NOT need to be run again.

Select file : ilom.X4100-1.0.5a.ima

Note: also at this time, download FW110_B60606A.iso to update the LSI MPT BIOS software.

See Systems TSC (PTS) guide located at:

For more information on 'servicetool' utility servicetool has the following options ....

   servicetool --help
   Usage: servicetool OPTIONS
--board_replaced=BOARD            update FRU information for BOARD after board has been replaced
--fru_product_part_number         write a new product part number to the mainboard FRU
--fru_product_serial_number       write a new product serial number to the mainboard FRU
--fru_chassis_serial_number       write a new chassis serial number to the mainboard FRU
--fru_asset_tag                   write a new asset tag to the mainboard FRU

Example of updating two specific FRU entries:

--fru_product_serial_number --fru_product_part_number

Log into the sunservice account on ILOM with sw1.1 or later:

Note that the sunservice account's password is the same as the root account.

ssh <ilom ip> -l sunservice
--fru_product_serial_number --fru_product_part_number
  Servicetool is going to update the mainboard FRU product serial number.
  Do you want to continue (y|n)? y
  When entering values, do not use quotes; If you require embedded quotes, escape them with three backslashes; e.g. \\\"
  What is the new product serial number? 0539AMF008
  The product serial number has been updated.
  The new serial number is: "0539AMF008"
  Servicetool is going to update the mainboard FRU product part number.
  Do you want to continue (y|n)? y
  When entering values, do not use quotes; If you require embedded quotes, escape them with three backslashes; e.g. \\\"
  What is the new product part number? 602-2993-02
  The product part number has been updated.
  The new part number is: "602-2993-02"
  Updating FRUs... done

Log back into the 'root' account of your ILOM.

Product Information:
manufacturer name = SUN MICROSYSTEMS
product name = SUN FIRE X4100
version = (no information)
serial number = 0539AMF008     *** set by--fru_product_serial_number
part number = 602-2993-02      *** set by--fru_product_part_number

(***) means servicetool option against what you will see on the SEEPROM.


  1. Products part number is located on a sticker on the outside of the chassis.
  2. Product serial number can be found on the same sticker as the product part number.
  3. Chassis serial number can be found on a sticker on the inside of the chassis,
     attached to the sheet metal.

Previously Published As
Internal Comments

SFX4100/SFX4200 sw1.3 ILOM release when available, currently planned for Q1 of 2007, will automatically remediate this issue for those customer that went from SW 1.0 (6464) to SW 1.2.1 (12513).  If your system already came configured from manufacturing with SW 1.2.1 (12513) and the FRU information is missing, servicetool will have to be used to replace the information.

Hardware Remediation Details


Internal Contributor/submitter

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
KE Authors

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Internal Kasp FAB Legacy ID

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
Critical Category:
Significant Change Date: 2006-10-28
Avoidance: Upgrade
Responsible Manager: Beth.S.Beasley@Sun.COM
Original Admin Info: WF - Initial draft completed on 10/17/06 by Joe Davis
WF - Awtg manf CR info from sponsor based on feedback from Ext Review 10/20/06.
WF - Still awtg a response from Brian Jones, sent follow up email Joe 10/24/06
WF - sponsor said to go ahead and release per email 10/28/06

54e2ac49-df71-11d9-89e6-080020a9ed93|Sun Fire X4100 Server
c6e795ef-df6f-11d9-89e6-080020a9ed93|Sun Fire X4200 Server

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