Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1019234.1
Update Date:2010-09-15

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1019234.1 :   KMS 1.X code 1.2.1 required for support of 100GB and 120GB USB drives.  

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  • Oracle Key Manager
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  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Standard>Reactive


Sun StorageTek Crypto Key Management Station 1.0

Date of Resolved Release

KMS 1.X server must be upgraded to 1.2.1 (see details below).


In the event that a customer needs their 100GB USB drive replaced and there are only 120GB drives (p/n 003-4992-01) left, the customer's KMS 1.X server must be upgraded to 1.2.1.  This code is functionally identical to 1.2 code but contains the required scripts to format the 120GB drive as well as the current 100GB.

Once formatted, the two types of drives can be used interchangeably on the system so there is no need to take the old drives out of service.

Contributing Factors

Sun USB drive supplier has End of Lifed (EOLed) the 100GB USB drives used on the KMS 1.X servers.  Sun is running out of inventory and these drives are now on allocation.

The replacement USB drive is 120GB, however the 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2 codes DO NOT have the required script to format this new USB drive.

Corrective Action


No workaround available - see Resolution section below.


Upon replacing 100GB USB drive with 120GB USB drive upgrade code to 1.2.1.

Because this new code is needed to support both of the USB drive types (100GB and 120GB), it is required that the Field proactively encourage their KMS 1.X customers to upgrade their code to 1.2.1.

1.1 upgrade files (procedures and tar files) are located on both the CRC as well as the USR websites (see links below) and can be downloaded by the CSE (CRC or USR) or the customer (CRC).

Note: 1.2 upgrade requires the CSE to order Field Bill 105275 through Sun Service logistics ordering (same as any Tape Storage FRU).  Therefore, customers performing this work will need to contact their CSE.

The KMS 1.X customers will also need to stair-step up to 1.2 to apply the final 1.2.1 code.  For example:

 . If customer is currently at 1.0, they will need to upgrade to 1.1, then 1.2.
   THEN apply the new 1.2.1 code to support either USB drive.

 . If customer is currently at 1.1, they will need to upgrade to 1.2.
   THEN apply the new 1.2.1 code to support either USB drive.

 . If customer is currently at 1.2, they will only need to upgrade to 1.2.1.

Upgrade time estimates:

 .  1.0 to 1.1: 1.5 hours; KMS reboot required

 .  1.1 to 1.2: 5 hours; KMS reboot/s required

 .  1.2 to 1.2.1: 1 hour; KMS reboot required

Note: While these updates are in progress, the tape drives will continue to operate normally unless a drive is power cycled.  Obviously, key changes cannot be made while the KMS is being upgraded.

Tokens must also be upgraded:

The time to upgrade Tokens from 1.x to 1.2 is 0.5 hours per token.

Note: Instructions and files come with Field Bill 105275 (1.2 Upgrade kit) 1.2 Tokens only work with a 1.2 KMS, do not upgrade Tokens until Customer KMS is at 1.2.x.

Total time will depend on the site / number of tokens.

IMPORTANT! The KMS 1.X upgrades are designed to be customer upgradeable.  However, if done incorrectly, it could render the KMS 1.X server inoperable.  That means that the keys would be unavailable and the customer would not be able to restore their data until a new replacement KMS is brought on-line and the key database restored from the existing USB drive backup.  It is VERY IMPORTANT that the directions are followed carefully, and if there are ANY questions the customer should contact Tech Support immediately.  Please contact SUN Global Services at 1-800-525-0369 (North America) or 303-673-4566 (International).

Identification of Affected Parts (how to):

Have the customer perform the following procedure at the KMS Ultra-20 work/station to establish the current software level.

1. Make sure you are using a Java Desktop Session.

  (At the login screen, Select Options->Session->Java Desktop System)

2. Login as <kmsadmin> password:<kmsadmin> (or use the customer defined one).

3. Right click the mouse in the background and open a new terminal window.

4. Run the following command: < show_status >

   You should see something like the following:

     kmsadmin@ kmsadmin show_status

     Version: 1.2.0 ******

     Operating mode: STANDARD

     Peer: NONE

     Database backup storage device: mounted

     GUI service: online

     GUI server: running

     GUI default locale setting: not set

     Communication service: online

     Communication server: running

     PostgreSQL server: running

     Power-up self-test status: passed

     nge0: not present or unconfigured

     e1000g0: address mask ffffff80

     e1000g1: address mask ff000000

The USB drive is attached to the KMS via a dongle cable.

All levels of code and appropriate upgrade documentation is available at...


  USR:  http://dlrequest.sfbay:88/  (Sun internal only)


The 120GB USB drives are being spared in the Field as a FRU (part number 003-4992-01) as of April 30, 2008.


Manuals:  Systems Assurance Guide - Part Number TM0018

Internal Contributor/submitter
Richard.Kim@Sun.COM, Daria.Carter@Sun.COM

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer
Alexander.Stewart@Sun.COM, Johnny.Ray@Sun.COM Responsible Manager: Richard.Kim@Sun.COM

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
NWS (Network Storage)

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
01-May-2008: Completed draft and sent to Extended Review.
05-May-2008: No feedback from Ext Rvw - sending to Publish.
17-Dec-2009: Replaced Product with Swordfish Nomenclature

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