Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1019032.1
Update Date:2010-08-17

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1019032.1 :   JETO (JBUS Error Time Out) can be encountered on any system with the JBUS.  

Related Items
  • Sun Fire V240 Server
  • Sun Fire V440 Server
  • Sun Fire V445 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Standard>Reactive


Bug Id
<SUNBUG: 6451085>

Sun Fire V240 Server
Sun Fire V440 Server
Netra N440 Server
Sun Fire V445 Server

Date of Resolved Release

JETO can be encountered on any system with the JBUS (see details below).


When a JETO is encountered the following error will be seen...

  Fatal Error Reset CPU 0000.0000.0000.0003 AFSR 0200.0000.0000.0000 JETO
  AFAR 0000.07c6.0000.0f00 Executing Power On Self Test

...and system will reboot.

Contributing Factors

Poorly written software items such as:

1. De-allocating pointers to allocated memory and continuing to use the pointer
2. Case statements with no default case
3. State machines that can erroneously jump state
4. Incomplete error handlers

These type of bugs have been found in application stack, low level drivers and are often found when using net back up and Veritas software.

Cases involving third party PCI cards not operating to PCI 1.2 specifications. These are timing problems where the PCI card is sending a signal to the JBUS at the wrong time, resulting in an error.


If this issue occurs the following error will be seen;

  Fatal Error Reset CPU 0000.0000.0000.0003 AFSR 0200.0000.0000.0000 JETO
  AFAR 0000.07c6.0000.0f00 Executing Power On Self Test

When a customer experiences a JETO gather all the data and escalate to TSC as described in the Resolution section below.

Root Cause

A JETO is the result of the CPU seeking data across the JBUS and when the data is not delivered to the requesting CPU within the allocated time, a JBUS time out results.  This JETO causes a fatal system reset, where no state is saved and the registers do not have any meaningful data, so there is no known way to fix this problem. The host system resets to avoid a hang system

Corrective Action


Swapping hardware will not resolve this JETO error.

Collect the following information:

1. Open an SGR (Sun Global Resolution)for this customer.

2. How many systems are seeing this issue at this site?

3. Determine what the system configuration is, including PCI cards and which slots the cards are installed into?

4. What applications were running at the time of the fatal? Please note if Veritas backup software was in use?

5. What storage devices are attached to this system?

6. Verify the PCI configuration to determine if we can try an alternate layout of cards.

7. Determine the real impact on the Customer's operation, the software and the application.

8. Review the patch levels of the Customers COMPLETE software stack including Veritas and other components

9.Gather an explorer.

10. Obtain system history.

If all cards are Sun supported and the systems configuration looks good, TSC will explain to the customer that they are to monitor the system, and if they get another JETO to call into the center with all the data and reference the prior case ID.

TSC will work with Engineering to resolve known issues.  If the Engineering actions fail, TSC will provide you with an Escalation path.

Identification of Affected Parts (how to):

There is no affected hardware.  Report the explorer file to TSC.


These issues are very difficult to resolve so it is highly recommended that you work with TSC.

For information about FAB documents, its release processes, implementation strategies and billing information, go to the following URL:

For Sun Authorized Service Providers go to:

In addition to the above you may email:

Internal Contributor/submitter
Ron.Boudreau@Sun.COM, Bruce.Alford@Sun.COM, Edward.Gent@Sun.COM

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer
Joseph.R.Mazzola@Sun.COM Responsible Manager: Steve.Doherty@Sun.COM

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
SSG WGS (Workgroup Systems)

Internal Escalation ID
37939344, 65630610, 37956928, 65669185, 65691511

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
22-Feb-2008: Initial draft completed and sent to Extended Review.
25-Feb-2008: Due to review feedback, submitter pulled back FAB and will resubmit.
10-Mar-2008: Submitter provided final updates. Updated and sent to Publish.

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