Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1017445.1
Update Date:2010-08-27

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1017445.1 :   Essential Battery Management Procedures for Sun StorEdge 99x0 Products.  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage 9970 System
  • Sun Storage 9990 System
  • Sun Storage 9985 System
  • Sun Storage 9910 System
  • Sun Storage 9960 System
  • Sun Storage 9980 System
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Standard>Reactive


Sun StorageTek 9990 System
Sun StorageTek 9910
Sun StorageTek 9960 System
Sun StorageTek 9970 System
Sun StorageTek 9985 System
Sun StorageTek 9980 System


As batteries are used to maintain the integrity of Cache and Shared Memory data in SE99x0 subsystems, it is extremely important to correctly maintain these batteries. This includes appropriate care of the batteries and subsystems while they are warehoused, and also replacement of the batteries prior to their projected end of service life. Details of these management procedures are in the Maintenance Manual (MMN) Periodic Check (PERIODIC) pages, for each of the SE99x0 models, and also in the Hitachi ECN's referenced in this FIN.

Battery Management:

Hitachi states that the batteries will be able to sustain Cache Memory (CM) and Shared Memory (SM) data for a stated period of time when a subsystem looses power, in accordance to the MMN PERIODIC and Theory of Operation (THEORY) pages. The batteries are capable of achieving this even after having been installed for several years (see MMN PERIODIC pages for details). The ability of the batteries to sustain DC power to CM and SM for the time period stipulated in the MMN's, is based upon the batteries having been maintained properly while they were stored, either as single battery cell, assembly parts, or in a warehoused subsystem. The correct battery management procedures are as per the MMN PERIODIC pages for each SE99x0 model, and also in the ECN's listed below:

SE9970 / SE9980 (RAID450) ECN DKC460I-H004 Battery Management

o http://sejsc.ebay/AL/R450_Battery-ECN_DKC460I-H004.doc

SE9990 / SE9985 (RAID500) ECN DKC510I-H026 Battery Management

o http://sejsc.ebay/AL/ECN510h026.pdf


SVP "Remaining Battery Life" procedure:

During the installation of a SE99x0 unit, specifically during the SVP Install procedures (using Modify mode), a "Remaining Battery Life procedure" (see the MMN SVP pages "Setting Battery Life") needs to be completed. Included on these SVP screens, is a field to enter the number of days into the future, when a "Battery Life SIM" will be generated. The purpose of this SIM is to provide an early notification to replace the batteries, before they reach the end of their "service life".  If the requirement is four months prior notification for a three year service life expiration, then the formula to calculate the number of days to input is:

(3 years * 365 days) - (4 months * 30 days) = (1095days - 120days) = 975days.

Some customers may require additional advance warning that the batteries require replacement, therefore please adjust the calculations according to the customer's needs. All information about the "Battery Life Field" is in the SE99x0 MMN's.

As of February 1st 2006, the HDS Product Distribution Center's will enter into this field the number of days corresponding to three years (dependent upon model type) minus four months into the future. When an SE99x0 unit is installed, please verify that the number of days entered is correct, based upon:

1. The customers prior notification and maintenance window scheduling needs.

2. The date on the battery assembly label.

3. The expected service life of the battery, based upon the SE99x0 model that    it is being installed into. Battery service life details are as per the    MMN PERIODIC pages for each SE99x0 model type.


The battery assemblies in the SE9910, SE9960, SE9970, and SE9980 units have a code stamped on them. The characters may appear to be a date, but in fact are a code. The batteries for the SE9985 and SE9990 units use a pure date and not a code. Additionally on the SE9910 and all later SE99x0 models Hitachi affixed a label with the battery date on the outside of the battery assembly.

The date on all model battery assemblies will be updated in the HDS warehouse whenever the battery is charged per the battery management procedures discussed in the sections above.

Listed below are the details of the codes stamped on the battery cells:

SE99x0 Model      Manufacturer     Battery Model      Voltage      Date Code
--------------    ------------     -------------      -------      ---------
SE9910 / SE9960   SHINKOBE         LHM15-12           12 volt      YY MM DD
(2 models)        YUASA            REL15-12           12 volt      YY MM DD L1
SE9970 / SE9980   SHINKOBE         HF12-12            12 volt      DD MM Y1 L1
(2 models)        YUASA            RE12-12            12 volt      YY MM DD L2
SE9985 (NSC55)    SANYO            BB-48V032-HRSD-01  56 volt      YY MM DD
SE9990 (USP)      HITACHI CP       PPH700             56 volt      YY MM DD
DD : Date
MM : Month
Y1 : Year (last digit)
YY : Year (last 2 digits)
L1 : Line (Lot) Number
L2 : Line (Lot) Number (2 digits)


Note: The date on a battery should never be more than 16 months older than the date on the label affixed to the outside of the battery assembly. Otherwise the outside date is invalid, and the date on the battery assembly should be disregarded.

Previously Published As
Internal Comments

Abbreviations used in this FIN.

CM : Cache Memory

ECN: Engineering Change Notice

HDS: Hitachi Data Systems

MMN: Maintenance MaNual

NSC: Network Storage Controller

SM : Shared Memory

SVP: SerVice Processor

USP: Universal Storage Platform

Related Information
  • Manual: SE99x0 Maintenance Manuals
  • URL: http://sejsc.ebay/AL/USP_045681.htm
  • Other: HDS Alert USP_045681

Internal Contributor/submitter

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
KE Authors

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Internal Kasp FAB Legacy ID

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
Critical Category:
Significant Change Date:
Avoidance: Workaround
Responsible Manager: null
Original Admin Info: null

Internal SA-FAB Eng Submission
Essential Battery Management Procedures for Sun StorEdge 99x0 Products.

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