Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1001304.1
Update Date:2010-09-01

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1001304.1 :   A Limited Number of T1000/T1000+ Systems and T2000/T2000+ Shipped From Factory With the Incorrect OS Version  

Related Items
  • Sun Fire T1000 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Standard>Reactive


Sun Fire T2000 Server
Sun Fire T1000 Server


A limited number of T1000 systems were erroneously shipped with Solaris 10 Update 2 (6/06) instead of Solaris 10 Update 1 (1/06), and similarly, T1000+ systems were shipped with Solaris 10 Update 1 (S10U1) instead of Solaris 10 Update 2 (S10U2).

Also, a limited number of T2000 and T2000+ systems were erroneously shipped with Solaris 10 Update 2 instead of S10 Update 1 as stated in the product documentation.

Contributing Factors

This issue occurs on the following platforms:

  • Sun Fire T1000 Server
  • Sun Fire T2000 Server

In the case of the T1000+, S10U1 is not the supported OS version. For the other systems, this will not cause any operational issues, but the systems may be different from the customer's standard configuration.

Affected Customer Lists have been provided and can be accessed via the below (Internal Only) URLs;

T1000 Serial Number List:


T2000 Serial Number List:



For T1000 (with S10U2): the only issue is that the 'uname' command will display another OS version, but this has no direct effect on normal operation.

For T1000+ (with S10U1): the system will get the following message when booting:

    /pci@7c0/pci@0/pci@8/scsi@2 (mpt0):
    mpt0: unknown event 16 received

This message is due to the fact that the LSI 1.10.00IR firmware requires patch 119850-14 (mpt/raidctl) to be installed on the system, but S10U1 comes with 119850-08. If patch 119850-14 or later is installed, the system will no longer report these messages, however, this is not the recommended fix.  See below.

For T2000/T2000+ (with S10U2): no direct impact.

Root Cause

An incorrect flash archive was used for the OS install process during manufacturing.  A fix was implemented in manufacturing on Aug. 30, 2006.




For the T1000 with S10U2 installed:

  • No corrective action is required, as the installed OS version is higher that the minimum supported version S10U1.

For the T1000+ with S10U1 installed:

Note: It is not recommended to only install the mpt/raidctl patch (119850-14 or later) and other required patches for S10U1, because the minimum supported version for T1000+ is S10U2 (6/06), as documented in the T1000 product notes:

For the T2000/T2000+ with S10U2 (6/06) installed:

  • Reload the operating system if necessary. This is optional (not required) as the installed OS version is higher than the minimum supported version S10U1, as documented in the T2000 Product Notes:

Modification History
Date: 27-SEP-2006
  • Updated the Impact section.

Date: 06-OCT-2006
  • Updated to include T2000/T2000+ Systems

Date: 30-OCT-2006
  • Updated Contributing Factors with Customer Lists


Previously Published As
Internal Comments

For T1000 see:


For T2000 see:

Internal Contributor/submitter

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
SSG WGS (Workgroup Systems)

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer,

Internal Kasp FAB Legacy ID

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
Critical Category:
Significant Change Date: 2006-09-26
Avoidance: Upgrade
Responsible Manager:
Original Admin Info: null

096f8bf9-8ede-11da-8387-080020a9ed93|Sun Fire T2000 Server
79ad78b9-961d-11d9-9adf-080020a9ed93|Sun Fire T1000 Server

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