Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1019082.1
Update Date:2010-11-12

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1019082.1 :   Issues causing DVD Drive Excessive Read/Write errors and DVD Drive Not Accessible on Sun Fire X4150, X4450 and X4x40 Servers.  

Related Items
  • Sun Fire X4140 Server
  • Sun Fire X4440 Server
  • Sun Fire X4150 Server
  • Sun Fire X4240 Server
  • Sun Fire X4450 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Hardware Remediation>Reactive


Bug Id
<SUNBUG: 6637908>, <SUNBUG: 6657162>, <SUNBUG: 6658661>

Date of Resolved Release

Sun Fire X4150 Server
Sun Fire X4450 Server
Sun Fire X4140 Server
Sun Fire X4240 Server
Sun Fire X4440 Server

Two mechanical assembly issues (see details below).

Affected X-Options:
X6323A    DVD-ROM Writer / CD-ROM Writer 
Affected Parts:
541-2110-07 (or below)   ASSY, DVD-USB
541-2661-07 (or below)   ASSY, DVD-USB
501-7699-XX    4-Slot Disk Backplane, RoHS:Y
501-7760-XX    16-Slot Disk Backplane, RoHS:Y
501-7797-XX    8-Slot Disk Backplane, RoHS:Y
501-7730-XX    8-Slot Disk Backplane, RoHS:Y

501-7696-xx    Power Distribution Board, RoHS:Y (for 1U chassis)
501-7697-xx    Horizontal Power Distribution Board, RoHS:Y (for 2U chassis)

Affects above listed systems built before January 19, 2008.


1. First Issue: DVD Drive Read and Write Errors and/or media damage
   possibly resulting in the DVD Drive being unusable at any level
   of system operation.
2. Second Issue: DVD Backplane connector damage may result from a
   missalignment between the DVD Drive and backplane connector.
Note: Issue 1 and 2 have not resulted in Operating System hangs, kernel panics, system level hardware hangs or system resets.

Contributing Factors

Affects above listed systems built before January 19, 2008.

1. First Issue:
   DVD Drive Read/Write errors and/or media damage may occur
   due to a vertical compression on the drive mechanism caused
   by the top/bottom front gaskets on the DVD case.
2. Second Issue:
   As designed the opening in the Disk Cage for the DVD/USB
   Assembly is too large for the Container, the insertion
   path of the Container is not guided


1. First Issue: Excessive Read/Write errors and/or scratched or
   damaged media.
DVD Read/Write errors can take place because of DVD Drive defects which are simply unit failures - not as a result of the vertical compression asserted from the gaskets on the DVD Drive case.  If the DVD Drive is experiencing R/W errors, especially a large number of such errors which make the Drive not usable, and the DVD/USB Assembly is not the -08 revision, or not -06 with the rework label "GASKET DVD RWK" (see Root Cause section below) then there is a high probability that the DVD Drive is experiencing this Issue.  In any case standard procedure would be to replace the DVD/USB Assembly.
2. Second Issue: DVD Drive is not seen by the system and therefore
   are not accessible by system firmware and operating system
   commands and user applications
Note: Connector damage can affectively open data and/or power paths to the DVD Drive and/or front USB Board, and if in the case of the T5x20, the Service Processor Event Log shows the following:
 SP detected fault:fault sensor minor: ID=50;current /USBBD/PRSNT
And at the OK prompt, an attempted boot from DVD would display:
  ** Start System Error Message ***
  0} ok boot cdrom
  Boot device: /pci@0/pci@0/pci@1/pci@0/pci@1/pci@0/usb@0,2/storage@2/disk@0:f  Fi
  le and args:
  Can't read disk label.
  Can't open disk label package
  ERROR: boot-read fail
  Can't open boot device
  *** End System Error Message ***
Also, when trying to read DVD media after booting from disk or when running dvdtest in SunVTS, the system may display the following:
Apr  7 12:02:32 p2le6-3 scsi: WARNING:
/pci@400/pci@0/pci@1/pci@0/usb@0,2/storage@2/disk@0,0 (sd2):
Apr  7 12:02:32 p2le6-3         incomplete read- retrying

Root Cause

Root Cause is a Sun product design issue that was corrected on January 19, 2008 via ECOs WO_38555 (Excessive DVD Read/Write errors - Issue 1 here) and WO_38468 (Damage to Connector on DVD Drive and/or Connector for DVD Drive on the Disk Backplane - Issue 2 here).
Sun Services corrective action began on February 1, 2008 via GSAP 4195 and on August 7, 2008 via GSAP 4409.
   Root Cause Specifics:
1. First Issue:  Vertical compression on the drive mechanism due to
   the top/bottom front gaskets on the DVD case cause for DVD
   excessive R/W Errors.
2. Second Issue: DVD tray compliant beam overrides disk chassis
   side rail causing a misalignment between the connector on the
   back of the DVD Drive and the associated connector on the Disk
   Backplane which can cause damage to the connectors.
Notes: Corrective actions have already been taken in manufacturing such that newly built systems are not affected by these issues.
Specifically For New System Builds:
For the First Issue:
Since December 2, 2007, manufacturing has been removing all of the bottom gasket from the front edge of the DVD drive case and replacing the full-across gasket at the top front edge of the DVD drive case with two 1/2-inch gaskets - one at the top-left front edge of the DVD drive case and the other at the top-right front edge.  This change was cut-in on the -06 of the DVD/USB Assembly, but not all -06's were so modified.  To identify a -06 DVD/USB Assembly with the DVD Drive gasket modification look for the "GASKET DVD RWK" label on the Assembly.
For the Second Issue:
Since January 18, 2008, manufacturing has been adding a hard plastic shim to the left rear corner of the top surface of the disk cage where the DVD/USB Assembly is inserted.
For Both Issues:
As of mid-February of 2008, manufacturing has been using the -08 of the DVD/USB Assembly in new system builds.  The -08 has the gasket modification listed above in "For the First Issue".  See the "Corrective Action" below.  The -08 of the DVD/USB Assembly is the Field Fix.

Corrective Action


No workaround available.  See Resolution section below.


1. First Issue:
Remove the DVD/USB Assembly from the system.  Read the Sun FRU Part Number Label on the Assembly.  An affected DVD/USB Assembly will have a Sun FRU part number of 541-2110-07 (or below), or 541-2661-07 (or below).            
2. Second Issue:
Remove the DVD/USB assembly from the System.  Inspect for damage to the DVD Drive's connector and/or to the connector for the DVD Drive on the Disk Backplane. 
Fix for Issue 1:
Upon failure only...
  replace 541-2110-07 (or below) with 541-2110-08 (or above)
- or -
  replace 541-2661-07 (or below) with 541-2661-08 (or above)
Fix for Issue 2:
If the DVD Connector of the DVD/USB Assembly is damaged, replace the DVD/USB Assembly with the -08 Revision.  The -08 FRU contains a baggy with a self-adhering gasket and template to place that gasket on the top of the DVD/USB Assembly.  The adding of that gasket is not required for systems which already have the hard shim installed in the top surface of the disk cage.
If the connector for the DVD Drive on the Disk Backplane is damaged - replace the Disk Backplane with the then current version of the Disk Backplane.
If you continue to experience Read/Write errors or are unable to access the DVD media after performing the above steps, replacing the Power Distribution Board (PDB) should be the next troubleshooting step taken.  The USB/IDE Bridge chip is located on this board [the 1u PDB and the 2u Horizontal PDB.  100% mitigation of the PDB as a root cause from this issue has been in affect since
week of Sep 8, 2008 (i.e: new System Builds with System serial numbers containing 0837 and later).  That is because at that time the manufacturer of the USB/IDE Bridge chip on the Power Distribution Board (PDB) started to screen that chip and further screening at the PDB level was started by Sun WWOPS. It has been estimated, that prior to the start of the screening approximately 1.5% of the PDBs (that's collecively in new system builds and FRU stock) would be cause for this problem.

CommentsThese two issues were fully evaluated and determined not to meet criteria for an FCO due to the relatively low potential for customers to experience either condition.

FAB 1020828.1 supersedes this FAB for the Sun SPARC Enterprise T5120/T5220 and T5140/T5240 platforms.

  BugID: 6637908, 6657162, 6658661, 6691765, 6701944
  Escalation ID: 1-23205382, 1-23075175
  ECO: WO_38555, WO_38468
  GSAP: 4195,
  Radiance ID: 65802463, 65803640

  Reference Manuals:
    820-1852-10 - Sun Fire x4150 Service Manual
    820-2707-10 - Sun Fire x4450 Service Manual

For information about FAB documents, its release processes, implementation strategies and billing information, go to the following URL:

In addition to the above you may email:

Modification History
Modifications made since initial publication.

  • Added Note to the end of the Resolution section.
  • Added X4140, X4240 and X4440 as Affected Systems.
  • Added T5140. T5240, minor change to FAB's title, added error from VTS run, more detail on PDB as yet another cause for this problem and that the Motherboards NOT a cause for this problem per PQMT request, with concurrence from Eng.
  • Chgd screen dates in Resolution Notes section fm June 2008 to week of Sep 8, 2008 per Don Palko.
  • Added GSAP 4409 to References and Root Cause section per Don Palko.
  • Removed T5x20 and T5x40 as affected per new FAB 265589.

Internal Contributor/submitter
Mike.Figueroa@Sun.COM, Don.Palko@Sun.COM, Debra.Dibenedetto@Sun.COM

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer: William.Demeulenaere@Sun.COM
Responsible Manager: Sean.White@Sun.COM

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
Systems Group - SVS (SPARC Volume Systems, Horizontal Systems, includes T2000/Ontario)

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