Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1017362.1
Update Date:2010-08-23

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1017362.1 :   Sun StorEdge 9990 Shared Memory Inconsistency Between Physically Installed and Logically Configured Can Lead to Data Access Disruption or Loss.  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage 9990 System
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Standard>Reactive


Sun StorageTek 9990


Shared Memory High Performance Feature (DKC-F510I-SX) may be physically installed into PCB locations SM-1SC,2SD but not properly configured. With microcode levels previous to microcode 50-02-10-00/00, the incorrect installation of this feature was not detectable during installation, diagnostics or normal operation. Subsequent microcode releases include code which detect incorrect Shared Memory High Performance Feature configurations during maintenance and diagnostics.

Shared Memory High Performance Feature(DKC-F510I-SX) misconfigurations are identified as follows :

1) SM(Add) feature is physically installed, but without DIMMs

If microcode has been upgraded to a level higher than 50-02-10-00/00, the misconfiguration will be detected with the following observable consequence:

  • PS ON - All MPs will be blocked (Alarm LED on)
  • During CHA/DKA * replacement - The maintenance operation will fail (SSB EC=351B or 351C) and can result in outages or potential for data loss.

Note: You would not see proper failure indications during CHA/DKA replacement until microcode >= 50-03-20. Prior to that m/c version, there was a bug that prevented SM diagnostics from being correctly evaluated.

2) Extra or improperly placed SM DIMMs are installed on the SM(add) PCBs

If microcode has been upgraded to a level 50-03-30-00/00 or higher, and SM DIMMs occupy Slot-0 (top slot) of the SM(Add) feature(DKC-F510I-SX), the diagnostics will recognize any misconfigured DIMMs (not permitted per maintenance manual) with the following observable consequence :

  • PS ON - All MPs will be blocked (Alarm LED on)

All SE9990 storage systems shipped with the Shared Memory High Performance Feature(DKC-F510I-SX), PCB locations SM-1SC,2SD, and originally shipped with microcode below 50-02-10-00/00 will need to be audited to determine if the Shared Memory High Performance Feature(DKC-F510I-SX)is properly configured.


If an inspection of the affected SE9990 reveals a SM(Add) misconfiguration, proceed with corrective action under PTS backline support direction.

1) SM(add) physically installed but no DIMMs installed

  • De-install procedure of the SM(add) feature will not work, and therefore shut down jumpers must be used. The SE9990 does not recognize the feature as being installed and is running in Standard SM performance mode. With the removal of the SM(add) packages using shutdown jumpers accomplished, proceed with the non-disruptive installation of Shared Memory High Performance Feature(DKC-F510I-SX) per the maintenance manuals.

2) Extra or improperly placed SM DIMMs are installed on the SM(add) PCBs

  • Notify your PTS backline support engineer for corrective action.


Previously Published As
Internal Comments

As a general rule, never physically install components into a subsystem that are not logically configured before turning the subsystem over to the customer. After performing a configuration, please always perform the "Refer Configuration" procedure on the SVP to confirm that the components that you physically installed match the logical configuration. Please confirm that all installed SM DIMMs are in their proper locations as defined by the maintenance manual and also confirm that none are missing and none are extra.

If you have any questions regarding the Shared Memory Configuration, or want to confirm procedures used to convert from SM Standard to SM High Performance mode, please contact PTS backline support.

Abbreviations used in this FIN.

SM(add) - Shared Memory Hi Performance Feature (DKC-F510I-SX)

Related Information
  • Manual: SE99x0 Maintenance Manuals
  • URL: http://sejsc.ebay/AL/USP_047161.htm
  • Other: HDS Alert USP_047161

Internal Contributor/submitter

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
KE Authors

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Internal Kasp FAB Legacy ID

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
Critical Category:
Significant Change Date:
Avoidance: Workaround
Responsible Manager: null
Original Admin Info: null

fdd3c089-9dc2-11da-85b4-080020a9ed93|Sun StorageTek 9990

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