Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1019211.1
Update Date:2011-05-20

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1019211.1 :   Some Sun SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000 X-options and FRUs may have loose DC to DC converters (DDC).  

Related Items
  • Sun SPARC Enterprise M5000 Server
  • Sun SPARC Enterprise M4000 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Standard>Reactive


Bug Id
<SUNBUG: 6669900>, <SUNBUG: 6684099>

Sun SPARC Enterprise M4000 Server
Sun SPARC Enterprise M5000 Server

Date of Workaround Release

Date of Resolved Release

DC to DC converters may have become loose (see details below)

Affected Xoptions

SEFX61Z      I/O Unit
SELX1A1Z    2 x 2.1GHz CPU Module, RoHS:YL

Affected Part Numbers

541-2240   I/O Unit (IOU)
375-3477   2 x 2.1GHz CPU Module, RoHS:YL
300-2009   IOB 1.2V DC-DC Converter, DDC_A, RoHS:Y
300-2010   IOB 3.3V DC-DC Converter, DDC_B, RoHS:Y


Due to vibration from shipping the DC to DC converters (DDCs) may have become loose or have fallen out.  If power on and boot is attempted with the affected IOU or CPU Module installed the components may be marked as degraded or fail post.

Contributing Factors

This issue can occur in any of the above listed xoptions and part numbers.


The I/O Unit or CPU Module  will not be configured into the system on boot.  FMA Messages similar to these may also be present:

  Jan 21 15:58:50 xscf0-host fmd: SOURCE: sde, REV: 1.15, CSN: BCF075009J
    EVENT-ID: cd0d1e4b-f173-4fc6-9202-7830ed832ad6 Refer to
     for detailed information.

  Mar 20 21:01:34 san-ff2-21-0 fmd: SOURCE: sde, REV: 1.12, CSN: 7860000772
    EVENT-ID: 6fcfbd99-7f5a-4d96-a2a2-aa0d1dc935b3 Refer to
     for detailed information.

Root Cause

The issue was determined to be a design issue where vibration from shipping causes the DDC module to become unseated during transportation.

Corrective Action


On receipt of IOU or CPU Module (FRU or X-Option), check for loose or unseated DDC:

   . If either loose or unseated, raise an Ops Install report to record event.
   . If DDC unseated;
       - Inspect DDC for damage; Reject part if any damage observed.
       - Inspect IOU/CPUM for damage; Reject IOU/CPUM if any damage is
       - No damage found, carefully install DDC into vacant socket.
       - Follow the instructions for I/O Unit DC-DC Converter Replacement
          in chapter 8 of Sun SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000 Servers Service
          Manual (Part Number 819-2210)
   . If DDC loose;
       - Press the DDC until it is fully seated into the socket.

Once inspection and installation is complete, test the system as usual.


The long term fix is a clip to retain the DDC in place.  This resolution is for new IOUs only.  There will be no re-work of older units.  The clip will change the DDC replacement poceedure as described in the Draft section of the Sun SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000 Servers Service Manual available via the link listed in the "how to" section below.

Identification of Affected Part (how to):

The IOU/CPU Module should be examined to see if the DDC has fallen out, or if the DDC is not fully seated.  All DDCs should be inspected prior to installing the FRU or X-Option. 

Relevant images are available on the TSC M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 product issues web page at:

Additional drawing of the IOU are in chapter 8 of Sun SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000 Servers Service Manual (PN 819-2210).


Late breaking news for this issue and all M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 issues are available via the link listed in the "how to" section above.


  Radiance ID:  65794934, 65776801, 65753695, 38031274, 65854794, 70011044, 65863763

Internal Contributor/submitter

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer
Ken.Kambic@Sun.COM Responsible Manager: Raja.Habib@Sun.COM

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
SSG ES (Enterprise Systems)

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
21-Apr-2008: Draft completed and sent to Extended Review.
24-Apr-2008: No feedback from Ext Rvw - sending to Publish.
04-Feb-2009: Chgd fm Workaround to Resolved.
14-Dec-2009: Removed any special characters that might impact migration.
12-Jan-2010: Corrected Product Name to swoRDFish inconsistency.

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